Category Archives: Things & Travel

Coco: A thanksgiving movie.

The latest movie from Disney-Pixar after a year and a half is finally here; Coco! I, Nerdster, and my sister Nerdpud are here to tell you about some of our favorite parts of the movie.

Nerdpud: Coco was better than I thought. The animation and drawing were great and the story is good. My want to see Coco started when Roblox hosted an event about it. There was a funny video of a Xolo dog, like Dante in the movie, touring Pixar Animation Studios. I also found the setting interesting when I read a book called Ghosts, By Raina Telgemier. That is where I learned about Dia De Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, and ofrendas. An ofrendas is a table decorated with a framed photo of someone and lots of offerings. There was some Spanish words, some that I knew like gracias (thank you) or si (yes). There were other Spanish words that I didn’t recognize, but caught their meaning because of the good flow between Spanish and English. I really enjoyed the movie!

Nerdster: I really enjoyed Coco. I was telling Nerdmom that she would love it and was right. I fell in love with this movie when I first heard about it. The trailers were vibrant and comical, and the drawing was amazing. My excitement grew when the Roblox Coco Event (now over) came. I went through and played every game in one day. When I finally saw the movie, it was even better than it was put up to be! While the story and background were set comically, the people and objects were very realistic and cool! The story revolves around one concept; remembering family. The main character, Miguel, had a great-great-Grandpa that his family had all but forgotten, and Miguel was just like him, but his family hates music because of that man. Miguel goes on a quest of self-discovery, taking him to the underworld. The music is great, and they move from Spanish to English often enough you get what they are saying. It is an amazing movie!

So now you know. I hope you enjoy as much as my family. See Coco in theaters now, and never forget your ancestors.

Post-it Brand and Fiskars Unboxing

Who else loves back to school for the office supplies? I was stoked to receive a box of Post-it Brand and Fiskars products from them!

Confession, Post-its are a ride or die here in the NerdFamily. Generics just don’t stay sticky so when we buy pads to have on hand it is always Post-it Brand. Just about every pair of scissor you will find here, be they craft or general, are Fiskars. They are solid, stay sharp, and are comfortable in the hand. Due to those facts, I may have giggled like a little girl when I opened this box. So I had to show you all the coolness.


(Disclosure: I was sent the products but all opinions are my own. I was not compensated.)

Carmel-by-the-Sea’s Hofsas House

Hofsas Entrance

Not only is it summer, AKA Vacation Season, it is also 105 degrees in Fresno as I write this. You understand as my mind wanders to somewhere lovely that I really want to visit again. The place that my heart really wants to go again is Hofsas House in Carmel-by-the-Sea. I got the opportunity to visit it a couple of months ago as part of the #llblognotaconf trip I took to Carmel-by-the-Sea and have found my new favorite area hotel! 

I absolutely love the Carmel/Monterey area and have since I was a child. My mother was raised in Salinas because her father was stationed at Ford Ord most of her childhood. My grandmother still lives in Salinas and, as you might imagine, we were in the area all the time. I seriously only remember 1 childhood trip that was anywhere other than the Monterey! But Carmel-by-the-Sea was the fancy area. It is 1 square one mile of adorableness that is right next to Monterey and Pacific Grove. It is 15 minutes from Cannery Row but is also a small enough neighborhood in itself that you can walk to eat. That is where I would stay some day as an adult! Well, now I am a full adult and have found my perfect Carmel-by-the-Sea hotel!

Hofsas House is the most adorable little intimate feeling hotel! When you check in and meet the 3rd generation owner, Carrie Theis, you immediately immersed in a homey, welcoming,  and relaxing environment. Carrie is so welcoming that she offered to come out and help me bring the bags in. That is the owner! That was just the beginning of a delightful stay. 

One of the rooms in the suite I stayed in with a King bed.
One of the rooms in the suite I stayed in with a King bed.

This hotel boasts of 38 rooms and each one is a unique. There are a variety of sizes from ranging from rooms with one queen bed all the way to suites with kitchens. The design of the actual building is Bavarian inspired and each room has a Dutch door so you can capture that great Carmel weather! 

The other bedroom with 2 Queen beds!
The other bedroom with 2 Queen beds!

The rooms are generously sized. I was in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom suite. What amazed me about the size wasn’t just the fact that we had a king sized bed in one room and 2 queens in another. Neither was it the bathrooms with the spacious counters. It was the extra space in the rooms! There was a table and chairs that you could sit at and another proper sitting area! This is great for people who come as a family or just a group of friends. I mean we all (at least those of us who go to conferences) have hung out in someone’s hotel room and the only place to site is on the beds! It is the little touches that mean a big difference to me.   

