(This is the first installment of NerdPie’s new series: Minecraft Monday!)
Hi! Today I’m going to show you how to change how your look on Minecraft. I know Steve is fine but he gets boring sometimes. Maybe you want to be a superhero or character from a movie. Or you are a girl and want to be a girl on Minecraft. I’m here to tell you all those are possible and more.
The process is complicated to make a custom skin so I’ll show you a different way. This isn’t a custom skin that is just yours but it is still more unique than Steve!
You need to have the skin file you want to put on. Just go to Planet Minecraft. They have thousands of skins to chose from so just click on the download button.
After you pick your skin go to Minecraft and sign in.
You will come to a profile page. Click on the button that says choose file and, to get the file hooked up, just press upload and your set.
Hope this help you get a skin that fits you perfectly.
Great to know 🙂 My daughter is just now venturing into Minecraft and she wanted her character to be a girl.