Category Archives: Smart Living Strategies

8 Tips for Smart Holiday Shopping

Ok, if you read my piece on Buyer Bewares on Layaway have no fear. I don’t like to just point problems out without offering solutions. 

1. A savings program! If this was earlier in the year I would recommend doing a Christmas Club savings program. (My bank: Fresno County Federal Credit Union has one. Tell the Jacqueline Cromwell sent you;) Since it is a little late in the year do an envelope! Just put aside a little every pay period (in addition to anything you have already saved) and that is your Christmas fund! That is it! No debt!

2. Make a detailed list of everyone you are buying for and anything you are planning on buying. If you don’t know what to get them that is fine. Make sure you have any sizes or likes, etc. And put a maximum dollar amount for each person. Even your kids and spouse!

3. Start browsing so you know a good price on your items when you see it! 

4. If shopping online make sure to use Shopping portals like Ebates and use coupons! 

5. Watch for free shipping deals. Shop at to get free shipping with $50 purchases. Amazon has free shipping with a $25 purchase. You can even get a trial month of Amazon Prime! That will give you free 2 day shipping.

6. Consider buying online and having them shipped directly to friends and family out of town. When I began doing that I saved $20 each on average! By the time I shopped, packaged up at home and then paid for shipping it got pricey and labor intensive.

7. Keep an eye out not only for Black Friday deals but those that come before and after. Many stores will be advertising their best price of the year at other times to motivate shoppers to come in at other times. Be aware of that and take advantage of it!

8. And lastly, always remember…. It is the thought that counts and not the money you spend that counts!!!!!

The Buyer Bewares on Layaway

Layaway sound delightful but it doesn’t come without issues. Buyer must beware!!! And there are lot of layaway options that are more economical and just better money practices.

Buyer Beware:

1. Start up fees! Some stores have fees associated with setting up layaway. Some are percentages (like Best Buy) and some are flat fees. Sometimes that goes toward the final price, sometimes it is just a paid fee.

2. Some stores have a cancellation fee in addition to the start up fee. So if you find it for a better price or just end up not having the money, you are still out some money!

3.These may not be the best prices for the season! Some stores will offer price matching through out the season but some won’t. Plus you have to take in the new ads with lower prices and convince them to adjust your layaway price, if it is even an option. Last year Walmart did advertise the price adjustment.

4. Layaway may not be the best deal on top of the prices! There are great cash back deals. I use Shopping Portals, coupons, and credit card rewards.

Back to School Shopping Tips

If you haven’t done your back to school shopping don’t stress! Here are a few tips that will help you have the most peace and the most for your money!

1. Figure out a semester budget. Not just for right now but how much do you want to spend through the whole semester, including Christmas season.
2. Stock up on basics for clothing!! Capris, short sleeve shirts, skirts and other warm weather pieces are going on clearance while stores bring in “fall” clothes. They don’t take into account that it will be well above 80 until the end of October! And you can also get some to last into the Spring too!!
3. Watch the sales. Office Max has freebies every week, Target & Walgreens have a few great deals every week. So if you have time, hit those stores for the deals only every week.
4. Don’t spend it all now!!! Kids taste will change tastes just a little as soon as they see what their friends have. So after school has started get the special pieces for their back to school wardrobes and even the must have academic accessory.

5. Remember that they don’t have to have every new, hot thing! They will survive. If they really want more after you do all their shopping think about giving them an opportunity to earn some money and buy it!

Back to school shopping doesn’t have to be crazy and expensive. Just be smart! And if you are shopping online make sure that you use shopping portals to save even more!