Category Archives: Tech Tuesday

Lenovo Mirage: VR for the Real World?

I was crestfallen that I was unable to attend CES this year but one of the benefits of working with Lenovo is that they still gave me the lowdown on some of the products they are coming out with this year. Nothing quite stands out to me like the Lenovo Mirage Solo and the Lenovo Mirage Camera. I, like most geeks, have longed to VR but being a cheap geek every system I have seen hasn’t been quite as adaptable as I want, user-friendly as I want, or has enough to actually do to justify its price tag. I think I may have finally found a VR system that will be worth investing in.

Let’s start with the Lenovo Mirage Solo. It is solo because it is all in one! No tethering a cord to the computer, no popping your phone into the system. I know, many people don’t consider it a big deal, but I do! I can just see putting a headset on a kid me and I trip, therefore pulling the computer down, falling and breaking me, and the headset falling to the ground. So no cords make me happy. No phone? That makes this more immersive. I already have the whole “hold your phone” viewer and it is fine but not all I hope for. So all that is huge.

The headset itself is supposed to be very wearable. This is a downside to not going to CES, I don’t know that this is true firsthand but I have heard about it from some reliable sources. The weight is distributed around the head and not just in the front so that makes it more comfortable and your experience less stilted. There is also breathable padding anywhere that it sits on your face.

It sounds great but really? What all is there to do and you really part of it? That is what really gets me! This project is a partnership with Google’s Daydream and that is a huge value add. First, they are using WorldSense which is Google’s Daydream VR platform. That allows you to actually walk around and be responsive to your environment. Which will be so cool in their new Blade Runner game because the player with be on the streets! It is also cool because there are already over 250 apps and games for Daydream. As a homeschooler, this will allow me to take my kids to the Acropolis or even into some the educational shows that we watch. This takes the virtual field trip to a whole new level. That adds a huge incentive for me because then you are no longer just buying a toy but a tool. 

With the Mirage Camera, you are taking the Mirage solo from tool to connection.  The camera, that is going to be less than $200, has 2 sets of lenses that have a 180 field of view. You can shoot family events and then people who weren’t able to attend can view your footage and immerse themselves in the experience. It isn’t the same as being there but the closest way I have ever seen. 

This camera isn’t just for sharing your family events. It really does so much that I, especially as a blogger and vlogger, really love. It shoots in 4k in 2D and supports Youtube’s VR180 video format for its 3D. It can take still pictures and live stream. It even has wifi so you don’t have to tether it to your phone to stream. You can use a microSD card to hold 128GB of storage but it also has 16GB onboard. It is even small like a phone and can fit in your pocket. 

I am so excited to get my eyes on this physical product that should be coming out sometime this spring/early summer. I may have finally found a VR experience that I am willing to splash out for! What do you think? Do you see the VR applications in your day today? I am curious to hear what you all think!

(Disclosure: I work with Lenovo as a Lenovo Insider but I am not paid. All words and opinions are mine and mine alone.)


Tech Organization Helps

Tech Organization Helps

It is almost a new school year and most of us are trying to be more organized this year. So to further that effort, let’s talk organization and tools provided free on websites!

My biggest free tool is Google Calendar! It is free with any Google account, even ones that are through another domain. You can set up multiple calendars with multiple colors. I have a calendar that is my appointments, NerdDad’s appointments, and another with blog deadlines. You also can share calendars. My homeschool group has a calendar that I can overlay to look at. My husband can access my calendar to see what the family plans are and add to it.

Google Keep is a great list tool! Just like with the Google Calendar, you can share a list with people so everyone can add to the grocery list. I use the Google voice input to add rough drafts of articles or outlines for articles. I even keep lists of household facts like the measurements of cabinets and shelves. Then I know if something would fit when I am shopping. 

For those of you who want things a little more concrete, like paper, I have resources for you on that front too! I keep my calendar online but I do keep a binder with other organizational tools.

Donna Young is a great source! In addition to various sizes of traditional calendars, there are tons of housework forms, grocery lists and more. Donna Young also has a ton of homeschool printables too.

Organized Home also has a ton printables to go into a household notebook. They have seasonal chore lists, freezer inventory sheets and tons more.

Chart Jungle is another great source but they have a lot more ads. You just need to scroll down a bit. They also have a ton of great printables. They have planting charts under gardening, budget sheets under money and tons more!

So there are just a few sites that will help you to have a more organized year!!!

Tech and Homeschooling

hp printer(This post is sponsored by HP but all thoughts and opinions are mine alone!)  

Everywhere I turn lately it seems people are both attached to their tech and bad mouthing it. About how there is life beyond the screen. I agree but technology is a tool and tools are something that are used to create. I have been homeschooling now for 11 years and my #1 tool beyond books is tech. So I thought I would go through some of the ways we used tech in our homeschool. 

Desktop computers: One of the biggest things we use a desktop computer for is media! We run our tv off of a desktop computer. Back when the kids were little, they all started preschool on a desktop. They played dexterity games and did early reading activities. 

