Category Archives: Things & Travel

A Look at Alice Through the Looking Glass

The Nerdpie and I were so excited to get a chance to check out the preview of Alice Through the Looking Glass this week! So come take a quick look at what we thoguht!


I came into Alice Through the Looking Glass having seen the first installment, Alice in Wonderland. I enjoyed the first movie quite a bit. The Tim Burton look was really fascinating and I found the story a bit more compelling than usual adaptions. Based on what I knew of Alice Through the Looking Glass, I walked in expecting to be wowed visually, through the acting, and the plot.

I brought my 12 year old with me to the preview this week. She came from an entirely different experience. She hadn’t seen the first installment but she had read both books and loved them. Which means she came in with some specific book nerd expectations (that we can all relate too). I asked her before the movie began what her expectations were based on the commercials. She said that she expected more of a theme in the movie than there was in the book. She knew they were introducing Time as a character and she knew that more characters would recognize Alice. Apparently in the book she just wandered around in the second book, fairly unknown.

So how did is measure up?

We both really liked it! My expectations were totally met. The acting was quirky and great. I don’t know that I can watch anyone else as the Red Queen or the Mad Hatter. Even Tweedles are just perfect in this roles;). The look of the entire movie was also exquisite. The colors, costumes and background match the unique and vibrant story.

I also really loved the plot. It takes us to a world where Alice is older but still a relatively young adult. She is dealing with family, disappointment, the future, and time at the toll it takes on her life. And then she goes to Wonderland.

So what did Nerdpie think? Here is her 2 cents!


I went to see Through the Looking Glass thinking that it would be like the book but it really wasn’t. I think that the only thing that they really kept was the name and the fact that Alice went through a looking glass. I really loved it but it’s not what I expected at all. I think that I would have better understood the begining if I had seen the first movie but I still got most of the content. I loved that they talked more about Alice’s life! In the book all you know about her is that she sat down after tea-time and she is a girl named Alice. But in the movies they talk more about her and who she is, which I really loved.I loved that the most because it had a plot where in the book it is just getting her home and there is nothing else on the plot line. The movie is all inter connected and that is the kind of movie I love!

(Disclosure: We received an opportunity to view the movie for free in order to give our honest thoughts. All thoughts and opinions are ours alone!)

The #MacysProm Tour Comes to Concord

Approved Prom 2016 (1)

It is prom season!!! Every year Prom season comes around and with it comes new fashion trends. But Macy’s wanted me to let you know that they have your back! Macy’s Presents:Prom 2016! They will be showing you the best Prom dresses and accessories that are in this yeas. This is a series of events at a variety of Macy’s locations all over the country including (and especially) Concord Sunvalley location!

On Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 2pm at the Concord Sunvalley Macy’s will be the Clackamas Prom fashion show and shopping party. There will be a great fashion show with everything you need to make a great prom look. But there will be more!

The first 150 guests who check in will get VIP access to meet the Youtube singing sensation named Jackson Harris. They will even be able to snap a picture with him after his live performance. You can get a mini makeover and get a free gift when you try on a prom dress. Snap some great pictures too!!!

If you have a prom this year (or just want to check out a great new look) make sure you make plans to be there! If you aren’t in Concord make sure to check out the list of events to find one by you!

(Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of Macy’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.)

Project Mc2 Science Fair on Poptropica

Project Mc2_Poptropica_Science Fair_Camryn Coyle Experiment


You all know that I love Pi Day, computer games, and geeky STEM activities! I was stoke super stoked when Project MC² let me know about a cool project they are doing with a NerdFamily favorite! 

Starting on Pi Day you can partake in the Project MC² Virtual Science Fair on Potropica! The Virtual Science Fair will be featured on the Poptropica map of islands. Kids will be able to conduct a Project Mc² experiment, watch video, engage with the dolls from Project Mc² and win Project Mc² rewards to use throughout Poptropica between Pi Day and Easter.

This is the first in a series of STEM based activities that will be launched over the year on Poptropica.  Project MC² focuses on getting girls involved with STEM by their show on Netflix, their dolls, and now on Poptropica

For the record, I am not being compensated for this post. I just think it is cool;). 

Skylander Saturday!!!

