It is Back to School season! Which means that it is time to get great tech at great prices! Back to School is the time to get the best prices on computers for the whole year. These prices tend to be better than even Christmas sales! And if you are going to be shopping you need to explore Ebates who is sponsoring this giveaway!
Ebates is a shopping portal. That means when you want to shop you just go to the store’s website by clicking on the link on the Ebates website! For that you get a % back in cash even if you use coupons! Ebates gives you a bonus gift card or money when you make your first purchase! (Sign up through my link and help a girl out;) But onto the giveaway!
Ebates is sponsoring a 1 day giveaway to celebrate Back to School! That giveaway is a $150 gift card for Staples! It is a great place to get all stocked up for school and the fall! And I have lots of opportunities for you to win!
Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment telling me what your favorite back to school supply is! Pens, Calculators, Folders?
Additional Entries: Make sure that you leave me a separate comment for each thing you do!
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Hmmm, favorite back to school supply? I think maybe those funky composition books my kids always need. I really love the ones with neat designs but they are so expensive!
adhoffmaster at yahoo dot com
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adhoffmaster at yahoo dot com
My favorite school supply is index cards & they’re always on sale at BTS time so I stock up!!
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My favorite back to school item is the big fat chunky pink erasers – we use alot of them : ))
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I love pens! Seriously love to buy new pens.
I was already liking your FB page. Added the other two. Here’s my tweet:!/FoundtheMarbles/status/104120271098744832
There’s something exciting about notebooks that have yet to be written in….(is that pretty nerdy, or what??!!)
momkaboodle at
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I love new composition books & Sharpie pens!!!! I miss school days … for myself, of course
I follow you (@savings_steward) and tweeted! Thanks!!
My favorite back to school supply… a new backpack!
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I <3 crayola markers!! They are the best!
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I’m partial to crayons of all kinds. Love markers too. I’ll be sad when I no longer have to buy elementary school supplies.
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pens (me personally, those glittery, pretty pens.
Not for school though. Lol)
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Backpacks. I love picking out new ones
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my fave school supply is Sharpies in every color!!! and composition books too
I’m a sucker for pens…sharpies especially!
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Crayons. I love a brand new box of unspoiled crayons!
We are glue stick fanatics here!
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Favorite back to school supply is a graphing calculator
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My favorite school supplie are highlighters and post it notes.
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I enjoy the notebooks. There’s just something about opening up a fresh notebook to start writing in. Ahhh….
Sharpies! I love buying new sharpies for our projects.
I like Ebates on FB: Cindy Dyer
I like you on FB: Cindy Dyer
I like Jacqueline Cromwell AKA NerdMom on FB: Cindy Dyer
My favorite is Post-It Notes. I like to collect them in different colors.
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I love a few things but especially a clean narrow margin notebook.
Follow and tweeted!/luckytoddler/status/104198514724184064
My favorite back to school items are pens – gel – in lots of different colors!
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One Day $150 Staples Giveaway!!! via @AddToAny
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My favorite back to school supply is a journal, cause you can write about your experiences and lessons learned
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My favorite back to school supplies are the calendars – I’m an organizational nut and I love the academic calendars.
Great giveaway! Good luck to all the entrants!
Just tweeted this contest!
I am a total pencils geek.
My favourite thing to pick up at Staples at the beginning of each school year, was a new binder! I couldn’t wait to pick out the colour, and to check out how many pockets or inserts could fit inside. Loved my 5 Star binder! The next thing after that, were pencil crayons. Mostly, because I loved to draw. Thanks for running this contest!
Retweeted! Done.!/Sophie_Lee_54/status/104208678516817920
I love picking out new binders and files. It always make me feel like I can keep the organization juices flowing and not only be organized for school, but every where else!
I love notebooks and planners (and so many other things)! Back to school sales make me sooo happy!
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Lisa Thompson
I love shopping for Back to school clothes! Its a supply right? Otherwise – I like shopping for backpacks and crayons/markers…(son’s still in elementary)
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Lisa Thompson
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Lisa Thompson
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I love new pens.
I like the nerd family on facebook.
I like Ebates on facebook.
Pencils!….my son thinks he needs to sharpen…sharpen…sharpen til its a nub!
I also “liked” your FB page!
shared on fb
My favorite back to school supply are pencils. There is something about the smell of pencils that just takes me back.
I like ebates on FB.
I like nerdfamily things.
I like AKA nerdmom.
My favorite back to school supplies are crayons & notebooks.
I like Nerd Family Things on FB.
