Category Archives: history

Little Grunt

The NerdBug has just finished Little Grunt and the Big Egg in relation to his chapter on Nomads in The Story of the World. This is a great literature book and was recommended in my Activity Book. The NerdBug was able to read this completely on his own and really enjoyed it.

It is a sweet story of a boy finding an egg, getting a pet that out grew his home and then the pet saving them all. It is short enough that they can read it all in one sitting. It also has enough going on that they are enthralled so they don’t want to put it down. I even hear the NerdBug telling his brother and sister about his good book. We will definitely use this one again when the other kids cycle onto this area of history.

Best Homeschool History Find Ever!

So I was out yard sailing on Saturday and I came upon The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events (Timetables of History) for only a quarter. Now when I see a box of books that are a quarter each I always look. So I see this book and I start looking through it and jackpot! It is a book of one continuous chart. it lists history, literature/theater, religion/philosophy/learning, visual arts, music, science/tech/growth and daily life. Then is lists each year and fills in the chart. It is only an 1990 edition but that really doesn’t effect us. The kids in our house haven’t had a chance to touch it yet because NerdDad and I have having a ball with it!