New Character: Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz

This Saturday (1/9) is Skylanders Day over at GameStop! There are running some fabulous deals that are only good on Saturday.

– Super Charger Starter Packs: These are on sale for $39.99 for all the game systems! You can also pick up the Dark Edition for $59.99 and the 3DS version for $29.99.

-With every Super Chargers Starter Pack you get a free Starter Pack from a previous Skylanders system!

-Buy One Get One Free for any new Skylander character and vehicle!

-50% off Action and Combo Packs

This is a great day to take your favorite Skylanders nut out to GameStop. Or leave them home and do some gift shopping!!! What bit of Skylander’s goodness are you looking forward to picking up?

(I received nothing for this post, just wanted to share;)

Win Fandango Movie Tickets!


I absolutely love the holidays. I love the time with family and the food and the activities and and and…. I need a break. What better break is there than the movies? There are always great holiday releases and of course this year we have Star Wars!

Have you got your tickets yet?

Star Wars Movie Tickets

Even if you want to avoid the Star Wars crowd this weekend, the movies are a fun and relaxing holiday tradition. What can be more relaxing than winning movie ticket codes? This will be the perfect treat for you or someone you love after Christmas!

Fandango has given me 3 movie ticket codes good for any movie to share with 1 reader! So check out the Rafflecopter to enter! And pop over to Fandango to buy some movie tickets;).

(Disclosure: Fandango provided the prize and I have affiliate links. But all thoughts and opinions are mine!)

Sparking Plans for the Future with SparkGift


Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by money, economics, the stock market, and business. So I was stoked to be get the opportunity to write a sponsored piece about SparkGift!

I remember finding out that some kids were given stocks by grandparents as gifts growing up, not my family but more posh families. Oh man! I wished I had been getting stock shares since I was little. And those friends who really valued it? Well, we followed their stocks and I mean the old fashioned way, in the newspaper. But alas, for my very middle class family, blue chip stocks (like IBM, Disney, and Pepsi) were not real gift options. But things have changed!

But before I get to how…

If you are not a money nerd stop rolling your eyes. I know, you are wondering why in the world you should give stocks. Well, it is a literal investment in their future. Let us be honest, how many times do we need to get a kid gift but you have no idea what to get them? Not even just kids! I can say, I love Bath and Body Works but it seems to be the go to gift for every family or female gift where you have no idea what they want! So stocks would be a great gift in all those situations.

It is also an investment in a child’s future in a non-monetary way. It is such an educational gift and we know that I love an educational gift! Want a kid to take an interest in the stock market and over all economic theory? Give them a stake in it. Want them to understand why it is such a big deal what Apple’s profit statement is? What a stock split is? Give them a stock to follow. And when you put it in a sector they are interested in like music, tech, medical they will follow the sector news developments and see how it affects everything. I think I could even count this as an educational expense in my budget;). 

11025132_1011651565530633_9097004088803098691_nSo great, how do you get stocks to give as gifts? You don’t have a broker or stock account or any of that. Don’t worry! SparkGift has equalized the stock game! You can give stocks to a ton a great, to shelf companies starting at $20! You are giving a piece of the stock instead of having to buy whole shares of stocks where the prices start over $100. You don’t need a brokerage account or anything like that. You just go to the website and buy it. In like a minute. That is it! Then it gets emailed to the recipient and you can print a fancy looking certificate to give them in person! You pay the amount for the stock ($20-$2,000) plus $2.95 & 3% per gift sent. The recipient doesn’t pay any fees that means no account maintenance fees, no trading fees, and no account minimums. They just open a Folio Institutional account and they hold the account. It is that easy!

Want to receive stock as a gift for you or your kids? Then you can set up a registry! Then you get a link you can give out! I signed in with Facebook and listed a few of my favorite companies and I was done. It was so easy!! 

Any way you look at this it is easy and awesome!!! You could get all your Christmas shopping done from the warmth of your home in minutes;). Check out SparkGift

(Disclosure: I was compensated to write this piece but all thoughts and opinions are mine alone!)


