Category Archives: Video

YouTube and Homeschooling

Does anyone else remember the animated science show on PBS called Eureka? Well, it is probably not surprising that bother NerdDad and I loved this show as kids. So NerdDad set to searching this out for the Nerdlings and Eureka! he found them. There are 30 pieces of episodes over at YouTube. We have downloaded them and uploaded them to the Tivo. NerdBug and NerdPie are loving them. They may not understand all the complex science but they ask to watch them over and over. So I am sure that the science will sink in! So I don’t know who BubbleBear83 is but I appreciate the effort. Now that is using the Internet to our advantage!

Super Hero Movie of the Year

I am in the process of introducing my wife to all aspects of nerd culture that she was deprived of as a child. It began when we were dating (X-Files, The Simpsons) and has progressed through some of the later Star Trek series (though her Shatner-tolerance is still woefully lacking). But I still haven’t gotten her to what was the core of my nerdy youth: comic books. (I figure that at least half of the money that went through my fingers from ages 9-15 was spent on comic books.) That is why I dedicate the post to NerdMom, in hopes that someday she will come to understand that the following youtube clip is the greatest thing that the Internet has ever put before my eyes.

More about this here, HT House of Eratosthenes

Now We Find Out What Ford Really Thought

I have to say that I have always understood the fine tight rope that former Presidents are forced to walk. They never enjoyed open criticism when they were President yet I am sure that they have plenty to say about the numbskulls that later occupied the White House. Well, Gerald Ford found a great way to handle it. He did a series of tapes with Daily News Washington Bureau Chief Thomas M. DeFrank in order for DeFrank to write Write it When I’m Gone. So far we have found out that Ford thought Bill Clinton was a sex addict and Hillary wore the pants in the family. I think this will not only by anecdotally interesting but we might get more insight into what drove Ford and what really happened in this situations that we are all curious about. Such as,

After the House voted to impeach Clinton but before the Senate’s decision on whether to convict him, the sitting President phoned the ex-President.

“He said he needed my help and wanted to know if I could help,” Ford recalled not long after.

Ford had written two Op-Ed pieces in which he called for Clinton to admit he had lied to federal investigators in exchange for censure over impeachment.

He told Clinton that he would help him, if he agreed to such a deal.

“Bill I think you have to admit that you lied. If you do that, I think that will help – and I’ll help you. If you’ll admit to perjury, I’ll do more,” he said.

“I won’t do that,” Clinton told him. “I can’t do that.”

Let me just declare now, I want this book! If there is a publisher out there who would like me to review this book over here, please just mail me a copy;). I have a request in at the library already (I am #6 and they don’t have it yet) so when I read it I am sure you guys will get to hear about it. But if you read it first Share!

(HT: Instapundit)

Four minutes to a nerdier you!

Here at the nerdFamily blog, we like to celebrate all things nerdy. And believe me when I tell you that there isn’t a scientific subject more nerdy than string theory. (It’s nerdier than quantum physics and non-Euclidean geometry combined!) And so, we present Discover Magazine’s pick, and viewers’ pick for best String Theory in Two Minutes or Less video:

Their pick – String Ducky:

Viewers’ pick – The Problem with Math:

You are now significantly nerdier than you were four minutes ago. You’re welcome.