Category Archives: Smart Living Strategies

5 Apps to Start the School Year With


September is rapidly approaching and it is a perfect time to make sure you are all set for a great academic year. And 1 step in that is making sure you have some great apps to help with not only your kids’ homework but your own intellectual development. Lets make those phones and tablets work for us!!!

To that end I have put together a list of 5 must have academic apps! (Note: these are all Android apps that can be found in the Amazon Store)

1) Merriam-Webster Dictionary: This is not the only dictionary app but it is my favorite free one so far. It has a vocal search and does a great job of popping up spellings as you type! There is also a word of the day with full definition and parts of speech!

2)This Day In History: This is a great history app in so many ways! This is great because it can help you see a variety of concurrent events in history. You can search dates, names or key words so you don’t have to know when something happened. There are also different categories like World history, sports, Disney and USA histories. Side note, did you know that my best friend Sara shares a birthday with Oliver Cromwell?

3)Key: Minerals: We have gotta have some science! I love this free earth science app! You can look up specific minerals and learn everything from compositions to looks to how it is formed. You can also input certain characteristics and it will give you the minerals that match. There is even a quiz. The makers of this app (Web Solutions) also have a variety of other science apps so if you are studying something else make sure to see if they have an app for it!

4)Famous Quotes: My mom used to tell me to use quotes in papers and arguments because no one thought something was important just because I say it but if you can quote someone more important. That is a great tip that I have used my whole life! But unless you are inherently an encyclopedia, you need something to get your quotes from! Famous quotes has the ability to view by author or search by key word! When I search the word integrity I got 23 results going from Ayn Rand to Dr. Laura.

5)Wikipedia: This is my all time favorite nerd app! I use Wikipedia for everything else (except math). I think I use it at least 3 times a week in just conversations. Why wonder when you can look it up in Wikipedia. A word of caution: It is publicly sorced and derived. Don’t use it as a source in papers and don’t change your life. It is usually right but not always!!!

So what are your go to nerdy and academic apps? I am always looking for more and free is preferred. Hopefully this will be great resources for you and your family this school year!!

(Disclosure: I am a Verizon Ambassador. That is how I get my phones to put these fabulous apps on. But as always, the words & thoughts are mine. The apps have also been chosen exclusively by me! #VZWBuzz)

My #1 Life Management Tool

Cozi LogoI know, that is a big claim but I Cozi is awesome!!! For years I ran a hybrid of list pads, day planners, list files in Google Drive and Google calendars but they just weren’t working the way I needed for my family. My first inclination was to try and get the husband to build an online tool but nobody has time for that;). So I had to figure out if I could find tool to balance all my needs and I am quite needy.


Continue reading at Geek for the Real Girl

5 Tips to Starting a Small Business

Mindee Doney and myself
Mindee Doney and myself
I once heard someone say that everyone has at least 1 book in them, well I am of the mindset that everyone has at least 1 business idea in them (regardless if you need someone else to help make is work)! And I must not be alone in this thinking. According to the Center for Women’s Business Research there is 10.1 million women owned businesses! Some of these are traditional businesses but some are things like blogging and inventing brand new products!

I was recently blessed to attend the Disney Social Media Mom’s On the Road conference up in Berkeley and it was all about the “Mompreneur”. What is a Mompreneur? A mom entrepreneur. Our keynote was the fabulous Mindy Doney who invented Boogie Wipes and there was also the creators of PsiBands (Romi) and Babee Covee (Alma).

I was so inspired that I wanted to share 5 simple tips to get you going towards a small business!

1. Solve a problem or meet a need!
– Mindee talked about how she was once again pulling out the saline and tissues to take care of a child’s nose and thought how much easier it would be to have saline already on something to wipe up noses. She was sure it must already exist and when it didn’t, she made it!
-Alma was doing the whole blanket on the carseat thing and when it kept falling off, she was sure there had to be a better way! And she wasn’t going to just carry a single application item so she made her Babee Covee work in 6 different ways including a nursing cover, shopping cart cover and a high chair cover.
-Romi had crippling nausea and wasn’t happy with any of the options that were already out there so she came up with something better with her Psi Bands (and yes, she is the Psi Bands that was on Shark Tank;).
-I got tired of hearing people say how “they never could” so I decided to start blogs that showed people that they could! Be it homeschooling, cooking or just finding the right app.

