Category Archives: Smart Living Strategies

My Kids’ Favorite Toy Organization Tool

(This is a sponsored post by Pley, the awesome toy set subscription service. Netflix for blocks (and maybe Polly Pockets soon too).)

I know, it sounds weird to be talking about the kids’ favorite organization tools but I am a practical girl. I can do all the organizing, labeling, and containering I want but if the kids won’t use it, it is a waste. So I wanted to find out their favorite so I could deploy it as much as possible! I mean, don’t you want your kids tending and organizing all their own toys (if we dare to dream)? I see all these great systems on Pinterest that are supposed to be easy to use. But if I am the only one actually using them, I consider it a fail no matter how cheap or how pretty it looks. 

So I sat down with my kids and polled them about what was there favorite and why.

WP_20160127_13_50_25_ProThe hands down winner was the collapsible drawer/bin. And they had a variety of reasons!

1) It is 1 bin to take out and put away. So much easier than carrying out a bunch of little bits.
2) They can hold quite a bit. Like a whole set up of Legos for a project. If you are using smaller containers to organize things (like a pencil box for mini figures and bags of singles), they will hold all those little containers too!
3) They come in different colors so you can use a specific color for specific things.
4) They fold up so you can always have 1 or 2 empty, out of the way, and ready to go for any on the fly project.
5) They look nicer than laying out a bunch of bits on the shelf. So they don’t have to dust all the bits and I will let them sit on the shelf instead of finding a spot in the closet.
6) You don’t have to take everything apart in order to put things away and clean up!

I love them for all those reasons and the fact that they are so affordable! I have some from the Dollar Spot at Target and some from Michaels.

There are also very great for Pley subscribers! Keep an empty drawer or 2 set aside for those kits! Then when they come in you can just set all the pieces in 1 drawer and they will be contained! Playable yet very easy to keep track of! Then whe you are ready to send back your set to get another, you know where all the bits are! 

Do you use the collapsible fabric drawers? What do your kids like to use to organize all their toys? Especially those toys with lots of pieces? Let me know in the comments!


(Disclosure: This piece was sponsored by Pley but all thoughts and opinions are mine alone!) 


Tips to Enjoying Fireworks with Kids

The 4th of July is a really big deal over here, lets be honest, because of the fireworks. It is great fun for kids and adults alike. But when you are dealing with any activity that has fire, explosions, and is after bedtime things can get a little stressful. But doing fireworks at home with the kids can be fun and enjoyable with a little planning and strategy!  

1) Be clear about when you will start doing fireworks! Nothing drives everyone crazy more than adults say later & the kids have no idea what that means so they keep asking when! Save everyone the grief and give a time a little later than when you think you will actually start!

2) Give the children something specific to do while you are waiting for it to be dark enough. There is so much anticipation that it will be hard for the kids to find something to do so help them out! Have a movie or a craft for them to do or be specific on what you want them to build with Legos. It will help keep everyone sane and out of your hair!

3)Lay out a blanket for them to sit during the fireworks. This gives them a safe, clear area to be in and it is easy to monitor. You also don’t have to make sure that they are sitting nicely or not ricking back in a flimsy outdoor chair.

4) Have something for them to do during the fireworks. There are those lulls while you are setting up, lighting and resetting fireworks. This is a perfect time for a little dessert. We also always do the glow dark bracelets from the Dollar stores. It keeps their hands busy so they don’t get restless. Make sure you have enough glow in the dark bracelets so if 1 doesn’t work or if someone wants another color there is no fighting.

5) Be clear ahead of time about the children’s involvement. Will they get to light 1 firework during the night? Will they get to play with the Morning Glories? What ever will or won’t be happening should be talked about before the fireworks begin so expectations are set.

6) Have a plan for when the fireworks are over. In our house everyone picks up their dessert stuff and bracelets and goes inside. We say goodbye to any friends that are over. Then they throw the garbage away and then go 1 by 1 from oldest to youngest to brush teeth and put on their pj’s. By the time they are done, Dad is done cleaning up and they are ready for bed. A little structure makes them focused and calmer!

With just a little planning you and your kids can have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!

6 Cheap & Last Minute Adult Halloween Costume Accessories

I am not a costume person. I am not the mom who builds out her costume for Halloween or even themed parties. And frankly, neither is my husband. But it doesn’t translate to me wanting to completely snub Halloween and Halloween costumes because my kids will get a kick out of what ever I do;). But the reality is that I just started thinking about it today. Which means I don’t have time to go shopping and I don’t want to spend a lot. But wig, hat or accessory can really make a huge impact.

6 Cheap & Last Minute Adult Halloween Costume Accessories

So I have put together a list of great pieces that are all available with free Amazon Prime 2 day shipping!