I like AKA NerdMom
I posted your giveaway on my facebook page.
My favorite back to school supply is a new organizer/calendar
My favorite back to school supply is pens. I have an addiction to them. And yet I can’t ever seem to find one when I need one!
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I now follow on Twitter and retweeted this giveaway including link.
I have posted this giveaway via share on FB from NerdMom FB page.
My favorite school supply is – well I don’t have just one. I like pens, notebooks, etc.
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I shared giveaway on facebook.
It has, and always will be, number two pencils. I love them.
My favorite is colorful pens and folders
I think my favorite back to school item is a lunchbox!
I “like” the Ebates Facebook page. FB name Jan Peoples
I “like” the NerdFamily Things Facabook page. FB name Jan Peoples
I “like” Jacqueline Cromwell aka NerdMom Facebook page. FB name Jan Peoples
I follow you on twitter @disneyfan40 and tweeted!/disneyfan40/status/104244975868452864
I love all the fun markers and sharpies you can get at back to school time!
I “liked” ebates
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I love composition books, especially with gridded graph paper inside!
my fav back to school supply is all kinds of pens
i like ebates on fb as amanda sakovitz
i like you on fb as amanda sakovitz
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i follow you on twitter @aes529 and tweeted!/aes529/status/104251891118120961
i posted this giveaway on fb
my favorite school supplies are markers .
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I always loved getting a new backpack!!!
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stacie gerlach leatherberry
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I posted on this giveaway but not sure how to direct link to it.
The Curriculum!!
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I tweeted about the giveaway!!!
I really like notebooks…and those page markers!!
I am just starting grad school next week! I needed a small backpack that I would be able to use while biking to class. I found a little black (little boys) backpack, but i am very excited about it! I also love picking out notebooks!!
I love spiral notebooks, i have them all over the house and at work
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Backpacks are fun!
I like Ebates on Facebook. (Deanna Cali)
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Good Writing Pens!!!!!!!
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Pens! In all different colors!
I follow you on Twitter, and I Tweeted:!/PurpleLarkspur/status/104337013620215808
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I’m a big file folder fan. Anything to help keep a cluttered desk organized :-).
I like the Ebates facebook page (found out about you from them).
Now I like NerdFamily Things also — pretty cool.
Like your Jacqueline Cromwell aka NerdMom Facebook page
It was so cool that I followed you on twitter, too.
BTW, I tweet @rockin_rabbi — I retweeted your post about the giveaway.
My kids always made a big fuss over notebooks
Tawnda M Like the Ebates Facebook page!
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I am a sucker for post-it notes
Every year our favorite Back to School supply is a new backpack.
My favorite back to school supply is pens. There are so many different ones!
Following you on twitter, liked the Jacqueline Cromwell AKA NerdMom and Nerd Family facebook pages
I love crayons and spiral notebooks!
I Like the Ebates Facebook page!
Do I have to pick one??? I guess it would be paper. Love paper!
backpacks & pens!
Woot!! Staples! Haha. My favorite school supply is a nice fresh new pack of crayons. Or markers. Or pencil crayons. Anything colorful like that floats my boat!
Highlighters! I love making things colorful!
My favorite school supply is ink pens. If a pen doesn’t write a certain way. I TRASH IT!
Also, am trying to gather up as many two pocket folders for a penny a piece as possible for a business I am putting together regarding real estate and mortgages.
my favorite back to school product is notebook!!
Facebook Fan of Ebates!
Facebook fan of NerdTHing Family via Linda Brooks
Facebook Fan of Jacqueline Cromwell AKA NerdMom via Linda Brooks
notebooks and binders
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
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twitter follower & tweeted!/ChelleB36/status/104398460022824960
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Favorite would be fabric 3-ring binder/organizer. Back in my day they were called Trapper Keepers!
Following on Twitter. Twitter handle: @teardrop4emr
My fav back to school supply is all the cute color coded little things, like paper clips, eraser heads, mini high lighters and mini markers lol
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I like your Jackie C. AKA Nerdmom FB page!/SAPsMaMa/status/104427050714144769
tweet and I follow u on twitter as @SApsmama
I love markers and crayons…only Crayola.
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My favorite back to school supplies are color tabs and post-it notes!
I liked the Ebates Facebook page.
My favorite back to school item has always been pens. I NEED to have a gel writer that creates a nice thick line without gapping or the pen acting like it’s out of ink when I can see the ink in it!!!! And a new scientific calculator would really help in my Macroeconomics class.
I liked the ebates FB page.
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