Good nerdy knowledge to have. One actually surprised me.
HT DrikoLand
Update: Fixed broken link
Union thugs right here in Fresno, CA:
I’m not usually surprised by the gratuitous sex and violence I see on TV. Ads for The Cougar during Green Acres, chat lines during Star Trek, and ED pills on almost anything are amoung those I have to vigilanly skip if I want to watch TV with my kids. But how can I explain this to my kids:
HT TV Squad
NerdMom and I have head this song performed a few times lately (on Glee, the Tony awards show, and I think Don’t Forget the Lyrics) and the quality has varied from “OK” to “Why?”. Especially confusing is why it’s now considered a duet. If you had Karen Carpenter and Joe Cocker on their best days, you still couldn’t compete with Steve Perry singing a Journey power ballad. But that won’t stop anyone, as the good folks at College Humor demonstrate.
Its top speed and altitude still hold world records. Its fuel (which it also uses as a coolant and as hydraulic fluid) is so slippery that it leaks while it’s on the ground. Built to spy on the Soviet Union, out of titanium bought from the Soviet Union.
SR-71, built by Kelly Johnson‘s Skunk Works team some 43 years ago.
and a guy without any powers, who takes an injection so that he can get powers, but it might kill him. It describes a marine in last week’s Heroes, and a major character from The 4400. Both of which were played by the same actor, Chad Faust. Can you get typecast as the guy who wants superpowers?
After you watched the above and have recited your favorite lines in your head, you can look here to see the release date of the original movie. Now that you’re feeling all old and depressed, watch the trailer again and you’ll be even more excited than you were before you saw the second movie.
Wikipedia: Rickrolling