Ok, I have a couple of outfits that I like but I don’t know if they are good for my blogging conference next week (Blissdom). And while I love my husband, he is no help in these areas;). So I am coming to you, the blogosphere to help! What do you think of these?

This is an outfit that I wore on TV back on February 3rd. It is a simple black, knit dress with a faux belt. I love these slouchy black boots because they are flat!!! And of course I am wearing my standard denim jacket (best find ever). I am not sure about the denim on the black but the sleeves are just cap sleeves so I need something over it! Oh, I picked up that dress for just $14 from Ross!
And this is what I wore yesterday. The belt is my new acquisition. I picked it up over at Lane Bryant and I think it helps camouflage the belly. But I am just not sure about the over all look. And I will not be taking those 3 inch wedges to Blissdom;). But I am super comfy in that roomie purple shirt and the skinny jeans are slimming, right? (Am I just fooling myself?)
Let me know what you think and someday I may be able to dress myself;). Maybe.
I am linking up to:

So this is what I wore on tv last week. I don’t know if it was the right choice but;). There is something about a crisp white shirt that just always makes me feel pulled together. So I paired a white shirt from Lane Bryant with a denim jacket (that is my go to) that I got on clearance about 18 months ago from Fashion Bug. I think it looks pretty cute with my awesome Lee jeans that I got at BlogHer! I actually wore my red heels on camera but ran my errands in my CLaundry black flats. I added a multi-string necklace to give it a touch of edge. Pretty easy to wear.

So I am often unsure of my outfits, with trying trends and prints but not sure if it is just too much. This is an outfit I wore out to run errands. This shirt (from the Avenue) is one of the things I am never sure about. The hubby thinks it is a little much but I always get compliments. So I am very torn. What do you think?
The pants are also from The Avenue and a simple tank. I have some great black flats that I found from Ross that are CLaundry brand.

Then onto the jewelry! I picked up this set from Fashion Bug as a $6 Black Friday deal. I hadn’t gotten Christmas jewelry in years and decided that I needed a more mature look;).

This flower headwrap is another fashion quandary. I think it is cute but…. it feels a little large. And is it too juvenile?
Ugh! I wish I felt more confident about these things!
Now I still have to figure out what I am wearing on tv this week. Next week you will see what I chose;).

So I decided to start participating in What I Wore Wednesday! I figure that it will help keep me out of sweats. I like clothes but sometimes it is hard to justify wearing something cute to hang out around the house.
This week I am starting with an outfit I wore to church on Sunday. The shirt is from the Avenue and I got it for a steal. I think it was $10? The pants are by Caribbean Joe. The shoes are one of my favorite things and are by Strictly Comfort.
I realized that you can’t see my super cute blingy snowman earrings but next time I will take better pics!

A Pro Nerd Family of Pro Family Nerds.