Category Archives: house management

Meal Plan Monday

So here we all are and let us be honest it is all about the food! Life is finally starting to calm down so I can plan on doing just a little more actual cooking. I love doing these meal plans because they bring peace to my life. If you don’t like these recipes you can always look at some more of my recipes at my food blog, Nerd Family Food.

Monday: Quick and Easy Throw Together with leftover steak and broccoli
Tuesday: Chicken Kiev, Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli
Wednesday: Pasta Carbonara Florentine
Thursday: Pork Loin Chops, Broccoli, Beer Bread
Friday: Tilapia, Broccoli Mac and Cheese

How I Schedule

Heart of the Matter has asked how we schedule. I have a confession, I don’t do any firm scheduling but I have zones of schooling. But that is the beauty of homeschooling, you can form it to whatever works for you. So what do I actually do? Every season is different but lets work through this last academic year. We can’t just look at school schedules without looking at life a little broader.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: We do book work from about 11-12. Then we read together from 12:30-1, finish book work or do projects from 4:30-5:30.
Tuesday: NerdBug has choir in the morning and we are all at church until lunch. Book work about 4:30-5:30.
Thursday: NerdBug goes to the homeschooling room and does some book work and plays games from 9-11am. Then he finishes us book work from 4:30-5:30.
Friday: Sometimes we skip all real school to go play at the park or go do something fun.

So that is all I do! I keep it really laid back and try to just bring learning into life! What do you do?