Ok, this may seem like a weird Tackle it Tuesday post but we all have our challenges. This was my first year hosting a table for my church’s annual bou”tea”que and was a bit nervous. The hostess is responsible to bring in dishes, decorate the tables and do favors for the people who sit at our table. I was kind of intimidated because so many women come in and set not only beautiful tables but super fancy ones! But I have to say, I think my table turned out pretty cute!
I was really proud of my favors. I found these cute little plastic jars at the Dollar Tree. They look like little sugar bowls but air tight. Then I just filled them with various tea bags, dropped them into cellophane bags and closed them with silver twist ties!
So while it seems like a silly tackle it still took planning, execution and there was a lot of anxiety getting it done;).
That looks fabulous to me! You did great! Happy Tacklin’ Tuesday!
Here is my tackle: http://ow.ly/3alKM
That looks great!!