There are also a bunch of other touches that make this hotel a hit for me! There is complimentary wifi and it is good wifi. I was able to use it when I was sitting outside, in the meeting room, and in the evening when everyone is there! Hofsas House also has off street parking, which is a rarity in a community like Carmel-by-the-Sea. There is also a great continental breakfast with great pastries from a local bakery.  They also have a pool and a dry sauna! They even have a large room with a kitchen and fireplace that you could have gatherings or meetings (about 40 people). What can I say but I loved this hotel! 

Can I make a confession? Do know why I think this may be my favorite hotel in Carmel-by-the-Sea? This can be my always hotel for the Monterey area. If it is just the hubby and I just want to get away it is romantic and quiet. But if we want to bring all 4 kids for a little beach and nature exploration it can fit all of us. If we want to take a group vacation with friends or family  there are plenty of generously sized rooms. It would even be perfect for a girlfriend getaway for some shopping and great food. I love that it is so versatile because that is how you get to come often enough for a hotel to feel like a vacation home!

Have you been to Carmel-by-the-Sea? Monterey? What is your favorite local eatery? I am building a list of places to try now that I have a hotel!!!

(Disclosure: I was provided lodging at Hofsas House as part of the #llblognotaconf  but all opinions and thoughts are mine!)



Savings.Com Gift Guide!!!


(This is a sponsored post)

Are you looking for an epic gift guide? Look no further!!! Savings.Com have put together a 20 store gift guide. They had a variety of bloggers put together their favorite products in a variety of categories for this holiday season. There are a variety of price points for each store so no matter what you are looking for or what price point, you will find great things. They have tech stores, men’s clothes, cosmetics, and women’s clothing!

And I was one of those bloggers!!! I put together a great gift guide for Lane Bryant. There are a bunch of different items so you will be able to find the perfect gift for the plus woman in your life. Check it out;). 



Lane Bryant Gift Guide

Good holiday shopping!!!

Sears Black Friday Deals Online Now

(This is a sponsored post and there are affiliate links!)
It is Black Friday time!!! And has some great deals that are already available!

Here are 3 I think are pretty good and available now!


First up is the Craftsman 19 inch Classic Toolbox with Removable Tray for only $9.99! This is great for anyone who is just starting out! It is also great if you want to pair it with some of the small tool kits that are on sale right now.  



Are you ready for some fun? Then pick up this 54 inch Brentwood Foosball Table for $129.99. We are huge fans of foosball in the NerdFamily. I remember when NerdFamilyDad and I used to play when we were dating! This would be so fun to have!
searsplush Last up is a bargain of a blanket! It is the Cannon Velvet Plush Throw for only $5.99. It is 70″by 50″ and would be perfect for a winter night of watching movies on the couch. My kids all love having these type of blankets during the winter and they make great gifts.


There are so many things for sale at that are available now and I can’t tell you about them all. So here is the ad so you can see for yourself. Happy Shopping!

A Look at the Little House on the Prairie 18 Inch Doll

We recently got sent this adorable Little House on the Prairie Laura Ingalls Doll to review. Let me start with the fact that this doll is adorable. I loved the Little on the House the Prairie books, tv show, all of it and this official doll is no different. We decided to make this large review item an early Christmas gift for the baby. all the details of why we love this doll is up in the video!

But here are a few specifics. It is $99 and you can get it from Queens Treasure online or you can pick it up at Target stores. It is a standard 18 inch doll so it can wear clothes made for any other standard 18 inch doll. There are coordinating items in this collection so you can get everything and have a great play set!

Or you can try to win a great set with this doll included!!! Just follow all the details in the Rafflecopter!!!

Do you love Little House on the Prairie too? Then check out the site! It has history along with fun and crafts!

Laura Ingalls Wilder Doll

(Disclosure: The product was given to us but all thoughts and opinions are ours)

Goodies from Groupon Goods

(This is a sponsored post but all my opinions are mine!)

Holiday season is upon us! I can’t believe it but we are heading into the gift giving season. I love giving gifts, usually. But every year there are challenging gift giving situations. At least they seem to be challenging for me. But Groupon Goods is here to help. 

Every year there are those gifts you have to buy. Maybe it is your child’s teacher who you know nothing about. Or maybe it is your UPS person? Sunday School teacher? These are all people you may barely know but you really don’t think the 4th grade teacher need yet another apple mug/pencil/pad/etc. You want to get something fun yet inexpensive! I mean, you may be buying 20 of these type of gifts. flashing-braids

   Enter Groupon Goods. That quirky teacher may love some flashing, light up braids for crazy hair day. 



