Summer Reading Programs

photoSome studies say that kids lose months worth of reading ability over the summer by not engaging their reading skills. But such a loss is not a foregone conclusion. All that needs to be done to avoid reading ability loss over the summer is some light reading! Luckily there are summer reading programs that help engage children to read!! And gives them something to do!!!

Barnes & Noble:
Read 8 books to get a free one! That is right, read any 8 books and you will earn 1 free book. They have specific choices for the kids to choose from based on grade level. This is for 1st through 6th graders and runs until September. And while you are there make sure you sign up for their kids club. Not will that get you the standard coupons, it will also get you special incentives for the children’s birthdays.

Berean Christian Store:
Berean’s has a 2 pronged reading program going on in June & July. You can read 8 books or read your Bible for 15 minutes a day for 40 days in a row. Each set (books or Bible) can earn them a $5 gift card and they can do both to earn 2 gift cards! This is open to ages 5-13 years old.

They also have a story time every week on Fridays at 10:30am for a Kindergarten and younger children!

Petunia’s Place:
2013 Kids Summer Book Clubs with Emma will meet on July 2, 9, 16, and 23. You can get the books there at the first meeting:
Ages 9 – 11; Meets from 10:30 am – 11:15 am
Milo & Jazz Mystery: The Case of The Stinky Socks by Lewis B. Montgomery.
Ages 6 – 8; Meets from 11:30 am – 12:15 pm
The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester.

Clovis Book Barn:
The Clovis Book Barn is bringing in Mother Goose every Tuesday for a story time. It is from 10am to 10:45am. There will be other summer reading activities for kids with them but they are still working on the details so you need to keep an eye on their Facebook page. I have heard rumors of a treasure hunt for middle readers and more!

Fresno County Library:
The library is once again going to have a fabulous summer reading program but the details aren’t out yet. They are going to have a big summer reading kick off on Saturday June 15, 2013 out at San Joaquin River Parkway. There will be all kinds of activities, performers and fun. But if you can’t make that, you can check out their website or pop into the library to get all the details after the 15th.

So what are you still doing here? Get your kids reading!!!


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