Category Archives: Smart Living Strategies

Spring Break Fun




I was trying to figure out what I was talking about this week on my TV spot for next week. The producer on the show suggested great travel things to do during Spring Break. I had to think about it and then had to confess, we do not and will not vacation during Spring Break;).

If you are a home body like we are you can still find plenty to do over Spring Break!!! Some things are just fun but they all have an element of learning!

1) Visit the library!!! No, not just to check out books but do that while you are there;). Almost every library system has activities for all ages! The Fresno County Library system always has great shows and activities. All you have to do is look on the website and see which branch is doing what when.

2) Get some great books! Ok, we love to read here in the NerdFamily and I cold go on forever extolling the virtues of it. But seriously, get a book with a great story and put on a play with it!!! It helps kids to learn how to fully comprehend the plot line when they are going to stage it in a little production!

3) Have a day of paper airplane creation! Not only is it a great way to use up scratch paper, it is all science!! As they figure out how to manipulate the wings, nose and body they are learning the science of aerodynamics!

4) Color some carnations! Get light colored or white carnations. Then place then in glasses of water that you have added food coloring to. Ask the kids what they think will happen and wait. Not only will you have custom spring flowers, you will also see the capillaries at work!

5) Go cloud watching! You can use this handy cloud deciphering tool that Full of Great Ideas made to go with it. Not only can you make up stories and characters in the clouds but they are learning actual earth science. We learned cloud types in the classroom and due to that I can never remember which one it which;). By learning cloud types in the wild (so to speak) it will be in everyone’s memory for ever!

6) Go to your local zoo! My kids love the Fresno Chaffee Zoo! You see the animals, learn quite a bit and get some exercise!

Of course you should also cook with your kids, watch movies and sing songs too! But hopefully these 6 are a good start!

6 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda and White Vinegar


You don’t have to use caustic chemicals to clean around your house. Really! Lately we have all heard how great things like baking soda and vinegar are around the house. But you need to make sure that you apply the right treatment to the matching problem. Here are 6 ways to use baking soda and vinegar around your house!

(Continue reading over on NerdFamily Things)

6 Ways to Clean with Baking Soda & White Vinegar


You don’t have to use caustic chemicals to clean around your house. Really! Lately we have all heard how great things like baking soda and vinegar are around the house. But you need to make sure that you apply the right treatment to the matching problem. Here are 6 ways to use baking soda and vinegar around your house!

1) Use a combination of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water as a carpet stain remover! Put the mixture into a spray bottle and spray the spot. Then use a cloth to blot, not rub, the spot. The 1 problem with this is it can get the spot cleaner than the rest of your carpet;).

2) Have a musty smell in your carpet? Sprinkle it with baking soda. Let it sit a little bit then vacuum it up. That is it!

3) Stinky garbage disposal? Seeing goop? Take baking soda (and a cut up lemon/lemon rinds if you have it) and dump it in the disposal. Flip the switch to grind it just a little bit. Let is sit a few minutes. Then dowse it with vinegar. Not only will it bit a good show, it actually does clean. Then let the whole thing sit if you have time.

4) Have a diaper pail or just a garbage can that has a musty bag? Sprinkle in some baking soda! I sprinkle it in the bottom of my garbage cans or diaper pails before putting the bag in. It keeps food (or diaper) odors away. At least until you have time to take out the garbage;).

5) Have a grimy shower or stove top? Or is that just me;)? I make up a mixture of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 Dawn. Gently mix it together and sponge it onto the surface. You don’t have to let it sit but more you do, the less work you do. Then you just wipe it off. It isn’t a miracle, you are going to have to rub some but it is just like using any other cleaner. Except I actually think it works better. It will prevent both mold and soap scum from developing in your shower! And the smell dissipates a lot quick than those bleach based shower cleaners!

6) Cleaning anything that has a hard surface and you have to wipe it? Use baking soda as an abrasive. It is gentle so you don’t have to worry about scratching! And it really seems to be effective.

There are so many other ways to use vinegar and baking soda but these are just a few to get you going!!!

Non Candy Valentines

valentineswithoutcandyValentine’s Day and kids, you don’t even have to mention the candy to know it is there. Many kids want to give there friends something special but that doesn’t mean you have to hand out candy! There are some great, fun alternatives out there. I found a few fun ideas for this year!

1. You Rule rulers: Pick up some cheap rulers. Then print out the You Rule PDF. Then cut out the strips and tape them around the ruler.

2. You Make My Heart Bounce bouncy balls: You can pick up a ton of bouncy balls either at the Dollar Store or in the favors area of any party store (or store section;). There is a pdf and directions over at The Crafty Chicks.

3. You Make My Heart Glow: What kid doesn’t like glow sticks/ bracelets? Mine love them!!! I saw a tip that you don’t actually put the bracelets in the strips of paper until the morning of just in case it cracks and activates. Then it will be glowing that night still. The PDF is over at Kommunicated!

4. You Make My Heart Race: You can go out to the Dollar Tree and you can pick up little cars for a steal! Paloma Paper Designs has a great PDF ready for you!

5. You Are a Cutie: While this is a sweet treat, it isn’t candy! You can pick up 5 lbs of Clementines (or Cuties) for less than $5. Then just plop them in the cellophane bag. Cut and staple my You Are a Cutie to the top and they are done.

8 Video Games to Keep Your Kids Moving

My girls shaking it to Smurfs Dance Party!
My girls shaking it to Smurfs Dance Party!

