Category Archives: nerdy

Computer Programming Quotes

Dev Topics has a great list of 101 Great Computer Programming Quotes. I like many of them but here are a couple I loved.

“That’s what’s cool about working with computers. They don’t argue, they remember everything, and they don’t drink all your beer.”
(Paul Leary) (Though I would substitute Chocolate;)

“Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window.”
(Steve Wozniak)

“Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.”
(Alan Kay)

(HT: Why Homeschool)

Super Hero Movie of the Year

I am in the process of introducing my wife to all aspects of nerd culture that she was deprived of as a child. It began when we were dating (X-Files, The Simpsons) and has progressed through some of the later Star Trek series (though her Shatner-tolerance is still woefully lacking). But I still haven’t gotten her to what was the core of my nerdy youth: comic books. (I figure that at least half of the money that went through my fingers from ages 9-15 was spent on comic books.) That is why I dedicate the post to NerdMom, in hopes that someday she will come to understand that the following youtube clip is the greatest thing that the Internet has ever put before my eyes.

More about this here, HT House of Eratosthenes

Weird Al Hilarity

Faithful readers will remember when I posted the actual “White and Nerdy” Video last year but here is the first take. As a childhood Donny Osmund fan I found this extra funny. He is very white but I would probably use Dweeby more than Nerdy as a descriptor. I don’t know how many other Donny and Weird Al fans are out there but I know at least my girl Sue would get a kick out of it. So Sue, here it is for you!

Four minutes to a nerdier you!

Here at the nerdFamily blog, we like to celebrate all things nerdy. And believe me when I tell you that there isn’t a scientific subject more nerdy than string theory. (It’s nerdier than quantum physics and non-Euclidean geometry combined!) And so, we present Discover Magazine’s pick, and viewers’ pick for best String Theory in Two Minutes or Less video:

Their pick – String Ducky:

Viewers’ pick – The Problem with Math:

You are now significantly nerdier than you were four minutes ago. You’re welcome.