I wanted to share some of my 4th of July pictures that I took with my Samsung Galaxy S4 that I received from Verizon!! These are totally untouched so please excuse the lack of cropping!
Will I ever fall out of love with the site of fireworks in the dark? Even with the smoke they are still gorgeous!
Seriously, this is just the S4 camera with the flash off. That is it!!! These are the best pictures of our yearly fireworks that I have gotten yet! I usually take my point and shoot out and might get 1 that is even worth editing.
The shutter speed was pretty fabulous! The one bad thing… I was getting such great pictures I kept getting closer and closer like my camera was going to protect me;). Seriously, we had a ball on the 4th and I am stoked that I got some fab pictures!!!
Thanks again to Verizon for the Samsung Galaxy S4!!! I am loving it! But while they gave me the phone all thoughts and words are mine and mine alone!!!
Great pics from your Galaxy, I’m surprised that they aren’t dark. Usually camera phones take really bad pictures at night!
Ooo… now I totally want that phone! I’m actually shopping for a new phone this weekend! I’m sold!
Those came out great! Especially for a phone camera!
For pictures being taken on a phone they sure look great. I should probably use my iPhone more for pictures.
Awesome pics! Your Galaxy phone must have really great camera.