It is winter and around here that means rain and cold. But my kids are all still kids and they are homeschooled so that means I am stuck with the wiggles and all that energy. So what is a parent to do??? One of my answers is video games (or if they are really honery they get to do jumping jacks). There are some great activity based video games out there right now for all platforms. I only have experience with the Kinect and Wii platforms but I have hear the the Playstation Move system is pretty good too. But not all types of movement based games work for everyone so here are 8 games (separated out by game type) to keep your kids moving. Better yet, go join them and get some exercise too!!!

Sports Themed:
1)Wii Sports: This was kind of the original motion game that came with a lot of Wii systems, at least it came with ours;).
2)Wii Get Moving Family Fitness: This is made by Jumpstart and a ton of fun! We have played for hours and still haven’t tried everything! (Read move of my thoughts here)
3)Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection: This is a huge collection of sports all using the fabulous Kinect!!!
4)Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 : This is a real trainer system for honest to goodness workouts. It can totally fill in for the gym but the kids enjoy the activities too! (Read some of NerdDad’s thoughts)

Adventure Themed:
5)Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth: Once of my favorites! It gives your kids all the thrill of fighting each other without touching! It is also quite a workout!!!
6)Kinect Party Base Game: It is free and is a download from the Xbox Live Arcade. There are paid add ons but my kids really enjoy the base game. It has things to hit like Fruit Ninja. In one scenario your are King Kong in the city with buildings to step on and airplanes to swat at!

Dance Themed: I am conservative as to the dance games both on moves and lyrics but these 2 I love for all ages!
7)Just Dance Disney Party: This is a great game with both old and new Disney songs!
8)Smurf Dance Party: Great songs with fun dance moves! It is only available on the Wii and DS so no Kinect on this one. (Read more of our thoughts here)

Here are 8 great options to keep everyone moving when the weather doesn’t want to work with you;). Here in Fresno we also need this list when it is 100 outside so don’t limit yourself to the winter;).

A Look at 2013 CES


CES (Consumer Electronic Show) was last week in Las Vegas. It is the time when all the companies that deal with technology on a consumer level come out for a huge game of show and tell. Some are things that are here, coming and hope to be coming;). I decided to take just a minute to look at a few of the cool things I have heard about (from home;).

(Continue reading at Geek for the Real Girl)

5 Household Tasks to Kick Off Your Year

KickoffWith a new year upon us it is a perfect time to do a few of the much neglected but needed household chores! You can set aside a day to tackle it all or just do 1 job a day for a few days. Let’s kick off this year with a sense of accomplishment!

Lets start with the coffee pot because I need the coffee!! A clean coffee pot really does make a difference! Run 2 cups of vinegar through your coffee pot just like water to clean away the mineral deposits and gunk in your coffee pot! Then run 2 batches of plain water through it to get rid of the vinegar smell and taste! (The smell lingers longer than the taste!)

Change all the batteries in your smoke detectors! Yes, they will beep when the batteries die but that always seems to happen in the middle of the night around here. Buy a pack of batteries, grab the ladder and change them all in one fell swoop.

Another thing we all avoid but needs to be done semi-regularly is cleaning the oven. Don’t wait for your oven to hint to you that it needs to be done. How would the oven do that? Well, I had a friend preheating the oven and his smoke alarm went off. We call that a hint, don’t wait for that. There are a variety of commercial cleaners but there are also some great homemade methods/cleaners! They almost all call for applying something and letting it sit overnight. You could also do the same thing by setting it up in the morning to sit and taking 20 minutes in the evening to wipe it all down.

I find January a good time to do your windows both inside and out. Since it is cool the sun won’t bake on any sprays. Just take a bucket of warm water and add both about 1/2 cup of vinegar per gallon and a squirt of lemon juice. You can use paper towels or the more traditional newspaper and go at it. Or better yet, have the kids do the outside!

You can also take that left over glass cleaner to wipe down your glass light fixtures. Dump out any dust or bug bodies that have collected first and dust the metal bases too.

5 Often forgotten jobs that really make a great impact! Now don’t you feel all organized?

Smart Strategies: Kids Crafting for the Novice

Ok, I am not the fun crafting mom. But I have kids and I want them to be creative and have a fun life but with as little mess and chaos as possible!!!

And if it is the holidays and you are having kids visit you need to have a plan! Kids love to craft and it will keep them happy! When they are done they will even admire their own creation for a while. To this end I have a few tips, just in case you feel like me;).

Tips to Successful Crafting with Kids:
-#1 Tip: Plastic place mats!!!! I don’t care if you have the kids working on a plastic table cloth or outside, always use a plastic place mat. Why? There is some basic convienience to start with. If they beads or some little thing they can just pick up the place mat and dump it into a bowl. But if things get messier, say glue or paint, do you want to have to scrub a table cloth or just put a place mat into the sink and rinse it off? Exactly, place mat it is!!!

-Gather supplies together before you start. Nothing is worse than 2 minutes in the kids calling you saying how they need more stuff. Except not knowing where it is at and everyone waiting as you dig around looking for it.

-Prep the kids! Take a second before the crafting starts to evaluate if the kids should change their clothes, roll up their sleeves, pull the hair back or don an apron. It takes 2 seconds but can save hours of trying to get glue out hair or marker off of shirt cuffs.

-Stay close! I know the goal is to get them fairly independent but that doesn’t mean you are off the hook. Stay close to answer questions, give direction or bail them out of a messy situation before they get glue on the carpet!

There are key things to have on hand. This is a great refresher for those who are just having kids visit and need to shop.:
White Glue
Kids Scissors
Pipe Cleaners
Fuzzy Balls
Craft Sticks
Construction Paper
Colored Pens
Cheap paper plates (for organizing and cutting up)