Category Archives: life

Long Time, No Blog

Yes, I realize it has been a very long time since I have blogged regularly. I apologize to my readers (if I have any left;). Life has been very crazy around here for a while. We have moved in the last 8 months, I was pregnant, still trying to sell the old house, on bedrest for 6 weeks and just had a little baby girl by C-section. So there is my sob story;).
Life here is starting to calm down a little bit so I am going to try to recommit to the blog! So hopefully there will be many blog posts to come soon.

A Glimpse of Reality

Nerdpie is getting into roleplaying(you know, being a cook or a princess) and I guess that she is getting a real picture of being a mom from me. She comes out with her baby in the car seat in one hand, a grocery basket in the other hand, and her Home Depot goggles on her head. I think she is ready to take on the world! (By the way, she is 2 1/2 here)