Heart of the Matter has asked how we schedule. I have a confession, I don’t do any firm scheduling but I have zones of schooling. But that is the beauty of homeschooling, you can form it to whatever works for you. So what do I actually do? Every season is different but lets work through this last academic year. We can’t just look at school schedules without looking at life a little broader.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: We do book work from about 11-12. Then we read together from 12:30-1, finish book work or do projects from 4:30-5:30.
Tuesday: NerdBug has choir in the morning and we are all at church until lunch. Book work about 4:30-5:30.
Thursday: NerdBug goes to the homeschooling room and does some book work and plays games from 9-11am. Then he finishes us book work from 4:30-5:30.
Friday: Sometimes we skip all real school to go play at the park or go do something fun.
So that is all I do! I keep it really laid back and try to just bring learning into life! What do you do?