Category Archives: literature

Why I Sneez, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn

This was a good book on reflexes that we read aloud over the weekends. The kids loved the illustrations and activities included in the back. It was a simply put book that explained why you have physical reactions to some things. It could have been an independent read except for just a few words. I like that they included real phrases such as plantar reflex yet keep it simple enough for kids to grasp. I would recommend this book!

Who put the B in the Ballyhoo?

The kids and I read this interesting book this week. NerdBug picked this out at the library a couple of weeks ago and I wasn’t real sure. It wasn’t questionable but I was didn’t think it would hold all 3 kids attention. Boy, was I wrong! They all loved it. It is a colorful book filled with actual posters from the circus. It follows the alphabet with different adjectives describing the different acts. I was prepared to edit on the fly because we all know that the circus can be a bit questionable but, I didn’t need to. It was all quite tasteful and interesting. The kids were so intrigued they have talked about the cool and weird things they saw. I would recommend this book for all ages. The 2, 4 and 6 year olds all give it a thumbs up!

The Circus Alphabet

The 4 year old, 2 year old and I read this book and it was very fun. It has delightful little circus related blurbs on each letter and they are accompanied by great circus pictures. Each letter is incorporated into the appropriate picture. It really has seemed to help them develop a little logic and problem solving skills. I love this book and would have been overjoyed to receive it as a gift!

Uh-Oh Leonardo

So the Nerdlings and I just read a great story this afternoon before naps. Uh-oh, Leonardo! : The Adventures of Providence Traveler was a book that the NerdPie(4 year old) picked out in the library and I got it without really looking at it. Well, the NerdPie has her mother’s wonderful book taste;). This book takes a little mouse into Leonardo De Vinci’s mousy world. In addition to a great story that encourages science, invention, spirit and self confidence there were pages that gave great historical context. It was done under the guise of being sketches of their surroundings with explanations of what would have been going on and items that would have been found. This is a book that the first grader might have been able to read with just a little help because there were just a few Italian words and names. This is a great kids book that also does teach. We would love to have gotten it as a gift and will be reading it again.

Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile

The NerdBug read Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile as part of his literature reading on Egypt. It paralleled the history reading in Chapter 2 of SOTW.

This was a pleasant little book where Bill the crocodile goes to school, which consists of traveling the Nile. We learn about the Sphinx, mummies and Isis. Then he saves the Isis jewel from a bad guy. All this history tied together in a great story made it very memorable to my 1st grader. He now thinks sarcophagus is a normal word to use.

I personally enjoyed the book as did my son. I will be using this again with my other kids!

One Small Blue Bead

We read One Small Blue Beadby Byrd Baylor for Chapter one in Story of the World (Nomads). It was really good. It focuses on a young boy in a group of nomads and his wondering about other people being out there. It is written in a very poetic form and and the illustrations were beautiful. It seemed communicate just how separate the nomadic groups were from each other. My kids related to the boy and could empathize with his wondering. This was an easy pre-bed read for us due to its calming effects. We will definitely be using this again!

Little Grunt

The NerdBug has just finished Little Grunt and the Big Egg in relation to his chapter on Nomads in The Story of the World. This is a great literature book and was recommended in my Activity Book. The NerdBug was able to read this completely on his own and really enjoyed it.

It is a sweet story of a boy finding an egg, getting a pet that out grew his home and then the pet saving them all. It is short enough that they can read it all in one sitting. It also has enough going on that they are enthralled so they don’t want to put it down. I even hear the NerdBug telling his brother and sister about his good book. We will definitely use this one again when the other kids cycle onto this area of history.