Over the holidays I received a generous basket of coffee from Smart and Final to celebrate the launch of their new Ambiance coffees!
With the chaos of the Christmas season is was great to have a treat just for me! I got 6 different types: French Roast, Hazelnut, French Vanilla, Kona Style, Gourmet Supreme, House Blend. My personal favorites were the Hazelnut and the French Vanilla! They were very good and are the perfect base for a coffee treat in the morning.
I think my favorite was to have the hazelnut coffee was with creamer and a squirt of peppermint whipped cream. It was so warming and delightful! And don’t judge me;). While it is a very fancy drink, it is still better for you than what you get at Starbucks. Plus it is only a fraction of the price!
While that is all good, how about I get to the giveaway?
1 winner will win a gorgeous basket that is just like the one I received. But there is something even better….that 1 winner will also win a $150 GIFTCARD TO SMART AND FINAL!!!!!! Yes, I am yelling but this is big news! I can get a lot of food for the NerdFamily with $150! I am sure that you are wondering what you have to do to enter this fantabulous giveaway. Well, it is pretty easy. Just make sure that you enter quickly because the giveaway closes February 8, 2011 at Midnight pst.
Mandatory Entry: Now you must do this in order to be entered at all! Just tell me about your favorite coffee moment!
Extra Entries: This is such an awesome giveaway that I am sure you would like more ways to enter. Make sure you leave an extra comment for each entry.
- Like my Facebook page and share this post with your friends! Make sure you share the post!!!
- Subscribe to my RSS feed
- Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway! (“Enter to win an Ambiance Coffee gift pack & $150 gift card from @smartfinal (http://www.nerdfamily.com/2011/01/smart-and-final-ambiance-coffee-giveaway.html) #MyAmbianceMoment Pls RT!”) You can tweet once a day!
- Post about this giveaway and leave the link in your comment!
(I was compensated to run this giveaway but all the opinions are mine!)
Every moment with coffee is a good coffee moment!!!
The first cup of coffee in the morning is the best but if I am enjoying it on a wonderful fall day sitting on a porch looking at the mountains that is perfect. Unfortuantely I live in Florida and that doesn’t happen often.
I like coffee, but I think I enjoy it even more on a cold winter day sitting on the couch with a hot peppermint mocha bundled up with blankets. Oh how relaxing…..just the thought makes me want to do it now!
I posted your giveaway on my blog.
Let’s see, everyday is my favorite coffee moment! I love coffee, drink it every day and drink too much of it. I love latte’s and coffee (no sugar added). I love the way it smells and tastes. I love it hot, I love it cold. What can I say, I am a coffeeaholic!
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I blogged the giveaway. http://reynoldsfoodforthought.blogspot.com/2011/01/its-coffee-giveaway.html
I like your facebook page.
Tweeted the giveaway and I follow you on Twitter.
My favorite coffee moment is the 3pm coffee break. It is the perfect pick me up!
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I tweeted the giveaway on 1/31
(and I follow you on Twitter. My twitter handle is @purplelarkspur)
My 3 year old Micah loves to share a cup of coffee with me. As long as it’s decaf I don’t mind him starting out so young. We will sit at the table in the morning, each of us with a coffee cup and spoon (to Micah the spoon is the most important part) and drink our coffee and talk about whatever comes to mind. It’s our special time together and we both treasure these mornings. He will tell anyone who asks that he likes coffee and he likes his talks with Mommy. I guess in our household, coffee keeps my relationship with my son strong! Coffee and kids…who could ask for more.
Don’t know how to tweet or twitter but I like your facebook page…I also posted you on my facebook page. It’s the best that I could do with my current computer knowledge… :o)
I never thought about it as my favorite coffee moment, but it would be that first cup of fresh brewed coffee in the morning.
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
I’m oping this isn’t a duplicate comment, I didn’t see my comment.
