Category Archives: Geeky

Geeky Links 9/3

Isn’t that gorgeous? It is a Black Hole eating a star and it is amazing. Thanks New Scientist!

Mashable has a great piece on the Ford Evos. It is the new Ford concept car that is supposed to be all about social networking! It has these awesome gulf wing doors. Check out the pictures!!

Collider has some pictures from Man of Steel, the new Superman reboot. It includes details about the new costume. I like the new costume! None of the underwear on the outside look;).


Geeky Links 8/27

The Science Creative Quarterly is a brand new find for me. They have a great interaction between a 3 year old and her Chemistry professor father. The why question and answer session may have gone a little deep but I would be lying to say similar things haven’t happened over here;).

Total Fan Girl has an interesting piece on Robonaut R2 called Robonaut: NASA vs Lucasfilm vs Stark Industries.

Hero Complez has an interesting piece on the Raiders of the Last Ark Exhibition!

Ben Purdy has a great Minecraft in Real Life video! It is gorgeous!!!

Geeky Links 8/20

Today I am getting my geek on at D23Expo! But I will tell you more about that next week;). Lets get to some links!


This week’s video is more of just a music track but who can resist Captain Jack singing about the Doctor in a remake of a Wicked song? Not me;).

I love these shared work places set ups. If you love them and are looking for your options check out Loose Cubes. You just put in your city and all your options come up, including their prices. Gotta love it! I believe that Fresno’s own Hashtag is listed too;).

Are you joining in on International Read Comics in Public Day on the 28th? I definitely am!

Android and Me has a great piece on what may or may not happen when Google acquires Motorola.

Geek Girls Network has a review of Ready Player One. It looks like a fun and nerdy read;).

GirlGeekCon has a great look back in This Week’s History of the Geek.

Geeky Links 8/6

Lets start this week’s geeky links off with a little Angry Birds humor! For a long time I was sitting on the outside of the Angry Birds phenomenon but when I got my iPad2 I finally started playing.And unfortunately, I think I finally understand just how addicting it is!

My Twitter friend JadedDave has built a cool looking Tardis. I am not sure what he is doing with it but it is cool none the less;).

Bit Rebels have a piece on this awesome looking Biro Pencil Carpet. Basically someone has hand drawn a carpet that is so cool looking. Not my normal type of geeky material but very cool!

Geeky Links 7/30 (and Some Education too!)

Hey guys! It is time for a few geeky links to get you through the week! This week I have found not just nerdy links but also so educational ones too!

Now that Comic-con is over there is a ton of YouTube videos out. This one made us over here at the NerdFamily Bust out laughing!

There are some of the Top 10 Nerdy Cakes over at the Musing Maine-iac. They are super cool!

The Female Perspective of Computer Science has a really interesting book review in Women and Going Beyond Gaming. It has some really interesting and true insights about some flaws in our education system.

For you geeky parents!!! I found over on This Mama Loves Her Bargains that K’Nex is running an awesome modeling competition! There are multiple ages ranges and prizes of $20,000 savings bonds!!!


Geeky Links! 7/9

So how are you all this fine morning? I am off to take the Nerdster out for a Mommy & Son movie and lunch to celebrate his birthday (early). But while I am out please enjoy these awesome links!

Love Firefly and this is really cute!

New Scientist has an article about the man who just received a synthetic windpipe! So cool! It really opens up so many possibilities.

Buzzfeed has a great piece on a new ultra violet comic book that is coming out. You get a UV torch with it!

Bit Rebel has 34 original Star Wars story board illustrations that are just gorgeous!!!

Geeky Links 7/2

I can’t believe that it is already July!!! I hope you all have some good, geeky and explosive plans for the 4th!!!!
I love this “My Little Serenity” video! I will never look at my daughters’ Little Ponies the same;).

BuzzFeed has a great list of 25 comic book characters that we all love but don’t know their full names. Well, you all do now! (Just for the record I knew Stuffy’s full name;)

Did you know that there is a shrimp with natural 3D lenses? I didn’t but over at New Scientist they say that it is inspiring a new material. So cool!