2. Be uniquely you! The name Boogie Wipes seems to fit Mindee’s fun and quirky personality but she was told mom’s wouldn’t want to buy something with boogers in the name. I think she has proved them wrong. And do you realize that I have people tell me almost weekly that I am not a nerdy mom? But it is who I am and by claiming it, that means I have left a picture of how I want myself and my brand to be thought of in your mind. And by judging by the random questions I get, you all believe I am the NerdMom;).

3. Try it on a limited group of clients/friends. I use the phrase clients/friends because your audience may not always be your friends. Try out your business idea and be open to feedback! It will either give you ways that you will change your business or hone in on a more specific client/need.

4. Reach out to the local Small Business Administration or incubators to find out legal requirements. They can provide some great information on how to work with your local government for a business license and all the details that go with starting a business. It can seem daunting but really it is just a series of small steps.

5. Buy your business name’s domain! Ok, really this is the first thing I always do. To the point I have a collection of domain names. But it always seems crazy to start a list with it. Buy the domain and do to availability, you may change your business name.


To celebrate the awesome inventors and business owners I met, I have a couple of giveaways!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Plan for Moving Out When You Move In

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASummer is the time people move into apartments. Be it a college student or families, everyone wants to get settled before school begins. In the rush to move and get settled, are you protecting yourself and your security deposit? The security deposit is that money you put up front to assure the condition of your apartment when you leave. The apartment complex can charge for any repairs or cleaning that needs to happen beyond normal wear and tear in order to get the apartment back to the state it was in when you moved in. But it isn’t hard but it does take a little forethought to get back as much as possible!

1)Get a file folder and put everything pertaining to your apartment in it!
2)Ask how long the apartment complex goes between painting and carpet cleaning. When was the last time it was done in the apartment you are moving into?
3) Schedule a pre-move in walk through. Make a note of all damage and wearing. Even make a note if the oven is clean. Your job is to give it back in the same condition minus and normal wear and tear.
4)Before you turn in your notice or move out: Make sure to ask the complex to fix anything that needs it, even if it isn’t a big deal to you to ignore it! That chipped tile, screen that won’t stay in… All that could count later against your security deposit but would be fixed for free during your residency but they will fix it for free and without question while you are living there.
5) After you move out all your stuff and clean your apartment schedule a walk through! Together note anything that needs fixing (or doesn’t). Then ask for a copy of that when you leave.
6) With in about a month (each complex has a different amount of time but at least 21 days) you should receive a check with your remaining security deposit and an itemized list justifying any deductions. If the deductions seem unreasonable appeal! Call them and tell them that it seems like a lot for the repair. Offer them a quote from somewhere else and ask the difference to be refunded.

That is it! A little thought when you move in and when you move out to keep your money!!!

5 Steps for Simple Organization

Stuff, stuff, stuff. We have too much of it. We love it and hate it all at the same time! Maybe I am just projecting but I don’t think that I am alone in this. So how do we deal will all that stuff so we can both enjoy the things we have AND also enjoy the space we live in? One word, and I swear it isn’t a dirty one, ORGANIZING. It doesn’t have to be complicated or hard. Use these 5 simple steps to have a more organized, decluttered space!

1. Decide on an area to sort and start kind of small, like a desk versus the whole office;).

2. Set up 3 containers: One for keeping, one for garbage, and one for donations (or yard sale;).

3. Go through everything piece by piece and decide which container it should go in. Remember, don’t keep it just because it is in good shape. If you aren’t going to use it, bless someone else with it!

4. After you go through everything then and evaluate what you are keeping. Then (and only then) decide on what containers you will need to fit the space and separate everything. Don’t worry if you can’t afford to buy containers, you can use free things too! Target will give you all the shoe boxes you can handle and in all different sizes too.

5. Put everything into containers and label them. Live in your organized space!!!

That is it!!! 5 simple steps to organization and sanity!!!

