Category Archives: Geeky

Geeky Links 11/12

This week’s Geeky Links are pretty light! I am sick and it has been a long week;).


Who doesn’t love a little AC/DC with their Star Wars?

Marvel and parent company Disney are doing a little cross promotion of the Prep and Landing Elves with the Marvel Superheroes! Very interesting. What do you think? Is it sacrilege?

Geeky Links 11/5

Ok, I am officially in my holiday events!! Today I have my church’s Holiday Tea. I can’t believe it is November already! But let us focus on the geeky things in life;).

Geekwire has a great piece about Bill Gates’ speech to some students and why they shouldn’t try to be billionaires.

Discovery News has an interesting piece called “A Laser to Give the Universe a Hernia”. Very interesting!

Geeky Links 10/29

So I am starting off with not only a geeky video but also a super nerdy one! If you can’t enjoy this a little… well, I should stop there before I say something mean;).

The Guardian has a piece about the Kindle being heavier when it is fully loaded. It all makes sense but I just wouldn’t have thought about it being heavier.

Over on Hero Complex Chris Hemsworth talks about the director who will be working on Thor 2. I personally am a huge Branagh fan but I am sure that Jenkins will do a smash up job!

Ok, and this is a very geek request. Can you go vote for my Verizon 4G LTE video? I would greatly appreciate it;). I am trying to win a prize pack that is extremely geeky;).

Geeky Links 10/22

Lets start this week’s Geeky Links off with some geeky fun! I love this piece! It is a swede of the Avengers trailer made by some very creative Fresnans. Make sure you pay special attention to Black Widow’s hair;).

PC Magazine has a piece about a researcher who can turn any surface into a touchpad. That is so cool!

Marvel has Joe Quesada’s Avenging Spider-Man #1 Cover up and it looks pretty nifty!

Geeky Links 10/8

Well, it has been a whirl wind and heart breaking week in the geek world. We will all miss Steve Jobs! He helped to form the computer and geek worlds for Mac and non-Mac people alike. But life will and does move on. So lets go on to our normal geeky links….

I am very intrigued at the whole Facebook RPG idea. This could be very dangerous;).
With the DC reboot and the complaints about new costumes, Comic Alliance talks about Aaron Diaz’s new costume designs for some of my favorite comic book heroes!

The cover article over at Entertainment Weekly is The Avengers!!! Who knew that Joss Whedon knew all the dance clubs in Albuquerque?

Geeky Links 10/1

How in the world is it October already? This year (and life) seems to be flying by! Oh well, let us jump into some awesome geeky links!

I remember asking about this when I was in elementary school and got some sort of nonsense answer;).

Time has an interesting piece that shows that there may firm proof contradicting Einstein with a neutrino that may travel faster than the speed of light.

There is a Fact Sheet on the cool Lego Explorer and it compares it to the Ford Explorer;).

GeekyTom has Monty Python in Lego over on Flickr!!

Geeky Links 9/24

I am so stoked! There were all kinds of Fables comic book news that was announced at Comic-Con! Comic Alliance has the lowdown.

A Nobel winning physicist is standing against global warming. To the point that he quit APS due to their stand on it!

Gamma Squad has some awesome lunch bag art that a dad created!! Can someone make me a lunch in 1 of those bags;)?

Blastr has a piece on 5 Doctor Who characters who should have their own series. I think they are dead in! But I think the 2 that would be the best bet is Dr. River Song (especially after what recently learned about her) and Martha Jones!

Over on Geek Dad there is a sweet piece on a Dad who helped his kids go Ewok hunting

Geeky Links 9/17

Ars Technica has a great piece talking about Intel’s $300 Million Ultrabook fund that is designed to take on Apple!

Discovery has a piece on how to boost your wifi signal with only a beer can. I think we will use a Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry can instead but I think it will be ok;).

Blastr has a piece on 4 Awesome items that stars of the original series took home.

The BBC has a piece on the new World’s Record holder for collecting Daleks. Hull isn’t a fan of the Doctor but is fascinated by Daleks. This doesn’t bode well for humans;).