Category Archives: Link Love

Geeky Links

Here are some of my favorite geeky links that I have found this week!

Tesla Roadster 2.5 Sport (picture from Engadget)

Normally I wouldn’t say that a car is a geeky thing. But when it is a Tesla, that is geeky! Engadget has a review of the Roadster 2.5. Gorgeous!
GeekDad has a great Dork Tower comic for all of us who have seen the PBS show Dinosaur Train! I have thought about this every time it is on and always wondered if I should tell the kids;).


A MIT professor has developed an artificial leaf that can provide power for a house! I would love to see something like this in the market. That is where I think we will see how well it really works.

Some Geeky Goodness

Gotta love a Turing Machine! From the description:

mechanical universal Turing machine (given an infinite track). It uses ball bearings as its memory and has no electrical components, other than a small motor used to drive it. This is a quick overview video filmed at Maker Faire UK 2011.

Comic Alliance has The Complete Marvel Comics Family Trees by Joe Stone [Infographics]. They are quite fun!

Engadget has found some cute but pricey steampunk usb cuff links.