I recently received a copy of the brand new VeggieTales movie, Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah’s Umbrella! We loved it! Now, we here in the NerdFamily are huge VeggieTale fans to begin with. So we all snuggled in and watched it together. It was a huge hit!
This Minnesota Cuke story was great! It hit on so many issues that speak to all my children, regardless of their ages. It hit on the issue of not paying attention, friendship, and confidence. Even the Silly Song, Sippy Cup, spoke to the issue of spilling (we still have one in a sippy cup) and the whole family thought it was hilarious!
I would highly recommend this to anyone! It would make a great gift and a fun family night. So pop over to Big Idea and get this! They are even running a special right now!
This post was written for Family Review Network as part of a program for Big Idea, who supplied the DVD for review.