1. Roman Laurel Wreath: This is great for anyone and easy to store for later use. I think I would also use this for a history unit;).

2. Court Jester/Elf Hat: This fun piece does double, no triple, duty with Halloween, Christmas, and Mardi Gras!

3. Pharaoh’s Hat: I mean, who doesn’t love a Pharaoh’s hat? It make a costume.

4. Caveman Wig and Beard: Do you really need anything more? Including a jacket to keep warm, I think that get up has you covered.

5. Hot Pink Bob Wig: Who doesn’t want to have a cute and funky wig. It will also store great without a lot of length to get tangled.

6. Doctor Who Fez & Bowtie: It is Doctor Who. This will get a ton of use in any geek household. Need I really say more?


Looking for more Halloween talk? Don’t have the costumes all set for the kids? Make sure to check out my 9 tips for Do it Yourself Halloween Costumes!

And remember that candy is not your only option for Halloween handouts. Check out my 5 Affordable Non-Candy Handouts!

Pencil Boxes for Organizing Life Outside of School

 Pencil Boxes for Organizing Life

I love office and school supplies! I am woman enough to admit. And so the fabulous sales in the fall always make my eyes gleam. The penny, dime, quarter and fifty cents deals seem too good to pass up.

One of the things that seem most fascinating is the plastic pencil boxes. Not the little slider boxes but proper plastic pencil boxes with hinges and closing hinges. I usually can pick them up on sale during back to school season for 25 or 50 cents apiece at Walgreens.

I live in a world of little people, little things and way to much crud so I knew there had to be some way to utilize these boxes! And I found some! Remember these can be used in so many ways other than holding crayons, pencils or other school supplies!

Here are just 5 ideas to get you going!

  1.  Army Men: My kids have those little army men everywhere. They populate their cities, conduct major battles, and generally get thrown around. Did you know they even make them in fire and police varieties now? And did you know those little stinkers are pointy and sharp? My feet know! You can store quite a few in 1 pencil box and then they don’t have to either leave them out or pull everything out of a big bin to find them!
  2. USB Drives/Press Kits: You know those little USB/Flash drives? Those little storage devices are awesome to have around for those quick file transfers, movies or whatever. But if you don’t actually have it plugged into your computer it can be hard to keep track of them. And can I let you into a little blogger secret? We get press kits from lots of companies on USB drives. So once we pull all the information off for pieces and videos, we have perfectly serviceable USB Drives. They all fit wonderfully in these pencil boxes until someone happens to need a USB Drive (even the palm tree ones;).
  3. Hair Clips: I have decided, women’s and girls’ hair clips have full reproductive abilities. Because it seems no matter how many you throw out because they break or chip they just keep coming! My daughters basically filled a bathroom drawer with hair elastics and clips. Well, that was until I brought the pencil boxes in! Now they have 2 boxes. 1 for clips and 1 for hair ties and there is even room for other things now! Imagine.
  4. Lego People: Legos are awesome. All Legos. But there is a special fascination with the Lego figures. Such a fascination that even the generic, non character ones sell for a pretty  penny. So while we have numerous bins of Lego bricks we only have 20-30 Lego people. And of course they want to play with them all the time. Even if they aren’t playing with the Lego bricks. I can tell you from experience that nothing is more annoying than kids pulling out numerous Lego bins because they can’t find Loki’s staff or Batman. So you can keep all your Lego People and their accessories in 1 pencil box. It will save your kids oodles of time, save you oodles of nagging, and save your oodles of limping.
  5. Game Piece Storage: You are just finishing a rousing (ready fairly stressful) game of Sorry. The more stressful the game was the more likely that today is the day. The day that the box falls apart. So now you are annoyed and just want to be done. But now you are trying to shove everything in the box and trying to get the lid to stick to it… This isn’t going to work. Instead just pop all the pieces into a pencil box. Then you will just need the box and the board to be have everything you need. And more importantly, when you are done you have a dependable method of storage that you don’t have to fight with! 

 Remember just because you buy something that has a use already assigned to it doesn’t mean you can’t use it for something else! Look for unexpected uses for everyday items (or back to school bargains) and your life will be just a little more organized. And you might even have a little more money left;).

So what could you store in your pencil boxes?

6 Items to Deal with Allergies at Home

filtrete allergies

I really do love living in Fresno! I also love the fact that we feed the world. But there is a down side to that. Things are always blooming and I am often sneezing! I have given a lot of thought and planning as how to deal with my allergies without relying on medicine alone. I already take a daily allergy pill so when my allergies are made worse by pollen, well leave it to say that taking another Claritin is just not going to do it.

There are three household tools you must have on hand to deal with your environment.

1. Filtrete air filters: Changing your air filters every 3 months is the first step towards battling your allergies at home! I don’t believe in cheap air filters and have use Filtrete’s filters for years. So I was stoked when they sent me a box! And while they did compensate me for this piece (with a box of filters), this opinion is totally mine!

