
It is time for the Ultimate Blog Party!!! So for all of you who are new here: Welcome!! I am so glad to see you all here!

A little about NerdFamily Things: NerdFamily Things is a blog that just talks about all the things that makes the NerdFamily go ’round! I have 2 features: Frugal Homeschooler and Tech Tuesday. I also get to host the occasional giveaway! So if you are interested in having me review your product or having me host a giveaway, please email me at!

And a little about me! I am just a nerdy mom who has many weird a diverse interests! I stay busy homeschooling my 4 kids and writing my 3 blogs! My life philosophy is that I feel that anyone can do anything they want to learn to do. I enjoy sharing my opinions and equipping other do things like save money, school their children and cook!

Thanks for dropping by my party! Please subscribe to my rss and make sure you come back!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

5 thoughts on “Party!!!”

  1. I’m Here from the UBP11 Party! I’m adding you to my blog

    roll2 page.
    Thanks for the chance at a prize pack I’m having a party

    too. Let’s swap buttons sometime.
    barb g.

  2. We LOVE your blog! we are Thrilled to say we are your newest followers and {blog} friends! my sister and I just created a blog and would LOVE for you to come take a peek and let us know what you think. Don’t forget to follow us and become our newest {blog} friends as well;) (family blog)

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