Category Archives: Daybook

For Today (11/23) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window it is still a little grey.
I am thinking about the gift and challenge of homeschooling.
I am thankful for the healing we seem to be having from the stomach bug.
From the learning rooms we will be taking it easy. Just Thanksgiving books and fun!
From the kitchen I am planning on making a chocolate pecan pie for Thanksgiving, as per NerdBug’s request.
I am wearing sweats and a tee. How I love comfy clothes!
I am working on a report for my MOPS steering team meeting and some giveaways that are coming.
I am going to my Mother-in-Law’s for Thanksgiving!
I am reading (well hoping to) all the holiday magazines I have: Real Simple and Woman’s Day.
I am hoping to have fun and get bargains at Black Friday!
I am hearing Christmas music.
Around the house I need to disinfect the bathrooms and change all the sheets now that the puking has slowed.
One of my favorite things is the Christmas Season!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing is last year’s tree.

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (11/16) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window the son is shining brightly.
I am thinking of how I need to make my Christmas to do list!
I am thankful for the cuddliness of my kids!
From the learning rooms: We are starting the week off with our KinderBach, then Bible Study and Math. I hope to do some Thanksgiving projects with the kids too!
From the kitchen I am going to make burritos for the freezer out of homemade refried beans.
I am wearing comfy sweats.
I am creating a fun Christmas gift for the NerdPie!
I am going to run a few errands with the kids and get my free wipes at Target.
I am hoping to get stuff done!
I am hearing my dear husband getting the kids up.
One of my favorite things is Christmas music.
A few plans for the rest of the week: get the MOPS newsletter out, modify my blog design, clean the house up a bit!
(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (11/9) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window I see my neighbor’s citrus tree’s (maybe grapefruit) fruit over my fence. Maybe it will ripen soon;).
I am thinking of how to organize my week and enjoy it at the same time!
I am thankful for my husband and my children for the joy they bring to my life.
From the learning rooms we are doing our Kinderbach this morning and hopefully a fun history project this week!
From the kitchen I have beer bread in the oven and will make chocolate chip cookies in a little bit!
I am wearing sweats and a short sleeve shirt (yes I’m grungy and frumpy today, even for me)
I am creating my holiday gift and to do lists this week.
I am going no where today!!!
I am hearing The Cheftians and I am so pulling out the Christmas music this week.
Around the house I need to clean up so I can have some of my friends over this Friday!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Craft night over here Friday and the tea on Saturday!

(For more Daybooks go check out The Simple Woman’s Daybook)

For Today (11/2) from NerdMom’s Daybook

Outside my window the sun is shining brightly.
I am thinking of the approaching holidays and all I really need to do for them.
I am thankful for the wonderful weather and my great family.
From the learning rooms we are doing some Kinderbach, math and Bible Study
From the kitchen I am hoping to get a few loaves of banana bread made.
I am wearing capris and a 3/4 sleeve knit top.
I am creating hopefully some birthday cards.
I am going no where today!!!
I am hoping that I start feeling better today.
I am hearing the Waiting’s Wonderfully Made and Zoe Girl;s Good Girl in a mixed CD
Around the house I need to clean my laptop table!
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPS tomorrow and Bible Study this week.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing

For more Daybooks go over to the Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today 6/1

Outside my window… The sun is shining brightly and summer is in full effect.

I am thinking… that my body is a traitor;). I want the lump in the roof of my mouth to go away and my injection site to quit bleeding.

From the learning rooms… We are hitting clocks with NerdPie and multiplying by 10’s and 100’s for NerdBug. I also hope to start How to Study Your Bible for Kids (Discover 4 Yourself® Inductive Bible Studies for Kids)this week.

I am thankful for… My wonderful husband who takes wonderful care of me and the kids.

From the kitchen… NerdDad is making pan chocolate chip cookies and taco baked potatoes tonight!

I am wearing… a pink t-shirt and blue shorts

I am reading… New World Kids: The Parents’ Guide to Creative Thinking for a book review

I am hoping… my oldest quits fighting the homework.

I am praying… to start feeling better and get things done!

Around the house… I have copious amounts of laundry and I need to clean my loft.

One of my favorite things… dark chocolate.

A few plans for the rest of the week… I have a MOPs girl’s morning and lunch with NerdDad and some friends!

Go read some more DayBooks!

For Today (5/11/9)…

Outside my window the sun is shining brightly.
I am thinking of my many chores and errands.
I am thankful for the fact there are no fevers today (yet;).
From the learning rooms we have math)
From the kitchen we are doing a crockpot roast and bulk chicken kiev.
I am wearing a pink t-shirt and tan capris.
I am creating this week some cute bows to go with the girls’ new clothes.
I am going to Sanger Super Walmart!
I am reading The SideYard Superhereo and the Dark Knight comic book.
I am hoping to get a lot done this week.
I am hearing my kids laughing and eating breakfast.
Around the house I gotta clean!
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPs Girls’ Night tonight!

Go check out some more daybooks at The Simple Woman’s Daybook!

For Today (4/27/9)

Outside my window the sun is shining.
I am thinking of all the blogging I need to catch up on.
I am thankful for being home again.
From the learning rooms, it is time to start something new but I don’t know what yet!
From the kitchen I am going to cook copious amounts of bacon and some beer bread.
I am wearing capris and a t-shirt.
I am going grocery shopping with the kiddos.
I am reading Side Yard Superhero.
I am hoping to have a great week and get back into Stanford soon.
Around the house there is laundry and lots to clean.
One of my favorite things chocolate!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Women’s Ministry meeting and the kids’ Choir concert.
Here is picture thought I am sharing…see the little red spot? That is where they went in to look at my veins. Not bad, eh?
Go read some more Women’s Daybooks!

For Today (4/6/9)…

I decided to get in on the fun over at The Simple Woman’s Daybook. So here I go!
Outside my window… The sun is shining as we are really in spring (81 today)!
I am thinking… unfortunately of all I have to do.
I am thankful for… For my husband and kids.
From the learning rooms…I need to request books for my little readers.
From the kitchen… Bacon for freezing, roast for dinner
I am wearing… capris and a t-shirt
I am going… possibly to Stanford (if they can ever call me back) for an appointment
I am reading… The CHEA magazine
I am hearing… NerdPie giggling in the kitchen while Nerdling and NerdPud bicker as only 3 and 1 year olds can.
Around the house…I have a ton of ironing.
One of my favorite things… is a warm mocha.
A few plans for the rest of the week: MOPs, maybe a playdate with church friends who have spring break, and craft night at my house!

So what do you think?