Yes, you can get a cheaper filter but you really do get what you pay for in this arena. Cheap filters let a lot of dust and pollen through. And I love that they only have to be changed every 3 months. The less I have to be up in that dust laden area the better.

2. Vacuum Cleaner: A good vacuum cleaner is a necessity! We have a refurbished Dyson Animal Vacuum that does a phenomenal job. You need to make sure that it sucks up the dust and that you dump the can frequently.

Of course you need to vacuum your carpets to help with the dust but it goes beyond that. You can take your wand and go over both your couch and blinds to really clean out the air! You also should vacuum your vent cover before you change your air filter. It stops you from getting a face full of dust.

3. Corkscrew Microfiber Dusting Mitt: A great dusting mitt is key! The micro fiber grabs on to the dust so you aren’t just pushing it around. Since it is a mitt you can turn it inside out when you take it off to keep all the dust in until you are ready to shake it out or wash it.

Then there are three things you must have on hand to use on you in order to deal with your allergies at home.

4. Essential Oils: Ever since I began using essential oils topically my use of Sudafed has dramatically dropped. Rubbing a little eucalyptus and peppermint on my sinuses or placing some in a diffuser can help control watering eyes, sniffing and even sneezing. It also helps to stop my sinuses from getting all stuffed up! I even travel with them.

5. Neti Pot: Irrigating your sinuses may sound weird and uncomfortable but nothing beats it. I understand if it puts you off, it took years before I would do it. But I swear by it now! It keeps everything moving and really helps avoid sinus infections. It also just relieves stuffy sinuses and helps me sleep when things are bad.

6. Water: Yes, I said water. I know it sounds simple but it is essential. Water will thin any mucous but also will help you avoid headaches that allergies can bring on. It sounds silly but it is the most essential thing you need! Throw some peppermint leaves in it to give you a little zip and energy too;).

And there you have it. Six things to have on hand at home in order to combat your allergies!

(Disclosure: Filtrete did compensate me for this post. All thoughts and opinions are mine. Make sure to connect with them over on their Facebook page and Twitter. #HealthierHome )

Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus Saving Clothes on the Go!

WP_20140816_17_27_01_Pro (1)

I admit it, I was raised an ironer… When my husband and I got married I was mortified that he didn’t own an iron or an ironing board. An issue we quickly rectified. Then I continued to iron his wrinkle free pants and shirts because they weren’t wrinkle free enough. And I continued ironing mine and Jeremy’s clothes. Then I had my 4th kid.

No, I really didn’t stop ironing until the 4th kid was born. Since then, the iron only comes out for special occasions or more accurately special materials. I didn’t really try much with whole world of Wrinkle Releaser, I would just toss something in the dryer and shake unless it is a fancy material I can’t iron. Then I go straight to the Downey Wrinkle Releaser Plus. With the new Plus version the mist is so fine that I haven’t had any problem knocking out the creases in dry clean only materials. But other than that it was dry and shake. Except when I travel.

WP_20140818_13_48_50_ProTraveling is inherently hard on your clothes. Things that can normally just be tossed in a dryer or shaken out in order to rid yourself of wrinkles… well that doesn’t work when you travel. Even when you roll shirts you can avoid some of the wrinkles but those that are there create creases. To deal with those I have been known to drag out the hotel iron.

But no more… Last year I was at a conference and I had a new favorite shirt. I was smart and turned the shirt inside out to iron it. And I turned the iron to medium low and then started to iron. Immediately the lining burned right off… I was in tears and calling the husband. Luckily, you can’t really tell from the outside for the most part.

Flash forward…. Same shirt with similar wrinkles. I gave it a spritz with Wrinkle Releaser Plus! And by the time I put my makeup on the shirt was ready. I am never risking a piece of clothing I love to an unpredictable hotel iron!!! I am forever going to bring my travel Downey Wrinkle Releaser Plus!!!

(Disclosure: This is a compensated piece. The subject has been paid for but the words and thoughts are mine!)

Moonlight & Mason Jars Link Up

Moonlight and Mason Jars Link Party Button

Welcome to the Moonlight & Mason Jars Link Up Party #47! I am this week’s guest host! There is always a great collection of fabulous posts in this link up and I am sure that this week will not disappoint. What ever you have been working on goes! I am looking to switch up my food & my decor so I am hoping to get into a little crafting & more cooking soon myself. My newest spring recipe is my Spring Chicken & Grits with asparagus & mushrooms. Thanks for stopping by!

Alright, are your ready to party?!

Don’t forget that we have ONE new guest host each week. If you’re a blogger and are interested in participating, please send a message on Facebook. We average about 150 link-ups per week, so that is great exposure for your blog. Don’t miss out!