5 Reasons to Rent Toys!

unnamed (6)

Pley recently approached me to write a post for the holiday season. For those who aren’t familiar, Pley is basically Netflix for Legos. And with Legos you know they got my attention;). You pay a subscription fee starting at $20 a month. For that you rent sets of Legos and K’nex with unlimited changes (send 1 back and get 1) and free shipping. But why would you want to do this for your kids or as a gift to someone else’s kids?

5 Reasons to Rent Toys!

1)Kids never get bored: When you rent Lego sets from Pley, you just send them back when you are done with them. And if you want to play with them again, just add them to your list again. There are over 400 sets available from Pley so your kids will never run out of new things to try. Boredom avoided!
2)You don’t have to store them: Toy storage is its own store department. I mean, toys and cleaning up the toys are a huge time drain. But if you are getting toys 1 set at a time, there just isn’t as much to store.
3)You don’t have to clean them: Toys get germy and gross. I try to clean them but it takes a lot of time! When you rent toys, they disinfect them between every use! I wish i could handle doing that at home.
4)Your kids play with expensive sets without paying more: When you rent toys you pay a set amount a month. For Pley is is $20 a month if you pay for 6 months at a time. If next month you get the Tie Fighter Lego set, you save $55! The Tie Fighter set is a $75 Lego! If you buy it and the kids get bored in just a month you will have spent a lot more!

5)You can easily set a toy budget: If you to a rental subscription then that is a fixed expense no matter how many sets of toys you get!!! Your kids can play with hundreds of dollars of toys in a month and your budget hasn’t been touched!

So there you have 5 great reasons to rent your toys instead of buying them. I think they are even better reasons to actually give a gift of rental for a month instead of buying toys for gifts!

unnamed (7) So check out Pley on their website or over at their Facebook page and find some other great reasons to check out their service!

(Disclosure: I was compensated for this post by Pley. But while they were the reason for the post, all thoughts and opinions are mine alone!)

Happy Birthday Lenovo!!! A Tour of Lenovo History from Beijing!

Lenovo turned 31 last week!! And to celebrate the birthday of my favorite computer company,  here are some of the pictures from my trip to Lenovo in Bejing!


For those of you who follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook you got to see some of the fun I had in Beijing just a few months ago. (For those of you who don’t follow me on all those place you should;) I was so stoked that Lenovo took me to Beijing for their great Lenovo Tech World event as part of the Lenovo Insiders (#LenovoIN) program.  

Before Lenovo Tech World we got to go on a tour at Lenovo’s headquarters! I can not do justice with my pictures or words as to just how informative and cool it was but I am going to try;).  I love the fact that we were taken on historical tour about Lenovo!  Here are just a few pictures!

What a gorgeous view of the Lenovo Main Campus

The Lenovo campus was absolutely gorgeous. Not just from a tech perspective but the buildings and everything! There is plenty of open green space with trees which are perfect for those mental health breaks everyone needs at work;). And they even have a Starbucks on campus!

We got to go through the official Lenovo tour that talked all about their history.

Legend’s first product: The Legend Chinese-Character Card
Did you know that Lenovo (at that time Legend) produced the 1st Chinese Home PC?
YY (the CEO of Lenovo) headed up the original PC Department!
YY (the CEO of Lenovo) headed up the original PC Department!

We also heard about how Lenovo has always been on the cutting edge, not only in actual technology but how they do business. Lenovo’s business practices have been documented and taught for years.

How they treat their employees! I didn’t realize that as Chinese society was changing in the 1980’s and 1990’s it became hard for employees at many companies to buy a home because it used to be part of the job benefits. So Lenovo saw that their employees need help and took the initiative to help their employees get mortgages and buy homes.

When Lenovo bought the ThinkPad business from IBM that created an international company. That is when YY actually began going by YY! He realized how hard it was for the Americans to say his name and in order to prevent any embarrassment he made it a company policy to call him the very informal YY. This in addition to the fact that electric tea kettles were brought into all the American offices and coffee was brought into all the Chinese ones just show what an effort that has been made to create this cohesive company and company identity.

We just got a small glance into Lenovo’s history and it made me respect and admire a company beyond the products that I already adore! It is easy to see why Lenovo is company that creates such loyal fans that span many years and products!

(Yes, Lenovo took me to China as part of the Insider’s program but all thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone.)

