Super Easy Cake Mix Cookies

This is an extremely easy Double Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe that is always a hit. I got it off the back of a cake mix box years ago and I always use it when I am in a time crunch and need a dessert to take!


1 package Chocolate Cake Mix (any brand)
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened (I always use butter)
1 tsp vanilla
2 egg
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix 1/2 of the cake mix (about, don’t measure), butter, vanilla and eggs together until smooth. Then mix in remaining cake mix, chocolate chips and nuts all at once. Then just drop by the rounded teaspoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto a cookie sheet (don’t bother greasing). Bake 10-12 minutes and the centers will still be soft. Cool for a couple of minutes on the sheet and then move them to a wire rack to cool.

Easy Peasy!

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