The Mysteries of Mystery Shopping

greenShopping CartsI get a lot of questions about Mystery Shopping. Is it real? Is it something you can make a living from? Well I decided to answer a few of these questions!

1) It is real!!! Companies hire mystery shoppers (often through a mystery shopping company) to come in and evaluate specific products and services unknown to the employees. The companies may dictate when you go and what you buy.
2) You won’t get rich off of mystery shopping. Usually mystery shopping will reimburse you for a purchase and there might be a small payment. If it is someplace you are going already it will be worth it though! Mystery shopping funded out eating out in the first few years of my marriage because that was the only way we could afford it!
3) You can make very little in comparison to the time investment and that must be considered before you take any assignments. Usually in addition to the actual in establishment there is a report to fill out that can take some time.
4) You never pay for a mystery shopping job, ever!!!
5) But you will make your purchase for the assignment and then get reimbursed. That can take 30-60 days so you need to have room in your budget to wait!

Still interested? Here are a few companies whom you can mystery shop through! You will have to fill out an application and possibly give a writing sample.

Shopper’s Critique
Coast to Coast Scheduling Service
Beyond Hello
Satisfaction Services

10 Tips for Great Yard Sale Shopping


Last week I talked about having a good yard sale but this week I look at how to do some great yard sale shopping! A little prep and planning can go a long way in helping you to enjoy yard sale shopping while getting some great deals!

I love to get decor and kids clothes at yard sales. What are your favorite things to get at yard sales?

1)Have a variety of small bills.
2)Look on Craig’s list & make a basic plan of where you are going!
3)Hit block sales or multi-family sales first. 1 stop many choices!
4)Make a list complete with measurement and sizes! Know what you need so guide your looking! Need at picture for a room? How big? Table? Kids’ pants? Sizes are essential!
5)Keep plastic bags in your car. It will help you carry things and….
6)Negotiate! Not only can you talk people down on 1 item you can use your plastic bags to strike a deal! Suggest a “bag price” for similar items or any kind of multiple deal.
7)Make sure to check clothes for holes/stains. Be realistic in any mending things will need and if you will really do it.
8)Ask for electronics to be tested with batteries or plugging things in. Don’t take it on faith it will work. If they don’t have batteries and you want it, use that as a negotiating opportunity!
9)Eat breakfast!!! Make sure you also bring snacks and water too!
10)Take a friend! It is more fun and it is great to get another opinion on items.

10 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale

having yard saleThe weather has finally warmed up and gotten consistently sunny!!! So it means it is the perfect time to get rid of all your valuable, worthless junk that is just taking up room in your house (or garage). A yard sale is a perfect way to turn your unwanted and needed clothes, decor and other things into someone else’s treasure and money for you! But a good yard sale takes just a little for thought and planning. Here are 10 tips to get you going in the right direction.

(Continue reading at NerdFamily Things)

10 Tips for a Successful Yard Sale

having yard saleThe weather has finally warmed up and gotten consistently sunny!!! So it means it is the perfect time to get rid of all your valuable, worthless junk that is just taking up room in your house (or garage). A yard sale is a perfect way to turn your unwanted and needed clothes, decor and other things into someone else’s treasure and money for you! But a good yard sale takes just a little for thought and planning. Here are 10 tips to get you going in the right direction.
1. Market it!!! Use Craig’s list, Fresno Yard sale page on Facebook, and your facebook/twitter pages!!! Also post signs (with the crazy arrows) around the neighborhood.
2. Start early. Around 7am is very common but don’t be surprised if people show up early.
3. Have everything priced & grouped the night before so you can just pull it out in the morning.
4. Have change!!!! If you don’t people will try to talk the prices down.
5. Price a little high and be willing to negotiate.
6. Have chilled water & sell it!!!! People will actually get out of their car for that alone!
7. Have a Quarter table for kids.
8. Have a small freebie pile.
9. End by 1pm. Traffic drops up to just about nil after that.
10. Arrange for charity to come by and pick up the leftovers or post it on Freecycle. That way you don’t have to clean up!!!