Category Archives: politics

MisMatch Letters

Ok, so Meg Whitman hired an illegal as domestic help. The question is if she knew. A mis-match letter is supposedly (according to Allred) the nail in Whitman’s coffin. Here is the deal with those letters, they really mean nothing. They are given to employers to basically to give/notify their employees so everything works out for the employee. According to the SF Chronicle, it would have been illegal for Whitman to have done anything about that letter. Supposedly the letter says it has nothing to do with immigration status.

So does this make Whitman look bad to me? No way.

I got one of these letter every year from 18 until 21. I was raised under my step father’s last name and worked under it until I was married. The name on my social security card was not that name, possibly because it was never legally my name, but I digress. Occasionally an employer would give me a copy of the letter they received and advise me to fix whatever was going on, but not all of them. So how do I know that these were sent out every year? Because I got a mis-match letter from the IRS every year sent to my home. Nothing ever happened and it wasn’t a big deal, I still got my refund every year.

Oh, 1 of the employers that never even bothered saying anything? The State of California.

Could This Be the Difference?

Paul Rodriguez has now endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor of California. Up to now Whitman and Brown have been pretty much tied in the Governor’s race.

For those of you who don’t know, Paul Rodriguez is not just a comedian when it comes to political issues in Central California. He was very involved and outspoken when it came to the water issues for the farmers. He was even one of the big names in organizing the water march that happened last year. So it raises the question, will Rodriguez’s support help Whitman with the Hispanic community?

We can hope! I may not be Whitman’s biggest fan but she has to be better than Brown, right?

Separate and Different

The Army burning Bibles and a Pastor burning Korans. This has been talked about a lot for the last week and it all drives me crazy. I hear over and over from the pundits the questions of why it is ok to burn Bibles but not ok to burn Korans. These are 2 different issues for me because they are 2 different situations.

First off, the Bible situation was complicated. A soldier had a bunch of Bibles sent to him in the local dialects. He wasn’t aware that proselytizing is forbidden, for any religion, by the Military. They (being the local officers in charge) didn’t want to have these sent home just to have them redistributed in the area. The biggest fear is that it would look like the US government was trying to convert the locals. So they trashed them and when overseas, garbage is burned. Best choice? I don’t know but it wasn’t some big “We Hate Christians” ceremony. The followed Military procedure, which is there to protect the soldiers. Like I said. I don’t think this was the best choice but…

Now skip over to a crazy pastor who wants to have a “Burn Koran Day”. I have issues in 2 ways. As an American and as a Christian. First, we have the issue of Petraeus saying it could be dangerous to soldiers overseas. Duh! Did everyone really need to told that? I mean our soldiers are overseas with a highly over reactive, violent group that might take offense to “White Satan” purposely disrespecting their religion so is the warning so far fetched to the short sighted among us? I haven’t heard of any threats of arrest or anything like that. It didn’t sound like anyone was legally stopping the idiots. They have a freedom and were being warned what the consequences could be of exercising it.

Now as a Christian. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. This pastor is angry and I understand that. But we are called to a higher standard. The idea of doing something solely to show your anger and to disrespect someone’s religion is not furthering the gospel! And our purpose here as Christians is to bring glory to God and they will know us by our love. Giving someone the proverbial bird isn’t showing them the love of Christ. And I am pretty sure there are some verses about the fact we are to love those who hate us. I am not saying to ask them to beat us but…

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

Participation Counts

All through life your participation is key to doing something and it counting. What do I mean? Of course there is the adult example, you don’t come to work you usually don’t get paid for those days. And if you miss too many you will get put on disability (if it is medical) or get let go so your employer can replace you with someone to do the work! When I was in City College you automatically got dropped if you missed more than 3 classes because they felt you couldn’t really learn in the class if you weren’t there. Even in elementary school they tell parents that if their kids miss to many days their kids will have to repeat a grade.

So what is the line for California legislators? I was reading an article over at the Fresno Bee about legislators keeping the per diems that they get for showing up to floor sessions, even when they don’t. That fact bothers me, it is similar to stealing. But that wasn’t the thing that upset me the most. It is not apparent how many floor sessions you can miss before getting tossed out.

There are many reasons that legislators miss. It seems a very common one is campaigning and I am not cool with that at all!!! But illness is a real reason but still, how many times can you miss and still the job properly? Skipping a day or two may not hurt a real big deal but that isn’t always the case.

