Category Archives: Crafting

Magic Marker Monday: Custom Art

Aren’t these great? My 3 older children (8, 6, 4) did these while I was out of town last week. My friend Bethany is a preschool teacher and has no fear of messy crafts. She went and got canvases and let them loose. I am so impressed with how great they turned out! I am thinking about putting them up in the playroom. So the breakdown by artist..Far left is NerdPie (6), middle is NerdBug (8) and far right is Nerdling (almost 4).

Go check out other masterpieces!

Making Cute Clips and a Giveaway!

Cute clips eh? You wouldn’t believe how easy and inexpensive they are to make.


Alligator Hair Clips (you get them at a beauty supply place, you can get 60 for less than $5)

Ribbon ( I got the red ribbon 75% off $1.99 and the striped as part of a 3 pack for 50 cents)

Fray Check

Glue Gun

Binder Clip (unseen)

Cut a length of ribbon and apply Fray Check. Then place the Alligator Clip on the binder clip (this prevents the clip from glueing shut). Then place hot glue on first section of ribbon that goes on the top inside and press down. Then put hot glue on the clip itself and press the ribbon all along the clip. Tada! You are done!

Now for the giveaway…As part of Bloggy Giveaway’s Carnival I am giving away these 2 sets of clips! All you have to do is comment.

Make sure that you have your email in your profile or include your email in the comment so I can contact you if you win! Comments will be closed Saturday, 11/1, at 6 pm and I will email the winner. You will have 3 days to contact me.