Category Archives: Smart Living Strategies

Making Your House Seem Clean

A quick Swiffer of the linoleum!
A quick Swiffer of the linoleum!

This holiday cleaning tips post is brought to you by Swiffer® as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post.

Guests, we all love having them but sometimes we just don’t have the time to clean our houses and we think it should be done. Let’s be honest. With 4 kids, I never have time to clean my house to spotless! And if coming to judge my house, don’t bother visiting! But that doesn’t mean I don’t want it to appear somewhat clean and tidy. There are just a few things you can do to make your house seem clean when you don’t have the time. And yes, a decent part of this is all mind games;).

1) People are self centered and love to look at themselves. Clean your mirrors! Focus on your bathroom mirrors but if you have them elsewhere try to give them a good wipe too.

2) We all have stuff (and too much of it) but no one needs to see it! Baskets and bin hide a multitude of excess! Just pick everything up that is laying around and dump it in. No one will look in them and no one will even notice if they are cute! I seriously have plastic bins in the kids’ playroom to hold stuff and everyone comments how clean it all looks. (Did I mention that the playroom meets the front door?)

3) People really only look where they are so clean off the kitchen or dining room table that they are going to sit at. Maybe even put on a clean table cloth!

4) Clean out your kitchen sink. Some helpful guest is going to want to put their glass in the sink or wash their hands. Even if you have dishes on the counter, a clean sink gives them impression of overall cleanliness! No one will care about the mess on the counter because that is just eating (and maybe even cooking) but a clean sink shows they probably haven’t been on the counter long;).

5)  Have a spot for your guests purses, phones and keys. Yes, putting them on the couch or where ever is perfectly acceptable. But if you have a spot designated for them  it gives an air of organization! I started having a spot when my kids were toddlers so they couldn’t get to anyone’s stuff but I had so many people comment on how organized I was that I will do it forever;).

6) Swiffer your floors!!! I was raised in the sweep, then run a bucket of soapy water, then mop, then run clean water, then mop again era. I never have time for that but nothing can kill the illusion of a clean house like feeling a bunch of stuff under your feet. I recently got a SteamBoost Steam Mop and it takes care of all those steps in 1. Just slap on a pad and fill the reservoir with water then plug it in and go! It takes 2 minutes and leaves the floor nice and clean!


Do all this and your house will seem clean in just a few minutes! And if you are judged because your bookcases don’t pass the white glove test, well those people are usually never satisfied any way;).  Enjoy your guests and your life!!!

SwifferLogo-10-2-12This sponsored post was brought to you by Swiffer®. For a limited time, get a $15 prepaid card when you purchase a SteamBoost Steam Mop Starter Kit between 11/24/13 and 12/31/13. Swiffer BISSELL® SteamBoost™ combines a dirt-dissolving cleaning solution with the power of steam for a deep clean that gets messes mops can leave behind. Also be sure to like Swiffer on Facebook and follow @swiffer on Twitter.

Black Friday Walgreens List

Lets look at Walgreens! Remember that you need their Balance Rewards card to get all the deals and you can also use manufacturer’s coupons!

1)$25 Apple/iTunes gift cards ($25) and get a $15 Walgreens gift card (ok, I may use these as gifts but I will probably also use the Walgreens gift card to pay for the rest of my purchases;)
2) Oral B Toothbrush 2 for $6 and you get $4 in Register Rewards
3) Colgate toothpaste $3.49 with $2.50 back in Register Rewards
4) Colgate Toothbrush $2.99 with $2 back in Register Rewards
5) Tums Freshers $4.50 with $4.500 back in Register Rewards
6) Gelusil $3 with $3 back in Register Rewards
7) Cepacol $1 with $1 back in register Rewards
8)Got 2B Shampoo or Conditioner $4.99 with $4.99 back
9) Psst! Dry Shampoo $4.99 with $4.99 back
10) Reach toothbrush $3 with $3 back
11) Blistex $2 with $2 back
12) Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent Buy 1 Get 2 Free
13) Herbal Essences Shampoo or Conditioner $2.99 with $2.99 back in Register Rewards
14) Scunci No Damage Elastics 2 for $3 with $3 back in Register Rewards
15) Crest 3D White Arctic Fresh or Vivid Toothpaste $3 with $3 back in Register Rewards
16) Optic-Free Pure Moist Multipurpose Solution $2 with $2 back in Register Rewards

