Category Archives: life

Kids and Truth: Sometimes You Want Them to Lie;)

On Thursdays I drive by CSUFresno on my way to get on the freeway after Bible Study and we drive by the horses and cows. The kids look forward to it every week. Well, this week the horses were out but only one cow was. The kids wanted to know where the rest of the cows were and I said that they probably took them inside to milk them. Then, NerdPie wanted to know why they needed to do it inside and I said that they hooked them up to a machine to milk them.

Well, as of a couple of days ago I have begun to supplement the baby with a bottle after nursing her. So NerdPie came down from her nap and saw me giving the baby her bottle. So NerdPie looks at my breast pump that was on a table and says, “We need to start milking to get milk for the bottle”. While it was a completely true statement, did she have to say it;). I quickly told her we call it pumping for a mommie not milking.

I have only one other thing to say, MOOOOOOOOOO!

It Would be Funny if it Wasn’t Me!

So we have had a couple of crazy things happen amid our chaos. So while NerdDad was in the hospital I needed a new book of checks. I came home one night from the hospital and dug around in a box in the office and found a partial book of checks. I proceeded to write a whole bunch of checks. Normally, I write 2 checks a week. On this week I paid all the odds and ends that were left over from when I had the baby. I think I wrote 12 checks that week. Well, I get a call from a friend I wrote a check to and she said the account was closed. I then looked at the book of checks and it was off an account that had been closed for 4 years. I had the same check design and the same printer, I just hadn’t looked at the bank. Do you know how dumb I feel. I go on to tell me best friend, Sara. Her response? What is very sad for NerdMom is very funny for Sara;).

So skip to tonight. Here is a little fact, washer machines shimmie when they are washing and the front loaders are the worst. NerdDad starts a load and comes back downstairs. Then we hear this bang. Not only had our Costco sized detergent fallen, the cap had broke off and poured soap all over the floor. Oy! You just have to take a step back and chuckle or it will kill you.

ColorQuiz NerdMom took the free personality test!

“Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from s…”

Click here to read the rest of the results.

You have to read the crazy results I got. I don’t know if I agree but it is interesting! I am interested to see how many of you would agree with its synopsis. Go take one yourself. If you do just let me know in the comments!

(HT: Two Blonde Boys)

Drama Update

Well, NerdDad’s surgery/recovery was a little more complicated than predicted. He developed pancreatitis and was in the hospital until Sunday. He is home now and doing better but is still having pain. The whole process has been a bit frustrating. Every day the surgeon said maybe he would come home the next day while the nurses seemed much more concerned. It is still better than it could have been. I have recently heard about someone who was in the hospital for a month with pancreatitis so I guess 4 days was nothing.

So we are recovery…slowly. I will be very happy when NerdDad is back to his old self. I once again am grateful that I am not a single parent;). Oh, let me once more brag about my baby! She was at the hospital every day and we even spent the night!

NerdFamily Drama

Well, after I got a stomach bug we assumed that is what NerdDad had when he started puking. We were wrong. This morning NerdDad was having so much pain we went to the ER. He had Gall stones. I say had because he had surgery to get rid of his gall bladder. So after a long day at the hospital I am home and NerdDad is recovering at the hospital. The plan is for him to come home tomorrow. Oh by the way, I have the best 8 week old ever! She had been with me the whole time. We were there from 11am until 9pm and there was minimal crying. How many babies do you know who could do that?

WFMW: Parenting Advice

The Works For Me Wednesday subject this week is Parenting Advice. While of course I have lots of advice I had to figure out the most poignant and needed piece. The most important thing is to pray but the next part is to invest in your marriage. Remember, while the world seems to revolve around you blessed little rugrats, you and your husband were a family all on your own. This means always show a unified front. And yes, if you are picking sides it is always Mom and Dad against the kids. Studies show that kids are more secure if their parents have a strong marriage. Ways to do this…

Have a daily conference time with your spouse. Mine and NerdDad’s is after he gets home and changes. Then while we put the finishing touches on dinner we talk. Kids have to entertain themselves or play in their rooms. This isn’t a time for deep relationship issues but just updating each other on the goings on in life. It doesn’t just have to be about the kids. This is often when we talk about news from our friends, who won the board game at DH’s work at lunch, or headlines in the news. Another thing is follow through on punishing kids for going behind a parents back. You know, kid asks one parent and that parent says no so they go in the other room and ask the other. Also respect your spouse and demand that your kids do too. There have been times when a child will talk back to one of us. Often the other parent will step in and make it clear it isn’t acceptable to treat their parent that way. Also, if something is important to your spouse but not you, make it important any way. This is a great way to teach your kids to respect a parent. An example, I have a friend who doesn’t mind if her kids go from project to project, leaving things out, as long as they clean up once a day. That drives her husband up the wall. So she has made it clear that the kids need to clean up after they finish each thing.

Remember your spouse is the only person you can count on in this adventure of raising kids. Also, when the kids grow up and leave (which they will someday) you are going to be all alone again so build, build, build.

Dumb Statements

File this one under things not to say to your husband. While watching this week’s Dr. Who NerdDad asked why William Shakespeare is always played by a guy who looks like Kenneth Branagh. To which I responded, “Because he is hot”. I might want to reintroduce my brain to the filter;). In reality we had a good laugh and I turned bright red.

I Need Your Help!

Now I have 4 kids and I am out of Nerd nicknames. So I am polling all of you to get some suggestions. I have names for the older 2 but not the younger 2. So here is what I have and their descriptions.
NerdBug is the oldest, he is 6.
NerdPie is next and she just turned 4.
#3 is an energetic 2 year old boy.
#4 is a cute newborn girl.

I am looking for long term nicknames so if you have any suggestions please leave me a comment.