Category Archives: Vlog

An Unproductive and Not Fun Week! NerdMom’s Life

Cousera’s Google Project Management Certificate

Most of the things mentioned!

Passion Planner (Use my link for $5 off)

A week with tea and fundraisers! Vlog

Most of the things I mentioned:

Cousera’s Google Project Management Certificate

Teas of the Week!

Everything Else!

Because 2 Idiots Fell in Love


For those of you who don’t follow my Youtube channel (and why don’t you;) let me tell you something. The NerdFamily is buying a house and moving! It has been quite a journey this summer! From falling in love with a house we weren’t really looking for to trying to sell the house we are in to the new house having 2 types of termites.

And what is scarier? This is just the beginning of this journey. Due to the age of the house and everything, there will be lots of renovations that will be coming in the next few years. I don’t think I really can plan on ever being done. But the house is amazing!

But before our Escrow closes and the house is ours, why don’t you check out my video series so you know the story so far? You will even find out what I mean by the title;).

The Joy of My Daughters

Ok, I got a little gushy talking about my girls and how they have changed my life! Both my daughters’ birthdays are this week and it made me think. Having them has completed me but not in the normal way;). Excuse the angle and vertical filming;). I was having a moment and if I edit it or try to refilm it, I won’t do it again.

Ups & Downs of Vlogging #VlogMom

I try somethings new with my vlogging this week! I am outside, wearing red lipstick, and even did some annotations;). What do you think?

This week’s #VlogMom prompt is from Rajean at ‘B Cause I Said So’ ( . She wants to know our favorite and not so favorite things about blogging or vlogging. I talk about the joys and challenges I have in vlogging!


3 Pieces of Wisdom for my Teen Self #VlogMom

I appear to be back vlogging! I jumped back in with this week’s #VlogMom prompt. This week’s prompt is what 3 things you would tell your teenage self. I am not sure that I would have believed myself but I give it a go!

So what 3 things would you have told yourself? Make sure to let me know in the comments!!! And then check out some of the other great #VlogMom videos!
