Christmas Eve Edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling

Carnival of Homeschooling
It may be Christmas Eve but it is still Tuesday and Tuesdays are the Carnival of Homeschooling! I am blessed to be hosting this week and we have a few great blog posts. So lets jump right in!

Time for Learning reminds us that Nutrition is a Worthy Elective. So if you have been thinking about making some life changes this might fit right in!

Jeanine at Why Homeschool found her self a very interesting Homeschool Debate through

To the Moon and Back talks about homeschooling When You’re Pregnant. I so remember those days!!

For the Display of His Splendor talks about why they started homeschooling.

Write Bonnie Rose wrote Creating Copywork 1-2-3 and that can be so timely!

Future.Flying.Saucers talks about the group with all are familiar with… the Homeschooling Gestapo!

Intoxicated on Life gives us 100+ Memory Tools for Homeschoolers! Maybe some of them will work for me too!

Consider me Krysten says Hello Traditional Thanksgiving, Good-bye Traditional School!

The Dyslexic Homeschooler has been making the most out of the season and learning with Measuring Snow Fun!

Healthy Homeschool Family talks about Christmas Memories! Isn’t that what all the dinners and fuss is kind of about?

As Christmas winds up Homemaking with Heart blogs about Methods, Goals and Structure for Planning Your Homeschool Year.


And that brings this week’s Carnival of Homeschooling! Next week will be hosted by Our Curious Home. Make sure you submit your pieces and here are all the details on how! Make sure to check out all these great articles and make sure to comment!!!

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