My life is crazy right now. I just had a crazy surgical procedure to kill some blood veins and I am having issues (I am fine just hurting and bleeding a little) but that makes for a difficult time. Most of that difficulty is the fact that I am a homeschooling mother of 4 kids all under 8 years old. The reason I mention homeschooling is that they are always home;). So now you are wondering where I am seeing God’s Fingerprint since all I am doing is complaining, right?
Well, I don’t just see God’s Fingerprints right now but also His grace and spirit through my husband. Not only did he take me to this procedure at Stanford (3 hours away), he also was willing to pay for a hotel both the night before and the night of so I didn’t have to travel right after. But all that was the easy part because then we came home;). Due to my procedure I can’t stay on my feet very long without being in quite a bit of pain. So that means I am not a lot of help around the house. He has stepped in and takes care of everyone including me, the kids and the house. He has cooked every meal, washed laundry, chased kids, done dishes and even takes care of my wounds. He even has paid for childcare 2 morings this week. Did I mention that this is only 1 of a series? His care and spirit through it all has made me love and admire him even more.
But he is getting annoyed. There is 1 issue in particular that is driving him a bit nuts. He feels that I don’t take care of myself enough. I try to do more than I should and ignore all the pain clues and common sense I should have. All I need to do is keep an eye on the kids during the few times I am alone with them and not try to get “things” done. He said that he takes better care of me that I do. It hit me today how much that in and of itself represents God’s attitude toward us. NerdDad just wants me to accept the gift of care that he is giving me and to believe that he means it. He tells me to rest and not worry about the house but I find it hard to accept. It overwhelms me that he can care for me so deeply to the point that the rest falls away to him. I am truly blessed.
That is how God cares for us. We have been offered salvation and all we have to do is accept it. Salvation that will take care of our every eternal need. We can’t earn it, we can’t deserve it. The Father offered it to us soley based upon the fact that He loves us and wants to care for us. We just have to accept and let Him!
(This is part of Fingerprint Friday)