Laptop computers: As the kids have gotten older (and laptops have gotten cheaper) they now work a lot more on laptops. When they started moving to laptops we started moving to online curriculum.  Laptops have definite advantages. #1 they are mobile! This means the kids can easily work in a variety of places without plugs so I don’t have to have a ton of tables set up for only computers. We use Khan  Academy a lot and when kids get stuck, they can bring their laptop to me and we can work together. It also means great family time when all 6 of us can play Minecraft in the same room. 

Tablets: We love tablets for the fun and reference side of homeschool. There are a ton of learning apps that the kids can play. But, it also means you can look up tutorials, wikepedia, etc to place along side an activity. 

Readers: We love our Kindles and Nooks! Books are the basis of so much and Kindles and Nooks are just great conduits. You can get all the books in public domain on them and we all love them so much. 

“Get Tech is a tool, utilize it and control it! It can enrich your children’s education no matter how they are schooled! To make it a little easier run over and use the coupon at HP!!!

(Disclosure: HP sponsored this post but all thoughts are mine!)

My new everything! Yoga 900 by Lenovo


I just realized this week that I never posted my video about my new Lenovo Yoga 900! Lenovo sent me this computer as a bit of an early Christmas present and it rocks. This is a mighty little machine! It is a convertible laptop like the previous Yogas. I think at this point a convertible laptop is a necessity.

The tablet is great as a standard tablet. But the Yoga 900 in tablet mode is even better because of the WriteIt app. I can write directly into standard computer programs. It is really awesome for jotting down note, writing pieces, and tweeting on the go.

Not only is the Yoga 900 gorgeous and travels well but it is my everything machine. I am even typing this on my 2nd monitor I have hooked up to it. It is a workhorse with lots of RAM and a great SSD. I have been using it now for a few months and highly recommend it to all. 

Here is where you all can grab 1 for yourself:



(Disclosure: Lenovo gave my the Yoga 900 and case as part of the Lenovo Insiders group. All opinions are mine alone!)

The Ubuntu Way

Thanks for joining my for Tech Tuesday! Did you know that Linux has surpassed Windows in instillations? But that is mostly on professional machines like web servers and data centers. I think it is time that we see widespread acceptance of Linux on personal computers! Which brings us to the star of this week’s Tech Tuesday: Ubuntu!

Ubuntu is a free Linux operating system and it rocks! Before you all panic, you can install it so you can dual boot (when you can boot up in Ubuntu or Windows).  But why? It is a system maximizing operating system! We have it installed on a kids computer that only has 512 of ram and the kids have no problem playing all their internet games! It doesn’t crash and it runs so much faster than the same system would run on Windows!

Some people tell me that they don’t want Ubuntu because of all the Windows programs they like. Well, a lot of these problems are eliminated by either living in the Google Cloud (with Google Docs) or by using Open Office. I have found that Open Office can convert most documents for me and save them back to a Windows readable format. Anyone can send you a pdf if all you need is the information.  And I do have a dual boot system to help me print my coupons but that is all I use it for;).

Ok, so you all can see I love Ubuntu! Get it, use it, love it;).

Have you used Ubuntu? What is stopping you from using it? Or are you using it and loving it? Let me know!

Tech Tuesday: Dropbox

Everyone knows that backing up your data is vital! And in this age of cloud computing (not being tied to one computer) you want to be able to has great mobility. Well, for this issues and more, I introduce Dropbox.

Dropbox is installed on your computer(s) and you place your files right in it. They are still on your hard drive but when you change them they are automatically backed up online. When you sign up you can get 2 Gb right off and more if you have referrals (so please sign up through my links;).

You can log in from any computer and access those files. NerdDad uses 4 different computers and doesn’t have to keep track of a jumpdrive;). I use is on our media computer and both sides of my laptop (Windows and Ubuntu). You can also share files with others. NerdDad and I no longer have to email documents back and forth!

So there is my ringing endorsement for Dropbox and if you don’t believe me, Techzilla also endorses it;). And if 2Gb aren’t enough, you can buy more space!

Make sure you come back next Tuesday to see what free (or nearly free) tech resource I am going to blog about on Tech Tuesday!

Tech Tuesday: What is That Hymn

This may not be a common problem but it is mine… I get an old hymn in my head. I remember 1 line but since I haven’t heard it in many years I obviously don’t remember the rest. What can I say, I am easily haunted. And there isn’t an IMDB for hymns. So it is cool when I found Hymnopedia! It sorts information by hymn, hymnal, composer and author. It is the wikipedia of hymns! And what is technology for if not to get me information? And I want that information for free of course;).

Tech Tuesday: Browser Extras

Browsers set up your internet experience. We all know that I love Chrome and second to that is Firefox. I like that they run more efficiently but better than that is the add-ons.

Both Chrome and Firefox have tons of free extensions to add to your browsers to enhance the browsing! Some are tied to rss readers, shopping experiences, filling out forms and even just the look of your browser.

Have you ever looked around at the browser extensions? What are your favorites?