Category Archives: TOS Crew

KidsWealth Money Kit

Money and money management seemed to be a problem for everyone and the kids are a little young for the full Crown Financial program. So how do we teach our kids about it? Well, I recently received the KidsWealth Money Kit for my kiddos and I really like it. This isn’t a math based money program but a reality based one.

Basically you give your kids a portion of the money you already spend on them. Then you divide it into separate wallets (which really helps with the division in their minds) that each have their own spending areas: wealth, plan, learn fun and angel. The program encourages you to always take the fun wallet out with you and when your kids ask you to buy them something you simply put the ball back in their financial court. The wealth wallet is interesting because it is about growing their wealth. That can be savings, stocks or maybe something else (I am thinking a little business)

So the down sides (what can I say, I am a critical person). I don’t really spend a lot of extra money on my kids (you know the toys when you take them shopping for socks at Walmart). So that throws off the base idea of a monthly amount to give them out of what you already spend on extras. But it does help us decide what to do with the money from grandma or the pay for extra jobs they do. The other (slight) downside is that the fun wallet is so big. It won’t fit in my son’s pants pockets and my 5 year old doesn’t carry a purse. So it could be one more thing for mom to chase or just sub in a wallet of your choice for the fun wallet.

Over all we really liked it and will be employing it with all of the kids for years to come!

Peterson’s Handwriting Review

I recently received Peterson Directed Handwriting to evaluate with my kids and I have made some startling discoveries about myself;). The program is a good program. It has all the research that says how important handwriting is and that it is a learned reflex. I agree, the more you do it (the right way) the more natural it is. The problem for us lay in a couple of areas. First off you need to have the proper set up. It needs to be a straight edge table they work at (not a round kitchen table) with the chair height and desk height at a specific proportion. Also there is the right way to hold the pencil, place the paper etc. While I agree with all of this, it ends up being a lot like school at home.

I made the realization that I don’t like having everything so perfectly layed out for me to implement with out any leeway for me to customize. I also realized that I don’t care about handwriting as much as I thought. It is recommended that you try this for at least a month before you decide it doesn’t work. But in my house that still equals a lot of hours of fighting and for me it wasn’t worth it. Now I will be trying this again with different children (the joy of 4, always a new victim;) and maybe it will work better with a different personality. But I am not sure.

So my over all recommendation? It is a good program. It is obviously set up for either a classroom or some one who does school at home (verus our crazy method). It wasn’t a good fit here but it might work nicely for you.

Alphabet Alley Review

I recently got the opportunity to review a couple products from Alphabet Alley. They are a company that Christian themed toys for kids. I liked the Christian themed toys. Now, I don’t believe my kids are going to learn the story of Noah by playing Go Fish with words and pictures of the story but I do believe that it is a great way to affirm them and their Biblical knowledge. On to the actual products…

We got the Noah’s Ark Go Fish game and we love it. The cards a thick and sturdy so they will last. That in and of itself is a huge plus. But I also liked the illustrations and the words with them. It helps the kids get a little word recognition in addition to the number recognition they get just from playing Go Fish.

We also got the Two by Two Matching Game. I will say up front that we have a lot of matching games and while the pictures were super cute there wasn’t any inherent game play improvement. But the quality was awesome! They are very thick and durable. Not only will it last longer than the rest, the toddlers can’t “mark” cards to know the matches without flipping them over.

These products were great and I would be very willing to purchase anything from Alphabet Alley for either us or a gift!

All About Spelling Review

I recently got the opportunity to review the All About Spelling program and now I think I am in love. I will admit up front that I have kids that good at spelling. We have always made a game of knowing how to spell specific words starting as early as 3. Those games as great but someday your kids will see words they don’t know and will need to know how to spell. Because reading and spelling seem to be closely linked, we value it highly here in the NerdFamily.

This is a program to teach kids HOW to spell in life and not just a list of words. This program is based on learning the proper sounds for letters and blends along with the spelling rules. This isn’t workbook based and it does take a little time but it is worth it! This method uses all the senses by having word tiles that the kids can build words with or pick out with their hands and by you verbally teaching in addition to any writing they do.

They recommend that you start with the first book regardless of age but you can go through them at your own pace. So our second grader flew through the first book where as the kindergartner needs more time. This is also a product that isn’t just for homeschoolers. I can see it adapting fairly well in a classroom. Currently they have 4 levels out and a 5th one will be out in 2009.

Let me also give a shout out for their customer service. It is a small company and they will help you with any questions. It takes a lot to impress me and they have. So go check out their program and teach your kids All About Spelling.

Puppetools Review

I got the opportunity to evaluate Puppetools. Their mission is:

OUR MISSION is to open the door to sweeping change in education by advancing the principle of play in teaching and learning. The world still looks to America for inventive social, economic, and technological solutions. Once, America’s gift to itself –and to the world–was a bold new experiment in political freedom. America’s next gift–again for itself and for the world– can and must be a bold new leap in education.

Due to my creativity deficiency, I am always excited to try any thing that will help me out in the arts ‘n’ craft arena. This site focuses on the creation of hand puppets. It has a patent pending base and then downloadable templates that you can use to create a variety of puppets. There are also forums and opportunities to see what others are doing with puppets. There is also different things offered to give ideas on how to use puppets.

This site has a couple of different membership options. A year subscription is $99 and is good for up to 30 users. There is also a 60 day trial subscription for $20. With the trial you will have full access.

So my recommendation? For a homeschooling mom or small enterprise? If you really want puppet help, I would do the 60 day subscription and be prepared to look at everything during that time. I think you can fully take advantage of the program with in that time. On the whole it is ok. I do think you could find these resources cheaper but they are all here in one spot and that counts for something.

