Category Archives: nerdy

Geeky Links 5/14

So I have a few, very interesting geeky links for this week!

Starting off, did you hear that NBC passed on David E. Kelley’s Wonder Woman? After the whole costume snafoo, I am not all that surprised. But I think someone will pick up at least the pilot. (Entertainment Weekly)

How does “optical multi-touch force field” sound to you? It sounds awesome to me!!!! Engadget has a great article and video on it!!! (What? To many exclamation marks? 😉

Boingboing has a great R2D2 trashcan! It is a total kick!

Geeky Links 5/7

(Image: Science/AAAS)

Who says that science isn’t pretty;)? This is a picture of the foot and mouth virus. Did you know that it is only contagious for 2 days? (via New Scientist)

How does a $25 computer sound to you? Game developer, David Braben, has developed one. It lives on a usb stick and is designed to use in schools. Super cool! (

I know that I am not the only person who is very interested in Portal 2! It seems to be the hottest new game! Check out the Xbox 360 review! (via The Married Gamers)

Do you remember the Smithsonian Museum asking about the games that everyone thought should be in the museum!!! They have posted the 80 winners! Did your make the cut? I love that Donkey Kong and Pac-man are on the list! I think it is fitting that Portal found a spot too! (via Smithsonian)

Weekly Geeky Love

Tevatron data suggests new, unknown particle—but not the Higgs (via ARS Technica) Can you believe that an accelerator that is coming up with such great data and possible discovery may be shutting down soon due to lack of funding?

So am I the only one who is curious as to Kevin Rose’s new venture? Well, wonder no more! (Via TechCrunch)

There is a great interview with Bruce Boxleitner for the release of the Tron movies on BluRay! (via Hero Complex) While I liked Tron (the 1st one, haven’t seen the new one) and Babylon 5 but I will forever love Scarecrow!!

Ok, I have a problem with 3D tv. I think it sounds cool but between the glasses and everything, it just doesn’t seem practical. But things may be changing. Apparently quantum effect fuels color fast holograms (via New Scientist). This may be a huge step toward glasses free 3D tv!

Some Geeky Goodness

Gotta love a Turing Machine! From the description:

mechanical universal Turing machine (given an infinite track). It uses ball bearings as its memory and has no electrical components, other than a small motor used to drive it. This is a quick overview video filmed at Maker Faire UK 2011.

Comic Alliance has The Complete Marvel Comics Family Trees by Joe Stone [Infographics]. They are quite fun!

Engadget has found some cute but pricey steampunk usb cuff links.

Wonder Woman Rant

Palicki in the new Wonder Woman costumeYou were warned that this is going to get geeky.

So Entertainment Weekly posted pictures of Adrianne Palicki in the new Wonder Woman costume from the reboot  that is being done by David E. Kelley. The new show is supposed to be a serious, non-campy show. In that outfit? Really?

I feel I must take this moment to clarify. I am not a purist when it comes to the costuming of our super heroes. I have seen the hubbub over Green Lantern not being true enough, etc. I am not one of those people. But…

This outfit is so wrong! That weird shiny plastic paired with that ruby, plastic lip makes Wonder Woman look like a blow up doll! Seriously, it looks like cheap lingerie that is out around Halloween. And no, I am not saying that because I think that the costume should be more conservative. I think it should just be more true to the Wonder Woman story. Which means I am fine with the little swim suit looking costume from the ’70s show but done a little better.

Is the costume looking this bad just as a rebellion from the patriotic costume? If so, get over it David E. Kelley! She has a patriotic costume! Go with a darker blue! And what is up with those boots? Having them look like that same plastic material on the pants makes them look like a dress up costume. You know what I am talking about? The kids get those costumes where the legs have the boots printed on them and it fits over their own shoes. And the shine on the bustier is just sad. With everything being uniformly shiny, it makes the cuffs look cheap and soft too! Am I alone here?

I love Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman is the first person/thing/job I wanted to be. I had the little Wonder Woman spin down at just a few years old. I don’t just like the Wonder Woman from the show either. I have always loved her in the Justice League comics, in their various incarnations. She is that strong, moral female role model. Yes, she may be hot and in swimsuit (or a bomber jacket;) but pay her a little respect.

Maybe I am just bitter because Joss Whedon’s Wonder Woman movie never panned out.

(HT: Fashionably Geek) (Comment Reminder: You cuss, I delete;)

Quick Comic Book Rant

Ok, this is the first time I think I have admitted in the blogosphere that I read comic books. Well, I read some (nothing religiously) and I am a little annoyed right now.

Apparently they are going to kill off 1 off the Fantastic Four. Now why would you do something like that? Are you going to change their name to the Fantastic 3? Are you going to permanently sub in people or have them on a rotating basis (yes, I know they have temporarily subbed in people before)? This is ridiculous.

According to Comic Book Resources the betting odds have been released and things aren’t looking good for Sue Richards (Invisible Woman). So what you mess with the one solid marriage in the Marvel world. I mean if we are picking people, I am not Johnny Storm’s biggest fan. I think the guy is a bit of a putz. But still. Leave the Fantastic Four alone!

Onto another comic book rant. I just started reading Surrogates (the one the movie was based on) and had to put it down. Not only was the story line boring, but the art stunk!!!! Here you are in a society that has developed surrogate bodies but the art is so sketchy that you can barely recognize your characters. It looks like someone drew in a story board and then forgot to get the art done before sending it off to be printed.

Whew, that feels better. I had to get that off my chest! Night all!