Who doesn’t love a shower speaker? I have actually had this one and it lasted for years! And for $8, you can’t beat it! 


banana-bunkerNeed a gag gift for an exchange? Then maybe you should consider a Banana Bunker. 

Now don’t get me wrong, Groupon Goods has a ton of high end products for great prices  too. Things like Cannon Cameras, Chi hair tools, and Little Giant ladders.  But I personally get a huge kick out of all these sweet little bargain pieces!


So go and grab some deals! And Happy Holiday Giving!

Doctor Strange is Finally Out!!! 6 Things You Need to Know


Doctor Strange is finally out! Nerddad and I got a chance to see it last week at a preview and it was so good!!! Ok, this is just going to be a short post because I don’t want to ruin anything for anyone. But here is a list of a few things you need to know!

1) You must see it in 3D if you can. It is visually stunning! The effects are better than any of the Marvel movies so far. We saw it in 3D and are planning on going back to watch it again IMAX 3D. Just gorgeous.

2) Really sexually pure. There is literally 1 line that says the word lover and 1 kiss. That is it.

3) A little language. There are a few bad words but nothing to bad, probably the lesser end of all the Marvel movies.

4) It is a great plot. It covers Dr. Strange’s origin and is just good. They don’t try to take on too much in my opinion. That seems to allow for better plot development.

5)Stay through the credits. I shouldn’t have to tell you this but stay all the way until the very end of the credits. Don’t pop out half way through when they show the first extra.

6)Just take your kids and go!

(I was given passes to see the movie but all opinions are mine)

The Mighty Splitter Beast!

Attention, heroes! The mighty Splitter Beast has broken out from underground! It has picked up a street lamp and preceding to come towards us! We have sent EVO and FURNO, equipped with a flame sword, micro blaster, and laser lasso to take down this monster. But it can split into two, causing a double trouble, two-ton titanic beatdown!

LEGO® 44021 Splitter Beast V. FURNO and EVO is second LEGO® HERO Factory Invasion from BELOW set. I bought it off Amazon for $27.90. I’m here to tell you why to buy it and why I really enjoy it. I think it is totally worth the price but you have to get it fast! Here’s why:

This set, and all other HERO Factory sets are Taken off Stores are getting rid of their limited stocks. On Amazon there is only 2 left in stock! That is why if you want it, get it soon.

Here are some cool things about this set:

  • The beast can split in two peices.
  • The small beast has poseable limbs when on the main beast’s head.
  • Not only is this the only set with two beasts, but the blue head is the only beast with an overbite.
  • EVO comes with a LEGO® Holo-pad.
  • The heros have all-new robot limbs.
  • The big beast has rare “beast feat”.

So now you have the facts. It’s your choice whether or not you get it. I just gave you my input.


Concept: Entertaining for Kids, Engaging for Adults



Finding games for the whole family can be very challenging. They are either too hard for the kids or super boring for the adults. What? Am I the only one? We are always on the hunt for games that the parents can play with the kids and with our adult friends. We found one of those games in Concept

ConceptplayConcept is a party game. It is sort of like Pictionary or charades but without the acting or drawing. You can compete individual or in rotating teams.

First the player (or team) draws a card. On that card are a variety of words or concepts. They are organized into easy, intermediate, and hard categories. You pick one of those items to describe to the rest of the table. 

Now this is where it gets really interesting, how you describe it. The board has a ton of squares on it. They have themes, colors, arrows, and so much more. (You have a sheet that give ideas as to what every square represent. ) Then you put markers on the board to try and communicate the item on your card to everyone else. The key is you get to pick out of the card. When they adults play we start with intermediate but the keys start with easy. 

It could be something as simple as rain or as hard as something like “Its not the end of the world”. You can used some markers to signify the primary idea and something else to bring in related ideas. You can really do all kinds of things. But you can’t talk. The only thing you can say is the word no. So that can help the group eliminate wrong guesses if they ask the right questions;). 

If someone guesses your word, concept, or quote you get 2 points and the person who guessed correctly gets one point! So this is a game where you want everyone to succeed. And you just keep going until you want to stop as a group, there is no “winning score”. It is so much fun! And with the adults playing the hard level, it is beyond hilarious. 

So on the nerdy side: Concept isn’t just a fun game. It really helps you learn a lot of communication skills. You have to think about your audience. What are your shared experiences that you can call on? What methods of logic and communication will they get? It is an awesome way to learn about knowing your audience, which is key in communicating with anyone. 

We absolutely love Concept and highly recommend it for families and parties of all ages. 

10daysbutton  This is part of the 10 Days of Nerdy Fun!!! Make sure you hop over to see what other great post of nerdy fun that will be shared!