I never thought about my favorite coffee moment but I guess it would have to be that first cup of fresh brewed coffee in the morning
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
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vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
My favorite coffee moment is a great cup of decaf (I’m Bfing) with lots of cream and sugar and a handmade afghan to warm me up. Thanks for the chance!
reporterkc at hotmail DOT com
I also liked you on Facebook. Glad to have found you!
reporterkc at hotmail DOT com
I tweeted on 2/1:
My favorite coffee moment was when I tried a turtle coffee at Caribbo (sp?). It was dessert in a cup! Most of my coffee drinking occur at home because of budget
home at thelucaszoo dot com
following you on twitter – jessie327
My favorite coffee moment is the first delicious cup every single morning – it’s my reward just for getting out of bed. Then I have another cup after that, and a latte in the afternoon. Thanks so much for the chance. I’ll be doing cartwheels if I win this!
Every morning, my first cup of coffee is my favorite coffee moment!
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kcoud33 at gmail dot com
When I wake up in the morning, on the way to whereever I’m going
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Heather Saving
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My favorite coffee moment is on the first crisp Autumn morning, sitting out on my porch swing & watching the sun come up..
I liked your fb page & shared on mine.
I tweeted the giveaway today http://twitter.com/#!/loralarelle
My favorite coffee moment is every morning!! I love waking up to the smell of my coffee brewing, thank goodness for the pre-set option!!
blaskey1186 at yahoo(dot)com
Liked you on facebook (kelly doubleyou) and shared this giveaway on my wall.
blaskey1186 at yahoo(dot)com
My favorite coffee moment is anytime that I can actually brew my coffee and then sit down and enjoy it without having to either run out the door or get on my computer to work. In fact I love sitting with it while just thinking about nothing and just enjoy the taste and scent as I love coffee!!
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Also mmmmm COFFEE!!!
(I don’t know how to link my Facebook share but it’s Danielle Erwin)
My favorite coffee moments are every morning when I have the first sip of the sweet ambrosia that is coffee. SO sweet, so warm.
Like you on facebook: Carolyn Gonzalez
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vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
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[WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.
I start work really early in the morning and I love that quiet hour in the office over a cup of coffee, before everyone else barges in!
my husband makes my coffee for me every morning, and when we have time, brings it to me in bed! a great husband, and a wonderful way to start the day!
like you on fb
Early in the morning, while the house is quiet and everyone is still asleep, is my favorite coffee moment.
Follow you on Twitter and tweeted!
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Favorite moment: Right when I get to work — that first steaming hot cup
Tweet, tweet 2/2/11 http://twitter.com/#!/loralarelle
I don’t know how to add the exact link??
My favorite coffee moment is in the car, alone, with no kids
I like you on facebook now, Amanda Biel
My fave coffee moment is when I share a cup with my toddler in the morning. KIDDING! She thinks she is having the same thing as mommy- but her cup just has warmed milk in it. Mommy has warm milk and COFFEE!!! But its sweet that we sit and share our drinks together:)
I follow your facebook page and I shared your giveaway on my page here: http://www.facebook.com/NerdFamilyFood?v=wall#!/pages/Milk-and-Cuddles/109343952454861
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted this here: http://twitter.com/#!/milkandcuddles/status/32966805743996928
love that first cup of coffee in the morning when the house is still quiet
I tweeted on 2/2:
A favorite moment from yesteryear is when I was staying at my grandma’s and the exquisite smell of the brewing coffee wafted up the stairs into the bedroom. It was a pleasant way to wake up–
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/vlbsweeps/status/33129687219699712
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
Tweeted on Feb. 3!
My favorite coffee moment is in the mornings after I drop my kids off at school when I stop in to get a cup of delicious (old fashioned) coffee from a local little diner. They even let me bring in my own big mug and they fill it up..still only charge me 1.25! (take that Starbucks!)
I like you on Facebook and shared the giveaway too: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=188670491154568&id=1002173928
follow and tweeted! http://twitter.com/happyenchilada2/status/33213144826384384
daily tweet 2-03
After the kids are in bed, the dishes are done, and it becomes ME time — that’s my moment.
1prizewinner at gmail dot com
TWEETED here: http://tinyurl.com/45ou4kh
used tiny url to shorten it,
1prizewinner at gmail dot com
twitter name: 1prizewinner
Tweet, tweet 2/3/11 http://twitter.com/#!/loralarelle
My favorite coffee moment is in the evening when I get home from work, I sit and enjoy the news with my nice warm cup of joe.
