Category Archives: Geeky

Geeky Links 2/11

It is time for a little geek in our lives. There is even some Valentine’s geek for y’all!

Is anyone interested in keyboard pants? They are kind of crazy but oh so convenient;).

Geek Sugar has 10 Geek couples from the large and small screen. Did your favorite make the cut?

Geek Sugar  also has some geeky Valentine’s Day desserts.

Scientific American has a very interesting piece on Neuronal Transplants to treat obesity.

Geeky Links 2/4

Ok, I am so looking forward to the Avengers coming out. But instead of kicking off this week with the trailer we have all seen many times I thought I would post an awesome Swede that was done by a local group here in Fresno!

Gizmodo has a first look at the Lego Lord of the Rings minifigures! They are so cool!!!

BitRebels has a super awesome Star Trek Enterprise inspired coffee table. It is awesome!

The Independent has some awesome do at home science experiments that we are going to have to do!

Geeky Links 1/28: We’re Back!

So I taken a break for a while I realize that I miss geeky links. I just see to many cool things through the week. So I am back;)!

I just think that this is cool!

Ok, I saw this tweet by Alan Tudyk and now I am so in for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I think this could be awesome!

Imgur had a series of pictures on the Indiana Jones Engagement Ring! I guess he gave her a bag of sand at first and then later gave her the ring. It is so cool!

Ok, so who wouldn’t want a little Isaac Asimov graffiti? We need this in the Fresno Mural District;).

So have you seen some great geek stuff you want to share? Please let me know in comments!!!

Geeky Links 12/17

I hope that everyone is enjoying the chaos and fun of the Christmas and Hanukkah season!!! But in the midst of the crazy we can’t forget to get our geek on;).

Could it possibly be true? Could Netflix really be contemplating the revival of the Firefly series? That would be an awesome Christmas gift for me!!! Though I will point out that it wouldn’t include a few of my favorite characters since Joss Whedon killed them off (yes, I am still morning Wash;).

ComicBookResources has a list of the top 100 characters in the DC and Marvel Universes. I can’t say that I agree with all the order but it is interesting.

Over on The Mary Sue they are talking Doctor Who! Apparently the Ponds will be moving on and there will be a new friend!

Geeky Links 12/3

Happy December! I hope that your month is starting off with some great holiday fun! In that vein here is the Sith That Stole Christmas!

My review of the Disney Universe game is up over on The Married Gamers! It is my first post over there and we loved the game. It is a great family game.

Attention Deficit Delirium has some videos with Carrie Fisher and William Shatner and their battle of the “Star”.

Wired Science has equations that true geeks love. Just as an aside, I didn’t have the equations memorized but I was familiar with most of them;).

Geeky Links 11/26

So did you survive Thanksgiving? How about Black Friday? I am still recovering from both!!! But lets get into the geek!

Layer 8 has a super interesting piece about Raytheon getting a huge Federal contract to develop “serious” games that develop ethics. Don’t enjoy them! They are serious;).

Emerald City Comicon has announced that Summer Glau will be there! Anyone been to this one? I hear good things!!!

Geeky Links 11/19

So Rocket Hub is a place to crowd source funding for science. I think that this is a great idea! Kickstarter has worked well for the arts! It has worked for our local music festival! What do you think? Is this a plausible method to get stuff done?


 Epicenter has a very interesting piece on farm droids. Could this help deal with our migrant farm issues?


GeekWire has an interesting piece Microsoft software would detect, score and report obnoxious workplace habits. I don’t even know what to think about that.