ZappCon is Back with All Things Nerdtacular!

ZappCon 2015

This weekend (Saturday and Sunday, October 17-18th) is the 2nd Annual ZappCon down at the Fresno Convention Center! I know that half of you are probably asking, “What the heck is ZappCon?” It is a local convention that is all about gaming, comics, and general geekery! Ok, that sounds boring in comparison to the fabulous schedule I have seen. Here is just a small glimpse.

For gamers there are a bunch of opportunities to actually play throughout the weekend. There will be groups playing specific games like Giant Tsuro, D&D, My Little Pony, Pokemon, War Machine, and lots more.  There will also  be open tables where you can bring your own games too. Want to know how to play some new games? Great, there will be some 101 and learn to play sessions for games like Pathfinder. There will be gaming panels too!

zappIf cosplay is you thing they have a variety of stuff planned for you too! There are a variety of cosplay celebrities who will be part of a Cosplay Super Panel. You can also LARP or attend a session all on the 501st Legion!

Of course there is a lot more geekery planned! I am personally really looking forward to the Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator. There will also be a very cool Artist’s Alley and comic panels. Like t craft? Then attend the session that will help you to make a Harry Potter scarf! Love music? Great! The DoubleClicks will be there and even teaching a ukulele session.

Little geeks? Don’t worry, there is something for them. Little Zapp’s Kid Zone is going to have a variety of events over the weekend. The coolest is the  Super Hero Training Course. The Snake Guy will be there as will Batman. There will also be games and face painting so the kiddos haven’t been left out. I didn’t see an age on that but I hope at least a couple of my kids will fall in the age range! 

This is looking like it is going to be a very cool and exciting event. I am even more excited because this is a local production! You can still get tickets at the door for $25 for one day or $35 for both. It is being held at Valdez Hall in the Convention Center. You can head over to the ZappCon site for more details and the actual schedule of events. 

So who will I see there?


The Reality of Solar and Sunrun


While this is a sponsored post, we actually have Sunrun solar service installed at our house!  And when people here we have Sunrun there are always questions because people have so many different ideas as to what solar service is. It is great that solar energy is good for the environment. It is also great that it reduces the amount of money that goes to PG&E. But people find the process mysterious and so they don’t even check to see if Sunrun is the right fit for them. So I am going to address just a few questions that we have heard!

1)Isn’t solar always so expensive to start? No, it isn’t ALWAYS expensive to start. It depends on what you do for solar. When you do the Sunrun solar service you are actually leasing the solar panels and everything from them. So there isn’t an upfront purchase.

2)Isn’t having solar a lot of work with the maintaining, cleaning, monitoring, etc? No! 1 of the great things about Sunrun and leasing the solar is that they monitor the system constantly. If there is a problem with your system and it quits producing, Sunrun takes care of it. 

3)So does that mean people are always around in order to monitor your system? No, all monitoring is off site. You can even see how your system is doing online. 

4)A lease? Don’t you always lose money on leases? Remember, this isn’t a car. This is a 20 year lease agreement. Technology will probably change a lot in 20 years and you probably can’t sell the panels off your house.

5)20 years? So what happens if I move? The new owner of your home takes over your solar lease. There is a simple process where a credit check is run and some forms are filled out. 

This is the actual Sunrun production graph I accessed online.
This is the actual Sunrun production graph I accessed online.

6)But are your bills really lower? Yes, they really are! My husband just put together a spreadsheet on our savings for our realtor. We have saved over $750 in the last year alone. Sunrun customers save an average of 20% on their electricity costs.* *Actual savings will vary. See for details.

7)What if I do all this and my house isn’t good for solar? Some houses are solar challenged but if Sunrun can’t save you money, they won’t sell you on a system! I like honestly from a company like that. 

8)So did you get all those cool cash back rebates from the government? Well, no. Those rebates will go to Sunrun because they actually own the system and not you. But just remember, those rebates are just a portion of the money invested in your system. And you don’t have to cough up those funds. 

We have been very happy with our Sunrun solar service and encourage you to check it out! I also really encourage you to pop over to the Sunrun’s Facebook page and enter win a really neat programmable Nest thermostat!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.