Angelos: A Book Review

I admit it, I have always loved fantasy books but I struggle with them not being written for an intelligent audience. While entertaining, standard fantasy books don’t challenge you to think. Well, Robina Williams has changed all that with Angelos published by Paladin Timeless Books, an imprint of Twilight Times Books.

In this book you follow the adventures of a time traveling cat and his recently deceased friend. Williams beautifully ties together life in a priestly order with mythology and even early church history. Williams utilizes her M.Phil in Literature by taking a new look at the old Greek myths. Seeing the Minotaur as a vegetarian who eats Athenians out of a sense of duty to King Minos puts a whole new spin on how you can see any part of mythology. What did these myths look like when they were merely historical stories, before the grandeur and hype?

This book was written in an easy going manner and language. It would be great for teens all the way to adults. If you had studied mythology it would help but not at all is it needed. Williams has a great index in the back that can orient you to the cast of characters. If you are not familiar with the mythological character in the book, it will inspire you to read the original myths (a great inspiration for a homeschool unit study!!). I am giving this book a 4, and not a 5, out of 5 for 1 reason only. This is a follow up book to Jerome and the Seraph and, since I hadn’t read it, it took a little (about 40 pages) to really get into the story. Even though it took 40 pages it was worth it. I am now going to go find Jerome and the Seraph at Amazon! I am sure if read in the proper order, Angelos would be a 5 out of 5.

Just a note: I am an avid reader and homeschooling mother and am a reviewing this book for Active Christian Media. I received no payment for this review but I was given a copy of this book as a gift.

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