MMJ Hosts Image


Continue reading Moonlight & Mason Jars Link Up

My Job Chart

I am a big believer on teaching kids the importance of chores and how to be responsible. Of course the official reason is that it is important to help our children become self supporting, responsible adults. Lets be honest, the more motivating reason is that I am not paid nearly enough to be their servant. I have yet to find anyone who can afford what it would cost to make me be their servant;).

We don’t do allowances in this house. We have always said there is a certain amount of work that is just part of being the family. That said, I always have big jobs, projects and extra ways for them to earn money or privileges.  So to that end here is a free tool that might help!

My Job Chart is more than just a chore list. I mean, I could just make a chore list on a scratch piece of paper. I am looking for a little more than that in a tool;). My Job Chart is a website and apps that are designed for both parents and kids to use. Parents can enter jobs and rewards. The kids can then log in and enter the jobs they have completed and redeem points for rewards!

The jobs are entered by parents and we decide how many points each job is worth so it isn’t just a check off system for the kids. We can teach them that harder (or even optional) jobs are worth more points. And I like how the rewards system is structured. You can enter any for of reward you want! It can be a product from Amazon that the kids can redeem points directly for (when you give permission) and it can be shipped to you. That is nice because then you don’t have to remember to go buy the prize;). But I like the other reward options too! You can put in any kind of prize like a playdate or video game time! There is even a charity section so your kids can redeem for those! It is a great way to teach how to give of your time for a charity because their time will be worth a donation!

Go sign up for My Job Chart! It is free so give it a whirl! And I do ask that you use one of my links because that will help support this blog!!!

Preschool and Kindergarten Valentine’s Day Crafts


Kids like crafts! And I like kids being busy with crafts;). Valentine’s Day is the perfect time for little kid crafts because they can help create some seasonal decor and use their crafts as gifts!

The first one is a super simple heart wreath!
To prep for the kids you can take cheap paper plates and cut the center out of them. I picked up a great heart punch and had my son punch a bunch of hearts out of 2 sheets of cardstock but I could have used old magazines too! Then just place glue all over the paper plate ring and let them go crazy arranging them!!! If you want to get fancy they can draw faces on the hearts first;).

The second one is a super cute butterfly!
Take toilet paper roll and cover it in a rectangle of colored paper by placing glue on both ends of one side and then roll the paper roll in it. Then glue 2 hearts on the back for wings. You can put a hole punch in the top of the toilet paper roll in between the wings. Then have them place a colored pipe cleaner in the hole for antennae! Then just add googly eyes and draw a face! You could write to & froms on the wings and make sweet little gifts!

These aren’t complicated but they are fun!

Teaching Goal Setting to Children

Goal settingJanuary, it is the months of resolutions! And no plan, hope or goal seems to fail like a resolution. So for the most part, I don’t believe in resolutions but I do believe in goals. The difference? A plan!

Goal setting doesn’t come naturally to most people and needs to be taught. So why not set up kids for success by teaching them goal setting?

Goals can be long term or short term but the approach is the same. Since we are talking about kids lets aim for short term goals! Once they get the emotional payoff they will use goal setting to achieve more and more!

1) Come up with a goal!
2) Put it through the dream test! What do I mean? Are there any reasonable steps at all that can help you achieve your goal? Wanting to be taller isn’t a goal but a dream. You can’t really do much about your height.
3) List 1 step you can take tomorrow to work towards your goal. Just start with 1 but it is something you can do almost immediately!
4) List 2 more steps that you can take to achieve the goal.

If you go much further with young kids you will overwhelm them! Help your kids practice goal setting with you. Maybe once every month or 2 ask them to give you a list of 3 goals with 3 steps each. When they start out resist the impulse to criticize the goals. They may seem a bit wonky but remember, they are kids;).

That is what we did here in the NerdFamily for New Year’s. Goals do not have to be complicated either. Here are some that my kids did.

NerdBug (12):
Goal: Beat Adventure Mode in Plants VS Zombies
1) Take time to strategize before playing
2) Ask for advice from siblings
3) Try different techniques every day

NerdPie (10):
Goal: To write in my diary every day
1) Set aside the first 30 minutes of room time for writing.
2) No mp3 player if I don’t write in the first 1/2 hour
3) I will sit on my bed until I write.

Nerdster (8):
Goal: Be stronger
1) Run
2) Exercise more often
3) Play minimum video games

NerdPud (6):
Goal: Time with God
1) Go to my room
2) Sit down
3) Pray

Their goals may not be what I would have chosen (and I could lead them into some goal choices) but they are theirs! Allowing them to set goals also really reveals what is going on in their heads and hearts too. So it is a double parenting win;). Go get your kids to set some goals!