Category Archives: politics

The Education of Jon Stewart and America (We Hope)

This is a great piece. Partly because it is just a hilariously true story about the shenanigans that Acorn pulls and partly because it is fun watching Jon Stewart’s eyes being opened. Jon Stewart does say a couple of bad words but they are completely bleeped. I laughed so hard about the whole situation that I teared up a bit.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
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Apparently Acorn claims the tapes have been altered but they have fired every employee in them.

So Who Do the Unions Work For?

We know that the teacher’s unions don’t work for the parents. We also know they don’t work for the students. That is perfectly illustrated by the teacher who got her job back after getting her class to vote a boy out who has Asperger’s.

But now it appears that they don’t work for the teachers either. The teacher’s union in Detroit is trying to get 70 teacher’s fired because they didn’t pay their dues. I just it just confirms what some of us already knew. The teachers unions are entities that only work to dupport the union itself. It is evidenced by their politics and now this.

Independence Day with a Bang?

I understand that the 4th of July is to celebrate all our rights but I have never heard about bringing your gun to church to celebrate. Apparently this is what 1 pastor inviting his parishioners to do for the June 27th service. Now you aren’t allowed to bring them loaded (and there will private security to check) but there will be lots of festivities including a gun raffle. I find this really interesting, not disturbing but a little odd. I am curious if this give my pastor any ideas. I mean we do have a gun club at our church (well, they go somewhere else to shoot;). What do you think? Pastor?

(HT: Jim Boren)

Supreme Education

Since the President is appointing a Supreme Court Justice it is a great time to find out information on previous justices. In that vein I recommend going over to The Stimulist and read about 5 of the most surprising appointments. I don’t agree with the degree of surprise on some of them but it is a great read! I personally don’t think that Black and his KKK membership really was all that shocking in relation to FDR’s appointment of him.