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2/4 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/vlbsweeps/status/33489696973799424
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
Tweeted on Friday, Feb. 4!
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I follow you on FaceBook: Craftymom Jen
I tweeted on 2/4:
the best coffee moment is when your chores are done and you put on fuzzy slippers and can relax and savor thr flavor!
tattgiff at centurytel dot net
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tattgiff at centurytel dot net
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tattgiff at centurytel dot net
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vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
I would actually like to win the coffee for my husband, he lies his fresh coffe in the morning and when others come to visit
Tweeted on 2/5!
My favorite coffee moment is Saturday mornings. That is when my husband and I get up early to make a fabulous pot of coffee and then spend the morning relaxing with coffee in bed and chat about the week. We don’t do coffee during the week so this is really a treat. Plus with the buzz of the week with work and all that is our time to enjoy each other.
I tweeted and follow you on Twitter @kellyblackwell
My favorite coffee moment is the first cup in the morning. It starts my day off right.
I like you on Facebook (kelly blackwell) and I shared your giveaway via facebook.
daily tweet
I tweeted on 2/5:
My favorite coffee break is if we stop at the coffee shop (rare!) and my husband watches our children in the shop while I wander the shops nearby.
I liked you facebook, and shared your site and this post!
My favorite coffee moment was stopping by my grandma’s house every afternoon and having coffee with her while we chit-chatted.
I liked your facebook page and shared this post on my wall (Rust Hawk). Thanks!
I subscribed to your RSS feed.
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vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
Hi, Great Giveaway. I would have to say my favorite coffee moment is when I open a fresh package or can of coffee. I love that burst of aroma. I drink a lot of coffee so fortunately I get to experience that moment frequently. On the down side, so does my checkbook. I’d love to win coffee!
Face Book Fan as Laurie Harrison geneveve2@gmail.com
RSS: I get your feeds in my Google Reader
Laurie Harrison/Grandma Sez So
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/phyllis2win/status/34240334053638144
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I really enjoy my cup of coffee in the mornings before my boys get up. I just sit there, relax and drink it. It’s a wonderful start to my day…
First thing in the morning! It’s my quiet moment.
I tweeted on 2/6:
My favorite coffee moment is when my boyfriend makes me coffee on the weekend and we spend the morning relaxing on the couch.
I love pumpkin spice lattes visiting with my mom at Starbucks
I follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway.
My first cup of coffee in the morning all the time!
I like you on FB~Deb S
And shared on my Wall~
Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/rosanovafamily/status/34369519682060288
A bakset to share with all my friends !
tweet http://twitter.com/#!/vlbsweeps/status/34579445775859712
vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
I love my cup of coffee every morning, but my favorite times are while on vacation somewhere that I can sit outside and see a beautiful view while I read a book and drink my coffee.
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On the weekend, I love having a cup of coffee in the morning with my husband when all the kids are playing nicely together…it doesn’t happen often enough.
My favorite coffee moment is that first cup of coffee after both Boyfriend and The Little One are out of the house!
daily tweet
My favorite coffee moment is watching everyone drink it while reading a good book!
I tweeted on 2/7:
2/7/11 posted on twitter http://twitter.com/#!/loralarelle
My favorite coffee moment is actually in the afternoon when both kids are down for their naps. I sip some coffee, sit on the couch and relax with a good book!
I like your fB page and shared the giveaway on my wall! (Katie Brozowsky Walker)
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My favorite coffee moment would be after shoveling my first snowfall after moving to the mountains, coming inside, changing into comfy sweats and curling up on the couch with a crossword puzzle and a cup of coffee. (also done every Sunday morning!)
Liked your Facebook page and shared the giveaway (tina woo)
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vlbsweeps at gmail dot com
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/phyllis2win/status/34952613858377728
My favorite coffee moment is when I met my husband at a coffee shop for the first time almost 4 years ago!
daily tweet
my favorite coffee moment when was our eldest daughter made me a cup of java for the first time
katherine kinnaird likes NerdFamily Food
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