It is once again time for the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5Minutes for Mom! So to all of you who are dropping by from the party Welcome! I appreciate you checking out The NerdFamily Blog!
So what is this crazy blog all about? Everything that goes through my crazy little brain;). I like to write about anything from politics, religion to the just plain nerdy.
And a little about me. I am just a nerdy mom who has many weird a diverse interests! I stay busy homeschooling my 4 kids and writing my 4 blogs! My life philosophy is that I feel that anyone can do anything they want to learn to do. I enjoy sharing my opinions and equipping other do things like save money, school their children and cook!
Thanks for dropping by to check us out! Make sure to subscribe to our rss while you are here! I would also love to see you around Twitter!
Stopping by from UBP 2011. My name is Juliana and I hope you return my visit to my Personal blog or Shopping blog. Nice to meet you and see you around.
From one “nerd” to another, Happy UBP hopping!
My blog is all about my favourite apps, although mostly Apple ones, I do have a few that are on Android as well.
Hello from UBP 2011!! I’m also rather nerdy and have enjoyed reading your blog! Please stop by if you have a chance.
Stopping by from UBP 11. I’m a first time and loving all the great blogs I’m finding. I’m a pretty big nerds as is my fiance. Check out our blog about getting married, living on a budget, and being HUGE nerds!
Visiting from UBP11! Nice to meet you!!
I am still Blog Hopping from the Ultimate Blog Party for 2011 and hope that one of my blogs interests you too! I also do a weekend hop open Thursday 10pm-Sunday 11:59 PM EST please come link up your blog, FB and Twitter! weekend hop here!
Have a great day!