Carnival of Homeschooling

Welcome to the Nerd Family House, why don’t you come on in to see the great carnival we have going on inside.

Why don’t we stop by the playroom so the kids who are done with their work can play. While we are here, let’s check out Guilt Free Homeschooling and their post, Preschoolers’ Educational School-Time Activities. If you are frustrated with keeping a preschooler occupied while you work with your older students, this list of activities is just what you need! These are simple activities that will teach valuable skills to your preschoolers, while keeping them engaged in their own FUN school-time projects using many materials you may already have available.

Here is the table where the kids are doing their seat work. Speaking of seat work and classes. The Daily Planet talks about Miss Amanda’s new Spanish class in Homeschool Memoirs: Something New! Learning at His feet has a great post on Instructions in Teaching Drawing. I know here at the Nerdfamily I can totally use this because I can’t draw a straight line much less anything else;). Laura Frantz gives us The Two Shall Meet: An Unschooler Charlotte Mason Narration.

No Fighting, No Biting! shows us how homeschoolers can learn science in the country in Real Life Biology 101. A Ten O’Clock shares lesson plans to accompany Classical Conversations Science memory work for Cycle 3.

Countdown to College shares about the National History Day projects in Making History (and BTW colleges and scholarship committees love these kind of things). Then over at Ms. Julie’s Place, she has 2 posts that outline a simple science experiment/demonstration that can become the center of a unit study encompassing science concepts with biology, physics, and ecology, literature, math, theology, and more in An Eggs-traordinary Experiement Part I and Part II.

Greg Laden’s Blog talks about a pre-algebra book in X+Y= WHAT??? SmallWorld offer us On the Trail with Lewis and Clark. She offers a review of the resources they used during their study of Lewis and Clark. Successful Homeschooling gives us Homeschool Physical Education. Mrs. Happy Housewife writes Carolus Linnaeus and Taxonomy in which she shares her taxonomy puzzle. Happy to be at Home offers us help in Teaching “d” and “b” differentiation including downloads!

Come sit down for a moment and have a cup of coffee. We can talk about the joys and challenges of our journey (and that includes the political side) and get a little support. Delighting in His Richness has a great post of encouragement, The Wheat Seed. It really can put life in perspective.

The Thinking Mother struggles with different ways to make a ‘to do’ list of homeschooling assignments for her children in Torn About Homeschool Scheduling. Welcome to My Brain offers what they do in Our School Day. Then Ordinary Time offers us The Art of the Schedule.

Tomorrow is Another Day offers her initial thoughts of homeschooling high school as she starts week 3 in her son’s high school career in High School- So Far, So Good. The Family Revised has a great piece on The Expanse of Goals. She reminds us of the fact we are looking at the whole child and what all that entails. Simple Pleasures share her First Day of School. Cage Free Monkeys tells us about their Rainy Days.

Missy ponders the reasons of her decision to homeschool in Life Without School’s offering that Sometimes It’s Just a Shirt. Save Money Homeschooling reminds us that Homeschooling Has So Many Options. Practical Homeschooling offers us another installment of 101 Reasons to Homeschool Series with #5 Youthful Optomism. Barbara Frank Online talks about homeschooling freedom in The School Buses are Out Again.

A Family Runs Through It offers on man’s Unfinished Opinion on homeschooling. Beverly’s Homeschooling Blog asks, “Does your family support homeschooling?“. She talks about how well meaning family members often share their concerns with us when they hear about our homeschooling and sometimes it’s hard to know what to say. Bending the Twigs tells us to submit your comments in the debate about the merits of homeschooling between the Homeschool Association of California and the California Teachers’ Association in And In This Corner. Alasandra’s Homeschool Blog Awards is discussing how Scholastic Blames Homeschoolers for Measles Outbreak.

Principled Discovery has a hilarious piece with What’s the matter with kids today? Learning at Home will give you a chuckle with her New Get Rich Quick Scheme. We have the kids at home all day, we might as well make a buck or two;). Life Nurturing Education gives us a quirky look at You Know You’re a Homeschooler When….

Did you see my new piano (well new to me;)? Well, that is another story. But music is a great thing! But alas, I have no talent. Or do I? Thomas West Music has a great piece called Pitch Development: Exercising Your “Inner Ear”. West says, “”I can’t carry a tune in a bucket” is a common expression of those who consider themselves unmusical. Having a “tin ear” is another common description. It is certainly true that individuals possess varying levels of aptitude in regards to their musical intelligence, however, just like mathematic or linguistic intelligence, every person can take their aptitude level as a starting point and work to build stronger skills in that area.” So maybe there is hope for me yet!

Let us go check out the group on the couches. They are handing out much needed advice on children and teaching. Henry, at Why Homeschool, reminds us that it is important to teach our children correct principles from the start in “Why is it so important to teach, correctly, the first time“. Because if they accept a wrong idea, it can be very hard to unlearn it. Then Concerning Kids has an enlightening piece on Child Obesity.

Chrysalis offers up an insightful Family Life: Secrets of Raising Girls. I have 2 girls and I need this kind of information! Sharp Brain offers a piece on brain health and cognitive fitness in Your Brain at Work. OLIN e-Book e-Publishing Blog offers us the first chapter of an e-book that asks the question, “Just What Does ‘Christ First’ Mean with Homeschooling?“.

Janice Campbell offers an academically-oriented four-year high school plan, with an emphasis on looking forward and preparing for life after high school. The plan is suitable for use whether or not your student plans to go to college.

Stop the Ride! is offering some great Free Educational Downloads. While The Sojourner offers her Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum for Free by download.

I am closing out with a contest from Mom is Teaching, but enter quickly because the deadline is Wednesday.

Thank you for coming by our “home”. I hope you have enjoyed yourself, maybe even enough to participate next time. To find out all about that you can go to Why Homeschool to get all the details on how to participate. Next week we will all get together for move carnival fun at A Pondering Heart on Tuesday September 23rd.

Now go and read all these wonderful posts. Also be gracious to all the many article writers and let them know how much they are appreciated by commenting!

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