Twitter Party Tuesday: The Premiere Edition

Welcome to Twitter Party Tuesday!!! I love a good Twitter party but sometimes it is hard to find them! So I have decided to start a link up!!! So all of you who are hosting a Twitter party or just know where to find one please leave a link to the party page!!

Every week I will also highlight a Twitter party that I have heard about through the grapevine or have had emailed to me at (hint, hint).

This week’s featured party is found over at!

Check My Ride, along with Mom Spark Media, will be hosting an online Twitter party Thursday, June 9 from 8-9 pm EST.  We will be discussing summer road trips and how can help document those fun memories!  Of course, a party isn’t a party without great prizes, so there will be plenty of prize packs up for grabs, including a $100 gas gift card.

So now is the time to add your Twitter parties! See you on Twitter!!!

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