My friend Jaime recommended that I check out a book called Bicoastal Babe by Cynthia Langston for an easy and fun read. I hadn’t gotten a chance to pick it up yet when I found out….
It is going to be free for Kindle Thursday (5/3) and Friday (5/4)!!! Just pop over and put it on your Kindle or any Kindle reader app you use.
Here is the description from Amazon:
Not exactly what you’d call a goddess of cutting-edge culture, Lindsey Miller is shocked when she’s offered the über-hip job of writing for The Pulse, a newsletter that tracks white-hot trends in everything from fashion to cosmetics to entertainment. Before long, Lindsey finds herself on a whirlwind bicoastal romp as she jet-sets between New York and Los Angeles, fumbling to uncover what’s cool today, and what will be the next big thing tomorrow.
The grit and glamour of Manhattan are electrifying – and so is Victor Ragsdale, the slick Wall Street broker who charms Lindsey with his street-smart savvy. But the warmth and sunshine of L.A. are bliss – and so is Danny Wynn, the dreamy blond surfer who sweeps her into his strong, suntanned arms.
Lindsey’s two lives are both so exciting – and both so different. But disaster strikes when her evil trend-spotting partner begins to expose Lindsey for what she really is: tragically unhip and only one dirty martini away from being found out and fired.
Sounds cute! I personally can relate to feeling like I can figure out what is cool for the rest of the world but not myself;). Apparently Katherine Heigl loves it. So much she is developing/producing a show for the CW called Trending that is based on the book.
So grab a copy of the book and give it a read! In the near future I will be giving you my thoughts on it!!!