Advent Jar Calendars

Advent Jar CalendarsWe are all super familiar with Advent chains, calendars, and the like that call count down to Christmas starting December 1st. But I have some new ideas and instead of taking links off chains or eating chocolate out of paper calendars. Those paper chain count down toward Christmas were so exciting when we were in preschool or kindergarten. But lets be honest, counting from 1 to 25 is just not as thrilling as it once was;). These ideas use a jar (or bowl or basket) instead. Some start full and some start empty!

Activity a Day Jar: You put 25 pieces of paper folded in the jar and each one has a holiday activity on it. If you have activities on your calendar you write the number of the day on the outside of it. So if you are going to the Nutcracker or having an open house, put the date on that piece of paper. Anything not numbered is a random grab for days that don’t have plans! You can use activities like making a gingerbread house, cutting snowflakes, watching a holiday movie and the like.

Thankful Jar: On Thanksgiving as a family you fill 25 slips of paper with something you are thankful for. Then everyday leading up to Christmas take out one slip and discuss why you are thankful! Then you will be full of gratitude long before presents get opened!

Random Acts of Kindness Jar: Every day we should do a random act of kindness as just a general rule. This helps you put it into practice. When you do a random act of kindness over the month just write it down and put it in the jar. You can even tell your family that there will be no Christmas until there is at least 25 acts if you want to be hardcore;). Write the act and the date on the paper.

So there are just a few ideas to spice of the count down to Christmas! What are the traditions that you have in your family? Do you do the candy calendars? We do those too but this year we are going to do more!

How to Negotiate a Discount

Ok, you know those people. Those that always seem to get a slightly better deal, better than advertised and certainly better than the one you got? Those opportunities are out there for you too but you just need some smart strategies to get them! It really boils down to knowing when and how to ask for them!

When to ask in Stores:
1) When the packaging is severely damaged (even if the product is perfect)
2) When the item has a small flaw that doesn’t effect how it works
3) When the item is damaged but fixable (and you are willing to fix it)
4) When you are buying a large amount (smaller, non-chain stores are best for this)
5) When you are buying for a group like a school or church. Then speak with a manager or assistant manager and not just a clerk.

When to ask for services:
1) Before a service is done unless something is done very poorly
2) When planning on having the same service more than once
3) When paying cash for said service
4) When paying on site so you don’t have to be billed

How to ask:
1) First, always ask if there is a standing store discount coupon out that you could get. (Stores like Macy’s, Lane Bryant, etc tend to have coupons behind the cash register you can get)
2) Ask if there is a policy in place for a discount.
3) If there isn’t a policy in place ask to speak with a manager or owner. As my momma always said, don’t ask someone who doesn’t have the power to say yes!
4) If it is due to a defect in packaging or item, point out how they might get stuck with it.
5) If you will be fixing it, point that out!
6) Ask with a smile!
7) Accept the no politely regardless if that means you won’t get it. Next time they might give it to you if you are a sweet person!

Tips for Do It Yourself Halloween Costumes

The base of many a homemade Halloween Costume!

When Halloween comes around I am always amazed how expensive Halloween costumes are! When did the fun, kids’ dress up night move into a night where parents spend hundreds? I mean, it is just 1 night! But homemade are not that hard or expensive. Here are 9 tips get you on your way to fun and cheap costumes!
1)Sweats, turtle necks and leggings are a great base for any homemade costume!
2)Dollar Store Accessories can sell it!
3) Don’t buy special Halloween/costume make up. Cheap make up usually results in better colors and doesn’t bother the skin as much. Then you can use a makeup wipe to remove it too!
4)If it is for Trick or Treating remember: It is dark! Don’t fret over the details!
5) If you need cardboard, Costco will let you pick out boxes!
6) Spray paint is a cheap and easy tool. You can paint quickly!!!
7) Pipe cleaners make great antennae, extra arms, etc.
8) Act like it is just playing dress up. Go with what you like not just what fits the “theme” of the costume.
9) Have fun!!! And let the kids help!


