I was just sitting here. I was just sitting here, chilling in the morning before my kids got up. I was cleaning my email box and watching a Dr. Phil. I was listening to Ed Begley Jr. talking about the environment, a couple fighting over about how much money they spend on lunch and Starbucks. And then I found this….
And began crying like a baby. This stirs up so many issues for me, for every woman and for everyone. What woman in our cushy American world doesn’t have self-worth issues? But can you even imagine. Being owned and abused?
It also stirs up a lot of feeling about these young film makers. Seeing young people take action always touches my heart but especially film makers. That may be because I have some in my life and I understand what they would be giving up to do a project like this. It may also be because it is wonderful to see the media being used in such a powerful way.
So are you going to help Rescue the Girl?
(HT: We Are That Family)
wow! really powerful. Can’t wait to see the whole film. Forwarding this to folks in my congregation who are very passionate about stopping sex trafficking. San Diego is also a major port for this.