Category Archives: Musings

How Not to Compliment a Fat Girl

Ok, I don’t think people realized what their words are really saying in many circumstances. And “You look so great, did you lose weight?” is definitely one of those cases.

I don’t think the insult is intended. I don’t think anyone would walk up to us, as an adult, and say how nice we would look if we just weren’t fat and that is what I hear. As I try to teach my children, you need to think about what your words communicate beyond face value. Is talking about anyone’s weight really a polite and loving thing to do?

Food for thought.

My Impending Class Reunion

I am less than 24 hours away from my 20th class reunion and I am nervous. A couple days ago I had a bit of a panic attack and vlogged it;).

I don’t like who I was in high school (or any of my “teens”) and I am still embarrassed about it. I didn’t like myself then either and so that deeply had an effect on my attitude. I was often not a nice person and was a little over cocky/aggressive. But that was long ago and I am a different person now.

In the panic: NerdDad was told me if I wasn’t excited/happy then not to go but I kind of feel like I have to face this. My best friend weighed in and she was hilarious. She said I couldn’t just not go and no one would think anything of it at this point. She said since I “made it” in a small way that it could be taken as a snub if I didn’t go…. Yeah, she is 1)a little crazy and 2)has a really low bar of any form of making it;). But I lover her anyway;).

Jeannie Mai adjusting my belt at BlogHer 12.

So I got through that but the whole “I am not going to look good enough” freak out has been in the back of my mind for the last month;). But it hit me today…. The dress I am wearing was complemented by Jeannie Mai and the pictures have been complemented widely;). So I guess I should quit being a child about this!

I think it goes back to I need to be who I am now and not try to hard (as I still have a habit to do with former high school peeps). I may not have been likeable as a teen but people seem to find me pleasant enough now;).

I am good enough, smart enough and darn it, people like me! (Hey, Jack Handey was onto something;)

I will report back next week to let you know how it all goes!!!

The Joy of My Daughters

Ok, I got a little gushy talking about my girls and how they have changed my life! Both my daughters’ birthdays are this week and it made me think. Having them has completed me but not in the normal way;). Excuse the angle and vertical filming;). I was having a moment and if I edit it or try to refilm it, I won’t do it again.

The World is Ending Tomorrow!!!

aussie-earthOk, so maybe the world isn’t ending but go with me a minute. If the world was ending tomorrow what would you change about what you are doing today? What would your regret be?

I am not talking about the crazy “spend all your money” “never sleep” stuff. I mean really, what would your regrets be? Your priorities? Not telling you loved ones that you love them? Not laughing more? Not taking joy in your life?

Then take this as your wake up call and change your life!!!!! Reorganize your life, have fun, live, laugh and love!!!! Make Christmas a time to enjoy and start your New Year with a different view on life!

Go hug your kids, eat chocolate and laugh!!!!

Another Lump and Still Wondering

Ok, so it has been a week since I wrote about my lump, my mind and the fact that I knew nothing. Well, I know more now and still nothing all at the same time.

So I went to the OBGYN on Tuesday and he felt what I had felt (so I am not crazy;). He said he wasn’t worried at all and we would have a mammogram to confirm and because I need one;).

I got in for my mammogram today and well… this is where it gets interesting?

So the mammogram itself wasn’t that bad. Not something I would be doing for fun but nothing to worry about or avoid by any means. So they took the pictures and stuck me in a room to wait…. And wait…

Then ultrasounds, then more pictures…. Then the doctor…. Well, they found something on the other side. What can I say, I am all about balance and symmetry;). They are pretty sure that it is nothing but they aren’t sure.

So tomorrow I am going to pay a fair amount of money to have them do a needle biopsy. I won’t know the results for about a week.

They are going to stick me with a needle and have a machine that sounds like a sewing machine going at the same time.

I am going to pretend that I am not freaking out…. I have a new lump and a fear of needles. What would I be freaking about? I mean, I was fine with them cutting me open for my c-section but the needle in the back made me want to freak.


And I don’t know if I am just sensitive (due to the drama and my extremely crazy schedule) but I am also a little annoyed with a friend. I feel like I am going to internally combust from the stress so I actually ask for help and I now feel like a burden…. I think I am just being sensitive. I hope. She and I definitely respond to these things differently and I am hoping I am so emotional over it because I don’t want to freak out about the lump and biopsy.

Ok, rambling and whining over for the night. Good night everyone!


Does the word lump ever mean anything good? I mean, “take your lumps”, “lump it or leave it”? I mean even a lump of sugar doesn’t sound appetizing. When is a lump ever good?

Yes, I am blathering. I am sitting here at my computer and should be working but my mind is wandering. We went on vacation last week and I have work, housework and the like piled up yet I am less productive than normal. Why? This morning I may have found a lump…..

But first a few facts:
A) I made an appointment with my doctor but it isn’t until next Tuesday so I don’t actually know anything.
B) I am a lumpy person. I have these fibroid type things so even if it is a lump it may be nothing.
C)I MAY have found a lump or I MAY NOT have. It is just a good thing that I have book learning. I have a few health issues that I have had since I was a kid so I learned to ignore my body a long time ago;). But I thought I felt something before that I wrote off and now it is more defined, I think.

All that said. I am a little emotional. There is part of me that had resigned myself that I would have cancer some day but not at 37 and not really breast cancer. I have a cancer ridden family but breast is the one I don’t think we have in the family history.

But I know nothing. I feel ridiculous for feeling so emotional when there are no actual facts. And won’t be for at least a week! Nothing has actually changed… I need to get over this because focusing on it and obsessing on it will do nothing good for me. But I would appreciate your prayers and I will let you know when this turns out to be nothing and I will feel silly.

But one last thing… Is it weird that the first thing I thought about was the need to clean up all my clutter so my kids wouldn’t have to?

Sorry, one more last thing. Is it wrong to admit that I thought if I have cancer but am going to put my family through treatment hell and then die would it be better to be undiagnosed and just die?

Once a Parent, Always Their Parent

I was reading about Parent’s Day that is coming up at the end of July (which I had never heard of before) and I was also reading other news/headlines. I saw the beginning of one headline that really made me think about parenting (ok, made me want to rant;), “Usher’s Former Stepson”. To me, there are no “former step kids”.


(Continue reading over on the LabelDaddy Blog)