Affordable Non-Candy Halloween Handouts

There are some quality, cheap candy options like Tootsie Pops and Tootsie Rolls from the Dollar Store. But really, who needs more candy on Halloween? We get way too much!!! So why not hand out some candy alternatives? You can probably even get it cheaper than quality candy (and I don’t believe in cheap candy;).

1) Pencils and party favors from the Dollar Store. You get 6-12 items per dollar
2) Other dollar bin finds! I found a bag of 35 army men for $1 at Target
3) Odds and ends you have from goody bags, purchased for favors, etc. They are just sitting there, why not free up some space? I have left over Chinese drums, necklaces, and the like.
4) Bargain erasers and highlighters that were picked up for 5 cents each (or less) at back to school sales
5) Bargain favors from party stores! I paid $3.25 for 125 spider rings and $14.50 for 100 favor pack. Those are sale prices. You can get non-holiday themed 100 packs also but those weren’t on sale. They are $20.

I do recommend that if you are buying new stuff that you buy stuff you and your kids like. You can always use them as Easter basket stuffing and Christmas stocking stuffers. Or in birthday party goodie bags or as rewards!

What do you usually hand out for Halloween?


Prep List for a Dinner Party or Holiday Meal


We are heading into the fall and holidays! As it cools off instead of just having causal BBQ’s we are moving inside with more structured dinner parties and big holiday meals. But that doesn’t mean being a host has to be stressful. Some smart planning and you can be enjoys these great meals with everyone else!!!

1)Assemble recipes! If they are in cookbooks make a list with titles and page numbers. This isn’t the time to try something new or things that need to be cooked moments before.

2)List prep times that can be done ahead of time/day before/day of/etc. This can just be jotted down on a piece of paper or on a spreadsheet and then you can order them based on prep times;). If a recipe has part that can be done ahead and part that can be done day of, list it twice!

3)Make a grocery list. Include disposable dishes, napkins, and the like if needed too!

4)Assign serving dishes and utensils. Some people set them out and put a post it on them. I make a list.

5)Days before begin prep. Anything that you are making ahead of time and freezing can be done the week before.

6)Do day before prep. Often chopping vegetables or making batters fall into this category. When I make my coconut shrimp cakes I mix it up and put it in the fridge the night before. But for latkes the potatoes will turn brown so I will just chop the onion but leave the rest for the day of.

7)Create a schedule for day of. What can you cook before noon? What needs to be done an hour ahead? What needs to come out just in time to eat?

8)Have everything done within 15 minutes of the party and enjoy your guests! You are doing this to enjoy your friends and family, so go enjoy them!

9)Allow people to help a little with the dishes. I know, we have all be socialized that a good host doesn’t let people help. Tough! Those who offer usually feel it is a way to show their gratitude. And if they help load the dishwasher they don’t feel as guilty when they leave you with the rest of the dishes.

Using Gift Cards as a Budgeting Tool


(Make sure you scroll to the bottom for a gift card giveaway!)

Money and budgeting is always an issue that lives in everyone’s life, even if they do it well. I have counselled people before but have never written about gift cards being a great budgeting tool! So when I received an opportunity to do a sponsored post on the subject, I jumped on it!

One of the biggest benefits of gift cards is that it causes you to operate in a method similar to the long standing, ever popular envelope budgeting systems. It is a super easy system. You decide how much you are going to spend in a category (and yes, Starbucks is its own category;) and put that into the envelope. Then when the envelope is empty, you are done spending. You can do it weekly, monthly, or how ever you budget.

It is very easy to use gift cards in the same manner. Want to get a hold of your coffee expenditure? Then buy a gift card to carry in your wallet. Then there is no exceptions to be made! When it is empty, it is empty. Movie tickets, lunch at your favorite spot? All can be helped with gift cards.

There are other reasons for you to prepay for gift cards too! Certain restaurants run gift card deals through the year where if you buy a card they will give you a bonus gift card. I know one my husband did was $50 got him a $50 gift card and an additional $15 card that had to be used a specific month.

Gift cards can also go on sale! I know on Black Friday I always see iTunes gift card deals at a variety of places. Also Safeway/Vons often give you double or quadruple gas points on any gift card purchase. You can even get gift cards at a discount on sites like Plastic Jungle!