Sen. Patricia Wiggins, a 70-year-old Santa Rosa Democrat who had displayed erratic behavior and erupted in occasional outbursts, has not attended floor sessions since March while treating an undisclosed medical condition.

Wiggins performs limited legislative work away from the Capitol, such as consulting with aides about her bills, spokesman David Miller said.

Sen. Jenny Oropeza, D-Long Beach, has missed every Senate floor session but one since May 21 because of an abdominal blood clot. Assemblywoman Wilmer Carter, D-Rialto, missed two months of floor sessions due to knee replacement surgery.

Really? Even when I don’t feel well I understand that my job still needs to be done. The people voted in people to “represent”. The key to representing is being there in place of others. While I am not talking about the validity of the excuse, I am talking about a stop loss. How much can you miss before you are kicked out or at least a temp? Shouldn’t there be something in place to enable these districts to have representation?

Tightening Race!

It looks like Barbara Boxer is losing her lead in the California Senate race! The Rasmussen numbers that just came out leaves Boxer and Carly Fiorina basically tied at 44% for Boxer and Fiorina at 43%. Things do getting dicey with the 8% undecided because when pressed another 5% say they are leaning towards Boxer. But it is progress!

Earlier this month, Boxer held a five-point lead, 45% to 40%,  and she was ahead 49% to 42% inJuly. Since February, Boxer’s support has ranged from 42% to 49%. In those same surveys, Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, has earned 38% to 43% of the vote.

We still have a fair amount of time before the election but it looks like Boxer could really be outed! WooHoo! (I never claimed to be unbiased;)

(HT: Hot Air)

WTA Mosque

****I have since found out the location of the proposed center/mosque is 2 blocks away in the old Burlington Coat Factory. And they purchased the building.

Oh, there is so much to say… The question is, should it be allowed that a mosque be built where the Twin Towers used to stand? Well, first I want to know what basis does this group get access to the Twin Towers land? Isn’t it privately owned or at least the city? Is it simply that this group petitioned Bloomberg?

The statement I hear about why a mosque there, is that they are trying to mend Muslim/West relations. I think the backlash has put to rest any illusions that a Mosque will not mend relations. But who buys that line any way? Are you telling me that is wouldn’t be a dream realized for Muslim extremists the world around to blow up our buildings (or anyone’s frankly) in order for a mosque to be built there. Talk about new motivation for terrorism. On just that fact alone and nothing else I say no! What message does that send? Don’t like something and want your stuff there? Then blow it up. Regardless of this group’s affiliation with terrorists or not. A mosque would be a pay off for such horrible acts.


Advertising Genius!

Brilliant, just brilliant! I am not brand loyal when it comes to shoes and sports stuff but I think I might become. Nike came out with an awesome real woman campaign that I just love. A real and healthy woman isn’t necessarily stick thin. She will have muscle and curves, if she does it right!

I believe in the power of the dollar. We complain that advertisers make women have a poor self image b showing us women that are either all fake or all bones. I want to affirm Nike and motivate other to take the same steps! So if you decide what brands to buy on more than money, think about rewarding Nike for standing up for a healthy woman not a stick girl!

(HT: TonyGentilcore)

*****Update: Apparently this is a fake. Still a brilliant idea! Thanks Sherri for bringing this to my attention!

California Prop 8 Overturned

The ruling is in on Prop 8! It has been overturned. It has been ruled unconstitutional. I have just read the conclusion page so far on the ruling and basically tradition can not be the basis for legislation. You can check out the whole ruling but it is 138 pages so you can use the Table of Contents to find the bits you want;). You can go to the bottom of the page and pick where you want to go. I have a feeling that we are going to see another piece of legislation soon, either legalizing gay marriage or banning it.

What do you think? Not just morally but legally? How do think this will effect California and the nation?

Could Iran Have It Right?

Iran has banned the mullet. Yup, the mullet. In a funny way, I could get behind that. No one needs a mullet and in fact, many need to not have a mullet;).

In all seriousness I am not really supporting Iran. As hideous as I may think it is, it is still your right to wear your hair as you would choose. The reason Iran has banned it is only to ban part of Western Civilization. The Iranians should have the right to look as ridiculous as you might want.