Category Archives: politics

Demon Sheep

So this is the scandalous commercial against Tom Campbell in the Republican primary for Senate. Going into viewing the commercial I thought that no matter what that I would support whom ever runs against Barbara Boxer. Now I am not sure.
I find the commercial ridiculous and stupid. But it is the primary and things get dirty within the party. But a few things hit me. Like why would Fiorina grasp at such obvious straws instead of doing a real piece? Well, when you are the person who ran a stable, work horse company like HP into the ground…You gotta knock somebody out by the knees in order to really be able to pose as the stable one.
Then there was the tag line. “Carly for California” What? Are you a high school cheerleader? You are a grown woman running for the Senate. Come on. And kudos to you, Campbell for making hay out of this!

A Shocking Mix Up

Now I must preface this with the fact I can’t stand Jerry Tarkanian as a coach or any part of a University. I was mad when Fresno State hired him so maybe that prejudices me against Danny Tarkanian but….
How could you confuse Harry Reid and Ronald Reagan? In the clip Tarkanian refers to Reagan’s renowned 11th Commandment. When I saw this posted I was sure that if Tarkanian did it, it was a one time slip. Well, watch the tape. Tarkanian says Reid instead of Reagan repeatedly.
If this is representative of Tarkanian as a candidate….Well, as much as I dislike Harry Reid I dislike the idea of an idiot Republican more. I would rather let everyone see someone bad in the seat and know that he is a Democrat!
(HT: The Hill)

Proving the Greatness of Socialized Medicine

So socialized medicine is supposed to be great right? I mean don’t we all want what Canada has? Everyone can have great treatment and it will just be taken out of your check… Well, it isn’t good enough for Canadian Premier Williams. He needs heart surgery and is going to travel over the border to avail himself of America’s great health system. I have heard about this for years. That the wealthy in Canada (and frankly even the not so wealthy) will come to the US to have medical procedures done either due to our better quality or the expediency. So maybe all those who desire what Canada has should actual see what Canadians with a choice do.

I thought a commenter over at Instapundit had an interesting question. If Obamacare passes how will the Canadian healthcare system survive?


Rep George Radanovich’s wife, Ethie Weaver Radaovich, has passed away. My sympathy and prayers go out to Representative Radanovich, his son and all those who knew and loved her.

But now I have a question… Ethie and her battle with cancer was the prime reason that Rep Radanovich was not seeking another term in the House of Representatives. Is this effect what he is doing next? Can he/will he jump back into the race? Will he run for something a bit more local? Not to be callus but, is her passing so early in the campaign season a game changer?

Tea Anyone?

I didn’t watch the State of the Union. Yes, I know that I am a bad American;). But between the internet and chatter on the street I wasn’t worried about missing to much. But there was something I did miss (until NerdDad mentioned it and then I saw it on the Daily Show;). Speaker Pelosi had a silver tea set in front of her during the speech. I find that odd. Very odd. Now for many, many of my childhood and early adult years I watched the State of the Union and I don’t recall ever seeing a silver tea set in front of anyone. N

Now frankly I had always been paying attention to the speech and the Presidents so did I just not notice? Is she that pretentious that she needs a special tea set instead of a glass of water like the Vice President? What is the deal?

What Does Brown Mean to Us All?

I, like many people, was watching the Senate race in Massachusetts with bated breath. It wasn’t just a long held Democratic seat but a 47 year Kennedy held seat. The uber-Democratic seat. So it is very excited for me as a Republican to see the seat fall to Scott Brown. So what does this mean for the Democrats and their future in the next set of elections?

I hope this means that the American people are seeing the Democratic party and President Obama for what they are. Charles Krauthammer said it quite well:

Brown ran on a very specific, very clear agenda. Stop health care. Don’t Mirandize terrorists. Don’t raise taxes; cut them. And no more secret backroom deals with special interests.

These deals — the Louisiana purchase, the Cornhusker kickback — had engendered a national disgust with the corruption and arrogance of one-party rule. The final straw was the union payoff — in which labor bosses smugly walked out of the White House with a five-year exemption from a (“Cadillac”) health insurance tax Democrats were imposing on the 92 percent of private-sector workers who are not unionized.

So what does this mean for November? I hope that it starts with Barbara Boxer loosing her seat! Here is to another American Revolution!