Another great gift card deal is Starbucks. Keep reloading your gift card and with every 10 purchases you get a free one! And you get a free one on your birthday too. I think more merchants are going to be going in this route in the future.

But that can lead to a lot of gift cards and that is where GoWallet comes in. You can consolidate those gift cards in one easy to manage location with GoWallet. GoWallet allows you to organize your gift cards online or on your mobile device and you don’t have to carry all those cards around with you. (make sure to check which stores because some will demand the plastic card) At one quick glance you can see how much the balance is on your cards, even buy more cards right through the app. Registration is free, why not give it a try and give gift card budgeting a spin?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but all thoughts and feelings are mine!!!

Weekend Prep for a Sane Week

Is it just me or does it seem like once the school/work week starts it just speeds through until Friday night? I am always looking for ways to make the week days just a little more sane (and therefore a little more enjoyable)!
Things to do on the weekend for a sane week:
1)Have the kids layout their outfits for the week. This is when you actually have time for them to pick out their own clothes (versus, “Just put on what I am handing you, we are running late”)! Just give the final approval. Remember every outfit needs underwear, sock and a shoe plan! And girls need to plan what is going in their hair.
2)Did you just by a 1 pound bag of baby carrots? Take a minute now to portion out 5 days worth straight into baggies!
3)Same thing for that big bag of chips! It is so much more economical to just buy the big bag but it doesn’t have to cost you time during the week!
3)If you using brown bags: put a drink, snack and the carrots in each and start a row in your frig (if you have the room).
4) Make sure all the pencils in the house are sharpened!
5)And make sure by Sunday night all the house’s homework supplies are in 1 spot and ready for homework on Monday.
6) Go over the week’s calendar along with the kids’ school calendars and any work calendars. Will the kids need a permission slip on Wednesday? Library books that are due on Tuesday? Now is the time to get those all organized in an easy access place so they can just be grabbed during the week. Make sure to at least note them on the family calendar!!!
A few steps to take care of those little details that seem to drive us crazy during the week! It really is that simple!

Sorting an Adult’s Closet

IMG_20130903_204838405Now that the kids are back to school and have their wardrobe all situated it is now the adults’ turn!!! But cleaning an adult’s closet isn’t a cut and dry as cleaning out your child’s. It isn’t all about if a garment actually fits. Especially for women! Women tend to have a total of 3-4 different sizes in their closet at any one time. And I understand, you don’t want to just toss all those valuable clothes. Or even just toss them to the bottom of some generic donation stack. But there are some worthy causes that need your clothes or you can even sell them!

So how are we to attack this monster? With some logic steps, of course;).

First look at everything that doesn’t fit.
1. Is it torn, stained or otherwise not in its best state? Toss it!
2. If it fit perfectly would you really want to wear it? Be honest, in a closet full of clothes would you really pick it? If not, it is time to bless someone else.

Now lets look at everything that fits.
1) Pull everything out you haven’t worn in 18 months. Do it!!!
2) Is it ripped, torn or stained? Toss it!
3) Does it need mending? Are you really going to do it? If you aren’t then toss it! If you think you will take it out and put it in a box. If you don’t mend it in 3 months, toss!
3) If it is a special occasion outfit then you have to ask yourself the hard question. Would you still wear it if the special occasion came up or would you use it as an excuse to buy some thing new? If you would want to buy something new: donate! Otherwise put it back in the closet.
4)Otherwise you need to donate it!

So now what do you do with all these clothes?
1)Swap with friends!
2)Sell on Craig’s List, eBay, website or consignment store. It takes some work but can make some money.
3)Donate!!! Sometimes donating makes it a little easier to get rid of those clothes that you paid so much for but don’t wear.

Here are 3 great donation options here in Fresno!
1) My Sister’s Closet that helps dress women for jobs after helping them with resume and interviewing skills.
2) Suiting for Success that dresses both men and women! It is for the Welfare to Work students and helps them to be dressed for the job they are trying to get!
3) Goodwill is always a great option for everything else that may not be career wear! And of course there are trucks all over the city and they will even unload your car for you!

Cleaning your closet will help not only bless others but also bless you by making your space a little more organized and sane!