Go look at the site and let me know what you think!

Let’s Make A Webpage! Review

Recently I got the opportunity to review a new e-book called Let’s Make a Web Page! I hate to say this and if I do I may never be asked to do another review but…. Don’t buy this! This e-book, put out by Motherboard books, is supposed to teach your 8-12 year old how to program a basic webpage. Unfortunately, this really just teaches you how to use and manipulate a specific html editor (she tells how to get it) with a wizard. This means you don’t actually learn any coding. You could get the same effect by taking a basic Word document and have it convert the document into a webpage.

I know this is harsh but I don’t feel this actually expands any computer science knowledge. As someone who has taken programming, and specifically web design classes, this e-book doesn’t really give you any skills to take away. Normally when a product is not my cup of tea I look for the person it would help. This time I don’t really see a good audience that it could help.

So that is my 2 cents, take it or leave it. I promise I won’t be offended.

Times Tales Review

We recently received Times Tales to help the NerdBug learn his times tables. This is a cute mnemonic based system that is full of illustrations to help kids memorize their upper times table. Everyone I have talked to loves it. Well, we aren’t those people. For us, this system is harder than just memorizing the facts themselves. Because we are focusing so much on teaching him the theory, by the time he understood the concept he memorized it. This would be perfect for the person who isn’t working on the concept but is just trying to memorize. I am just not sure what kind of recall speed you would have if you have to recall the picture and translate it to numbers. At $29.95 you really have to figure out if you have the kind of child who would benifit from this system.

Time for Learning Review

My Nerdlings and I recently got the opportunity to use the Time for Learning. Basically this is an online educational service. You sign your kids up individually and enter their academic level. Then they log in and complete lessons that are organized by subject. Time for Learning tracks time spent on each lesson, score and activity type so parents can go in and review the basics of what their kids are doing. You even have the option of printing a report for your academic records.

The price basics are:
Subscription Costs:
$14.95/month per additional child
14 day money-back guarantee
No contracts
Cancel at any time

So what did we think? The kids liked it well enough. It was a centralization of academic activities but was it worth the price? Not for me. I could look at the subject and basic details of what an assignment was but when my kids didn’t score 100 I would have liked to look and see what they got wrong so we could correct it. You can’t see any of the actual work they did. Also, and this isn’t a big deal, NerdBug did the playground time (a reward for getting their assignments done) and it took him to PBS Kids. I don’t have a problem at all with PBS Kids but it was the fact it took him outside the system that bothered me.

The user interface was a bit clunky because the kids had to listen to every explanation (“Click here when your done”, for example) before they could do anything. My kids who have been on a computer for years found that a bit annoying.

Frankly, if you are friends with your Google I think you can collect enough sites to not need a service like this. But if you are not real internet savvy or don’t want to spend the time, it is a nice service.

Man in the Map Review

American geography is important. There I said it. But the question is how do we teach it. Previously I have worked with flash cards. Now that has seemed to work as long as the kid is just looking at the shape of the state but placement doesn’t really fit into this plan. Well, The Little Man in the Map book seems to have some solutions.

This award winning book has beautiful illustrations that emphasis the rhyming system. It has separated the US into regions and then has rhymes that help you remember each state individually and as a region. My kids absolutely loved it! You can use this book in conjunction with the wall map to make an entire US geography unit. How we are going to use it is with a lot of reading. The kids think it is such a fun book they keep wanting to read it.

Right now Schoolside Press is running some great deals. First of all they are doing free shipping for the holidays. The book by itself is $19.95 and the map is $21.95 but you can get the combo pack for $35.00. You can even get the book autographed!

My kids and I definitely recommend this book for families with kids under about 5 grade. Go check it out!

Clean ‘N’ Flip Charts: Review and Giveaway

Ever wanted your kids to help out around the house but they once again seemed to forget what they are supposed to do? What you think about a system that lays it all out for them so you don’t have to be there telling them what to do every step of the way? I can say that especially as a homeschool mom, I had to get a system because if I had to do it all…well, we would all be in trouble.

I recently got the opportunity to review a collection of Clean ‘N’ Flip charts from Trigger Memory Systems and their Laundry for Kids, Bedroom Cleaning for Kids and Zone Cleaning for Kids do just that. Each chart goes through step by step and tells kids what they need to do. It sets out to teach kids the logical way of attacking these jobs. The Laundry for Kids has check boxes where you can point out the jobs you want your kids to do (not erasable). The Zone Cleaning chart is dry erase chart so you can personalize with any extra jobs that go with each room. You also have a spot to assign a job to a specific job and a time of day to do.

Overall, I think this is a really great idea for anyone who doesn’t have an effective chore system. But at $30 for all 3 it is a bit pricey for the convenience of having it all laid out for you. But if you want to check them out for free….

Win it!

How would you like to win Laundry for Kids?
To enter:

* Stop by the Trigger Memory Systems before Saturday December 20th and check out the cool items they have.
* Then come back and mention in comments what you think is the best. That’s it!
* A random winner will be selected and notified on Dec 21st.
* The winner will then have 3 days to claim their prize.

To earn extra entries, you may do one or all of the following. Each one counts as an extra ticket but you must leave a separate comment for each one.

* Subscribe to my feed.
* Mention this giveaway on your blog with a link back here and to Trigger Memory Systems.

This giveaway is open to addresses within the US. Please leave a way to contact you in case you win.

This week I am only giving away Laundry for Kids but I will be giving away another chart next week!