Category Archives: Nerdosphere

It Is the Ultimate!!!

It is once again time for the Ultimate Blog Party over at 5Minutes for Mom! So to all of you who are dropping by from the party Welcome! I appreciate you checking out The NerdFamily Blog!

So what is this crazy blog all about? Everything that goes through my crazy little brain;). I like to write about anything from politics, religion to the just plain nerdy.

And a little about me. I am just a nerdy mom who has many weird a diverse interests! I stay busy homeschooling my 4 kids and writing my 4 blogs! My life philosophy is that I feel that anyone can do anything they want to learn to do. I enjoy sharing my opinions and equipping other do things like save money, school their children and cook!

Thanks for dropping by to check us out! Make sure to subscribe to our rss while you are here! I would also love to see you around Twitter!
Ultimate Blog Party 2011

New Years Geek Resolutions

@Cebsilver asked this morning over on Twitter if anyone had any geeky New Years Resolutions. Well, as a matter of fact I do;). This is the year I finally bask in my geek! I have a huge list of geek things I want to do both for geek fun and to be productive.

So starting with the productive geek (but not the blog stuff;). I want to take some old (very old) computers and piece together a NAS system (Network Attached Storage). NerdDad desires something in the 5 hard drive range but we will see the capacity for the machines. I want to take a desktop that we are currently running our tv off of and make it a true media system. I need to put ram, tuners, a dvr, speakers, etc. I also want to build out a new desktop system for myself and NerdDad. Possibly with a dual screen setup.

On the fun geek side! I want to try and make it to the GirlGeekCon up in Seattle this year. I want to make a point of gaming weekly!!! It doesn’t have to be anything serious, just regularly scheduled! I am going to fit in time for both the wii and Steam games. I am also going to keep up on my tech news through reading and podcasts. I am just going to have to make an appointment with myself.

I also have a list of movies to watch. Things like Goonies, Blade Runner and more!

So there are my geek resolutions. I will have more normal resolutions but that is a separate post;).

Quick Comic Book Rant

Ok, this is the first time I think I have admitted in the blogosphere that I read comic books. Well, I read some (nothing religiously) and I am a little annoyed right now.

Apparently they are going to kill off 1 off the Fantastic Four. Now why would you do something like that? Are you going to change their name to the Fantastic 3? Are you going to permanently sub in people or have them on a rotating basis (yes, I know they have temporarily subbed in people before)? This is ridiculous.

According to Comic Book Resources the betting odds have been released and things aren’t looking good for Sue Richards (Invisible Woman). So what you mess with the one solid marriage in the Marvel world. I mean if we are picking people, I am not Johnny Storm’s biggest fan. I think the guy is a bit of a putz. But still. Leave the Fantastic Four alone!

Onto another comic book rant. I just started reading Surrogates (the one the movie was based on) and had to put it down. Not only was the story line boring, but the art stunk!!!! Here you are in a society that has developed surrogate bodies but the art is so sketchy that you can barely recognize your characters. It looks like someone drew in a story board and then forgot to get the art done before sending it off to be printed.

Whew, that feels better. I had to get that off my chest! Night all!

WordPress 3.0 Bug

I got an odd email this morning. They said that my blog kept redirecting to my post Fun on a Saturday and while I liked the post, I wasn’t redirecting my whole blog to it. Of course, I panicked;). Then I started looking around on the forums.

I found out that the Redirection plugin, that is a standard plugin to use when you move a blog, has a problem with the new WordPress 3.0. It automatically redirects your main blog address to a page that was created in WordPress 3.0. That post was the first 3.0 post I had done. To fix it just deactivate the post. What I can use in place of the Redirection plugin? Not sure yet. I may just wait until there is an upgrade available.

But I fixed it!!!

Link Love

I am a complicated and diverse woman. So here are just a few of the interesting things I have read lately and are worth sharing.

On the homeschooling front: Classless and Lovin’ It has a great piece looking at different algebra curriculums.
Looking at crafting: has cool piece on decorating comp books. I picked up a few for under 50 cents apiece.
In blogging: BlogHer has posted about the 2010 conference.
Politics: Mary Katherine Ham over at the WeeklyStandard (and I) actually agrees with Andrew Sullivan on dropping the Obama birth issue.
TV: TV Squad did an interview with David Tenant (Doctor Who) at Comic Con.
Robot 6 has a piece with the guest voices for the new Super Hero Squad. For those who haven’t heard, this is the new kiddie level Marvel cartoon (think Wordgirl).
Science and Tech: ScienceDaily has a piece on happyness.

The Haps With the NerdFamily

So life around here has been quite crazy lately. I am going to try to catch up those of you who care (the rest of you can skip to the next post;) and possible whine a bit. So please have patience. I also wanted to blog a little because it seems like there aren’t many adults out there with veinous malformations. If you are one, trust me, you are not alone.

I had another treatment in Stanford for my veinous malformation. I am still recovering from the tissue breakdown from the last time but I wanted to keep going to get this all over with. Since I had another area the doc could work on, he was game. But now I am dealing with the after effects of having the procedure done.

First off I am trying to avoid my tissue from dying. Apparently when you try to kill off blood veins they like to fight you and cause problems and the agent that is used can (doesn’t always) kill off some skin. Because this last procedure is on my backside, I am laying on my side. By staying off of the treated area more blood flows to that skin which promotes its health and growth. It is interesting to lay on you side and type;). But the pain from this is highly manageable and is uncomfortable but not horrible. It is just really annoying to not be able to get anything done around my house. I understand the house will always be here but it was still very exciting when 2 friends showed up Friday to clean! Heather and Bethany got quite a bit done around here that desperately needed doing (like mopping and vacuuming). I love you 2!

But then there are other issues. For this kind of procedure they put you completely out for the procedure. That always means (for me) that it takes me a few days to a week to recover. I tend to be a little foggy and tired but it just wears off and I am usually fine.

My bigger problem is my throat. Often when an anesthesiologist knocks you out they put a tube down your throat to make sure you breath. This can often result in a sore throat for a day or 2. It rubs and irritates the skin. For me I am usually fine within 24 hours. Well, I don’t know what the docs did to me this time but I am miserable and hurting. My throat isn’t just surface sore. My uvula is swollen, I can feel it moving and gags me. The pain is with hot or cold. I can have a little sip of something it is ok, but the second one will burn. Or if I am lucky it burns afterwards. The burning is on the surface, in the neck muscles and in my ears. The only thing that isn’t painful is tepid water. A couple days ago I could have slightly warm Starbucks Frappachinos, liquid jello, room temp cream soup. Last night and today, I can’t stand any of it. I tried fruit smoothies and the acid in the fruit juice almost killed me. I did have a very soft scrambled egg last night but it was quite painful too. I may call my doctor tomorrow but I am afraid they are just going to say to give it time.

So that means that I am a lot of fun. I am having to take the strong pain meds to manage the throat pain. This means I can’t drive and I don’t think real well;). Even when I am not trying to drink anything my whole neck just aches. So I have been waking up at night just miserable. Because one of the only things that has been going down half way is Starbucks, between the caffeine and the meds I am neither really awake nor can I sleep well. And for those who don’t know me IRL, I am huge. I say that so you know how hard it is not eating. I find all I am doing is thinking about food. Most of what I have been sucking down is sweet so all I want is protein that has no cream base to it;). What I would give for a steak. My doc also has me on a steroid so all I want to do is cry about how hungry I am;). How sad and pathetic is that?

So now my whine is over. Please have some mercy if my posting isn’t at top quality but since I am sitting more I am trying to post more. I will take any extra prayers you want to throw out! Thanks.