Category Archives: Compensated

Life as We Know It Review

Earlier this week NerdDad and I had a little at home date night! We fed the kids an easy dinner of Kid Cuisine and stopped by the Redbox to pick up a light romantic comedy.

Life as We Know It’s commercials looked really cute and funny. The set up was that 2 single people who had mutual friends (but weren’t friends themselves) inherited said friends’ baby to raise together. With our 4 kids, we can always relate to baby comedy and enjoy it greatly!

Overall we thought this was a cute, good movie. As usual, there were high points and low points of this movie. Let’s look at the good first. It was a cute movie with a very cute baby!  The interactions where actually new, unique and funny. For example, that baby had food issues as do most of them. Baby food is gross and you never know which a kid will like. So Josh Duhamel goes baby food shopping. He was opening jars and letting the baby smell them. If she liked them, he put it in the cart and other wise it went back on the shelf. Of course that makes any parent laugh. What shocked me was when NerdDad exclaimed, “That is the smartest man I have ever met!”

We all have to be honest. This isn’t truly an original story and I think that was a down side overall to the movie. So while you felt good when the movie was over, you felt you have experienced it before. You definitely know where the story line before the writers reveal it. So if you are looking for innovative, it may not be for you.

Overall it was was a really sweet and funny romantic comedy! If you are looking for a relaxed and fun movie pick Life as We Know It!

This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. But while the subject was picked by compensation, the opinions are all mine!